Our Design describes how our energy is meant to flow.

It shows us the best tools to apply our energy. It guides us to choose appropriately, shows us where our greatest strengths are, and what we will be drawn to. The direction in which our energy flows is intended to show us where and how to carry out our life plan and soul purpose. That is because our energy naturally flows towards what we are supposed to be doing, being, and learning.

Our Design energies are expressed through our creativity, how we relate to others, how we find our place in the world, the type of vocations that interest us, and how we find meaning and fulfillment. In other words, our Design is the map of the path that has the potential to lead us to the highest expression of our purpose. Above all, your Design is intended to serve your continuing evolution. But we can also say that who we are is the map our Human Design is meant to follow, or emulate.

Because the Chart is not the Soul.  Your Human Design is not your Soul.

All of us are born with our own agenda, or soul contract. In addition, we are all impacted by multiple influences besides our Human Design. Your psychology, astrology, numerology, sociology, genetics, and upbringing are just a few of the additional influences you bring to your Human Design. Even twins raised in the same family will not have the same perceptions or experiences. Understand also that each part of the Human Design chart has a significant range for how it can express, from lower (reactive, lacking self-awareness) to higher (awareness of why the self has particular responses, and also how acting on those affects the well-being of self and others), as well as an assortment of ways from which each part’s attributes can express. Every person chooses, with awareness or not, how they will express their Design.

We each have a unique soul trajectory.

Our soul’s trajectory describes where we’ve been and who we’ve been, including how we have treated others, how others have treated us, and how we may have impacted collective history, for good or ill.

Our soul history (trajectory) affects the purpose and direction of our current lives. In other words, the dharma or life purpose that we incarnated to express and explore, and the karma we