Fraternal Twin #1Fraternal Twin #2







In Part I ( I offered my working reflections on how the same human design can show up so differently in two different people. I looked at what different souls bring to their human design, including their soul trajectory, their unique dharmas, karmas, and life purpose.

In this conversation I consider how different expressions can stem from the same definition.

Part II: Different expressions can emerge from the same basis

How does the same definition give rise to different expression?

The Artisan Soul Archetype

What we know about Fraternal Twin #1: he’s extroverted, strong-willed and argumentative. He takes a stand for his convictions and feelings, not always diplomatically, and sometimes in an offensive manner. He is creative. He understands the mechanics of structure; that is, how things are put together. He’s innovative. No doubt he is interested in making beautiful objects, both for their beauty and function. In another system, he would be classified as an artisan. An Artisan seeks creativity and the structure behind it. This is yet another influence that will shape how the definition in the design chart is expressed. Artisans are original and creative thinkers, they tend towards artistic expression and engineering. There are more artisans in the fine arts than any other role. They tend to use their hands to produce objects for use by mankind. They enjoy re-imagining what’s possible to express in the physical. Career-wise, artisans can be artists, inventors, poets, writers, craftsmen, actors, architects, engineers, mechanics, repairmen, and athletes.

The Scholar Soul Archetype

Fraternal Twin #2 is introverted. He is inclined to avoid argumentative scenarios. He is studious and tends to keep to himself. He also keeps his feelings and his opinions to himself. In another system he would be classified as a Scholar. Scholars seek knowledge. Scholars often see life as an experiment. They tend to view the world primarily in terms of its information content. Life is seen as a classroom and the scholar is the star pupil; everything is just so much data to be gathered and sifted. The world is a laboratory to experiment in. The Scholar physical appearance is often androgynous or neutral. They tend to be scientists, scholars, writers, researchers, mathematicians, and professors.

I introduce the archetypes of Artisan and Scholar (there are others) as more food for thought to see why the same chart can express differently. Of course, our main focus needs to be on utilizing our understanding of the human design chart as the basis for why Fraternal Twin #1 and Fraternal Twin #2 are so different.

With that in mind, remember that both Fraternal Twin #2 and Fraternal Twin #1 are very young. At age 12, they are children at the precipice of their lives and have as many more experiences to incorporate, digest, and form beliefs and self-knowledge from. Therefore, who they are going to show up as later in life is far from solidified. In the meantime, we have a few evolving personality details and a permanent design to focus on.

Both Fraternal Twin #1 and Fraternal Twin #2 demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to their environment. The 19-49 and the 39-55 indicate high levels of sensitivity, creativity, and moodiness. Fraternal Twin #1 expresses his sensitivity in a defended manner, and Fraternal Twin #2 expresses it by avoiding conflict. Fraternal Twin #2 also cries when conflict arises, again indicating his sensitivity to becoming easily imbalanced by external events in his environment. They have the 43-23, a channel that is known for its individuality, its melancholy, its genius, and its sense of being an outsider. The 43-23 often finds it difficult to articulate their vision so that it will be understood, and better yet, supported by their community.

Variable Influence of the Centers

The open Head Center creates pressure to come up with answers to others’ questions, and to live out others’ ideas or inspirations. This can create confusion, especially in someone so young, as to what they truly consider to be inspirational for them, and what questions they are personally interested in getting the answer to.

Their open G or Identity Center will create a lifelong sense of having a fluid, chameleon-like sense of self. They will naturally adapt to and unconsciously accept others’ identities as their own. It will be a long time before each connects to a solid sense of self.  The adaptive sense of self in the open G-Center can lead to outbursts (Fraternal Twin #1) and withdrawal (Fraternal Twin #2) as they struggle to identify their essential sense of self  There will be times when they do not recognize themselves — meaning  they’ve drifted far from a personality expression that they are comfortable with.  But at this point in their young lives it is natural to try on different personalities.  As well, Fraternal Twin #2 will likely spend a great deal of time researching his interests and gradually develop an understanding of who he is.  Fraternal Twin #1 will develop greater self-knowledge through his own creations and how others receive them.

Not much has been noted in the information given how the 44-26 is being expressed, but what we know about these boys hints at, particularly in Fraternal Twin #1, the drive to take ideas and give them physical form.

The defined Will Center is currently being expressed by Fraternal Twin #1 in a defiant manner having to do with being right or proving himself (perhaps masking his insecurity around his convictions) and in Fraternal Twin #2’s case, he seems to be expressing the not-self aspect of a defined Will Center – which is to be more circumspect and hidden about his value, perhaps because he is not sure of his value. Fraternal Twin #1’s interest in producing material creations also hints at a business aptitude.

The Impact of Emotional Authority

The twins have complex emotional authority.  They have two distinct wave types, tribal and individual. The individual wave needs time to experience the length of its entire wave at least once before it can arrive at sufficient clarity. IThe tribal wave is not as long or anywhere near as intense, with the exception to intensity when events involve personal and family connections. The emotional wave is melancholic, which can come off as anger and withdrawal. Its penetrating emotional depth can be confusing and overwhelming, even for adults. It takes observation to learn that you cannot resist this wave, and to understand how it operates in you.  It is necessary to surrender to its highs and lows before you achieve clarity on how you feel about something and what you really want to do. This long individual wave is designed to make life-changing decisions by taking its time before committing. Forcing the “hand” of the 39-55 can have negative consequences.  Each individual will have their own way of expressing this wave and none will be wrong, but their duration and cycle can very different.

Elements of the Chart

Each twin is working on self-empowerment and self-love (Gate 10) in their own way; each expresses ideas (Gate 11) in their own way, and each brings inspirational downloads (Gate 64) which they will apply to their insights and creations in their own way.

In gate 44 we can see the patterns that aren’t working and how to transform them so that our patterns can be aligned with our purpose.  Our awareness of what’s possible shifts when we break out of the old patterns or paradigms that kept us stuck in our thinking. Gate 44 also inspires us to create beautiful environments.  Each twin will be drawn to creating some type of venue that others will benefit from.

Their conscious Sun (Gate 9) is the gate of focus. Gate 9 has the potential for obsessive behavior and thinking. We see this in Fraternal Twin #1, and perhaps in Fraternal Twin #2 as well, although not much has been said about his need to develop an intense relationship to his passion, other than what might be hinted at via his tendency for being studious.

Their Profile, 2/4, the Hermit Opportunist, expresses as both shy (2) and social (4). Hermit Opportunists bond through a strategy of both shyness and boldness. We see the shyness expressed more overtly in Fraternal Twin #2 (and perhaps solely at this time), and the boldness in Fraternal Twin #1, with apparent less emphasis on being shy and withdrawn (2). Both of these boys are currently being called (and will continue to be called) out to share their talents, and they will depend on their network of close friends and associates for mentoring and opportunities.

Not enough is known to comment on how they express their Incarnation Cross, the Right Angle Cross of Planning.

End Part II.

In Part III ( we will look at how soul or life purpose is identified in the twins’ design charts.

Copyright © 2015 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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  1. joyce says:

    Where is Part III?

  2. Kristina says:

    Thanks for this post. Curious – my son and my friend share a birthday but 25 years apart and different birth times. My friend is outgoing, vivacious and optimistic. My son is quiet, introspective and cynical (he’s also a young male.) They have a nearly identical chart: manifestor-generator, 4/2, right angle cross of Eden. Do all people who share a birthday have the same chart?

    • gloria says:

      Hi, Kristina. You ask, “do all people who share a birthday have the same chart?” They have the same exact chart if they are born on the same day and the same time and the same place. The Moon is the fastest moving planet, so even a few hours difference in birth time will place the Moon in a completely different Gate in the Human Design Chart. That Gate becomes part of the design, and so it adds its own influence and life theme. One chart will have that Gate, and the other, a few hours earlier (or later), will not. And as well, one of the other faster moving planets, say Mercury or Venus, was in the sixth, or last line of a Gate, and because of the different time will have moved to the next zodiacal Gate, into the first line. When we are looking at birthdays that are years apart, the placements of ALL the planets will likely be in entirely different gates creating different channels and defining different centers. That is because the planets are always moving through the zodiac, occupying different positions. A single degree difference in the zodiac will place the Sun and Earth in different Gates, thereby changing the Profile. Also, each planet has its own velocity, and its own cycle with regard to how much time it takes to make one revolution through the zodiac. This means that we cannot expect that Mercury in your son’s chart is moving at the same speed as Mercury your friend’s chart. Therefore, they can easily fall into different Gates. And consider that there are retrograde periods for planets as well, each with their own cycles. And if a connection was made from a motor to the throat, and if the sacral is also defined (must have both to have a Manifesting Generator), you might easily have another energy type. The same applies to the profile — depending on the time of day, the profile will change! I would say it is something of a coincidence that your son and friend have the same Cross and Type. I hope this answers your question.


  3. Miranda says:


    I have twin nephew’s and the difference in their chart is the colour/base etc, the (smaller) numbers behind their profile.
    I also see that twins automatically reflect and learn from eachother. They copy their behaviour and deal with it differently. I’ve also used normal astrology of which I can say HD goes more in dept. But it goes hand in hand as well.
    What would be interesting is a Siamese twin.. 1 body 2 personalities.
    In documentary ive seen 1 loves ketchup the other dispise it (can taste it) but puts up with it.

  4. gloria says:

    Hi, Miranda. Thank you for your comment. I agree that twins reflect each other and learn from each other. When I look at a Design, I see a map of tools, attributes, and yearnings. I see that there are innumerable ways in which that Design can express. How someone chooses to become who they are depends on so many things – conditioning, validation, being seen, being given opportunities to be who they are and apply themselves to those things that call to them…if we are squelched we will limit how we express. On the other hand, the potential is always there. As we get older and develop a stronger sense of who we are, we can throw off those ideas and behaviors that aren’t true to us.

    I want to add that the bottom line in how any Design will express has everything to do with the soul that took it on for that lifetime. Souls are at different stages in their evolution — we have different histories; some longer, some shorter. We come in with different goals (dharma) and obligations (karma). The more your soul comes into awareness of who she or he is and what she or he came to do, the greater the wisdom that accompanies that soul’s choices, and hence, the more fully the Design will be expressed. As well, that Design will function in the world at a high vibration.

    In the case of the Siamese twins, know that there are two different souls sharing that body, or another way of saying it — two completely different consciousnesses that will continue to evolve and make meaning of the severely restricting circumstances they are in. The Design the Siamese twins share may not be very active in the physical world, but each soul will have their unique experience and use the Design to access information, draw conclusions, and continue exploring what it means to live inside the limitations of a body and the parameters of a Human Design.

  5. Jonah Dempcy says:

    I have been looking for a connection between Myers Briggs/Jungian personality type and Enneagram type with Human Design. I decided to look at the charts of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen who were born 2 minutes apart. The most significant change I can find in their chart is that the Moon has a different color. The Moon moves very fast, as you noted. It moved into a different color in the 2 minutes between when they were born.

    One of them is INTJ and the other is INFP, and one is Type 6 and the other is Type 4 in Enneagram. I am wondering if the Moon, as focus and drive, gives us a particular orientation which becomes our personality type.

    I would dismiss personality type as a changeable thing except for the fact that we now have firm scientific evidence that it, in fact, does not change. Now, it could still be something that happens because of conditioning, because of nurture and not nature. That’s a possibility. But even small babies show markedly different personality types which even show themselves in physical characteristics, to a degree. So, I’m wondering if, in this case, there is a different Moon color between the two twins you analyze, and if so, could the color of Moon (perhaps working in conjunction with the rest of the chart) play a part, here?

  6. gloria says:

    Hi, Jonah. Thank you for your deep and thought-provoking question. I think it’s an endlessly fascinating study to identify the correlations among different systems, as in which component of which system speaks the same language as, or is close to or synonymous with, a component in another system. Comparing systems certainly shows the strengths and focus of each. And it is very, very useful to consider different systems in the study of personality and how it expresses.

    Regarding the color of the moon in terms of its impact on personality expression and orientation and creating notable differentiations in the charts of twins, I confess I am not able to speak to that with any degree of sophistication. There are, however some very large and significant factors that, for me, explain clearly why there are remarkably different expressions of the same design.

    What I have learned, over my years of study and observation, is that each soul, prior to incarnation, prepares and commits to a plan. That plan will include the soul’s dharma and karma. The dharma is what moves us more to who we are and who we are becoming, and is the movement towards, and expression of, the soul’s purpose for that life. Karma requires the restoration of “energy” that has been stolen from someone else. Energy theft takes many forms — destroying reputations, stealing money needed to live, stealing property needed to live, victimizing others, using others, lying that causes another to make wrong choices, and murder. There are many such examples, and I’m sure you get the picture.

    There is the matter of WHO the soul is. Souls come in all shapes and colors. Souls move through a progression whereby they become older and wiser. There are 35 levels to a soul age, beginning with the infant soul stage, moving to the baby soul stage, then to young, then to mature, and finally, to old. Each of these stages has seven levels, and each level will take several lifetimes to move through.

    Many souls will have the same design, but because the souls are at different stages in their evolution, how they will express that design is going to vary. Even if the souls are at the same soul age, they will still express differently. Why? They have different histories. Those histories impact how they perceive life and how they interact with it. Each of us has our unique take on what is real and what is truth, and each of us is inevitably unique in expression. Why? Because THE DESIGN IS NOT THE SOUL. The soul uses the design’s attributes as a means of focus and orientation, and because it wanted to emphasize certain skills and perceptions, and because it wanted to have certain experiences.

    Souls take on many different attributes through their enneagram, astrology, numerology, myers-briggs, human design, and so on. Even if they share the same birth date they will not necessarily have the same enneagram. Or the same myers-briggs results, for the reasons already mentioned. These personality and temperament profiles and sorters are extremely useful in giving us direction on where our interests and sensitivities lie. And in doing so, they also point back to the soul’s purpose for the current life.

    We also need to look at the different types of essence roles that a soul will take on. There are seven: sage, artisan, priest, server, warrior, king, and scholar. These roles express very differently. Souls also take on secondary and tertiary roles, drawing from this group of seven, and so you get many permutations. Therefore, how the personality expresses, even with the same design, is going to be, again, very different.

    Without going into any detail on how these essence roles are different, consider how differently an old sage and a baby warrior with the same design would express. I can assure you that the differences in expression between these would be quite distinct.

    When we’re looking at systems, my belief is that we are looking at the qualities and experiences that the soul wanted to have, but each soul, depending on their age, their history, their essence roles, their karmas and dharmas, and more, is going to take the same information and express it in the way that will support the soul’s dharma, or purpose. So Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, being two entirely different souls on different trajectories, illustrate that twins can and will have different enneagrams and different myers-briggs because they are not the same soul (except in very rare cases, and not the topic of this discussion), and as such, have different places to go and things to do. This is manifested outwardly in how the life is lived, but also perhaps even more so in the private recesses of imagination and in the processes of mind where analysis and synthesis take place.

    For more information on soul age, see
    For more information on essence roles, see

  7. Cynthia says:

    I am just learning about Human Design, and have identical twin girls. I am SO grateful for these posts about twins/matching charts! Were you able to complete Part III? I have been searching, but unable to find it.

    • gloria says:

      Hi, Cynthia. Thanks so much for writing to me and expressing your appreciation for the articles on twins. My bad that I never wrote Part III about the life purpose as indicated by these twins’ Human Design. An important thing to know — Human Design charts have a certain amount of stretch or flexibility to them, so that while two or more people have the same chart, some of the themes in the chart are going to be expressed in a big way and others not as much, depending on the goals of the Soul who has that chart. Because you’ve brought it to my attention that I lapsed in not preparing a Part III, I am going to work on that and I will let you know when it is posted. Blessings, Gloria

  8. gloria says:

    On November 30, I posted Part III to HUMAN DESIGN: SAME CHART, DIFFERENT SOULS:

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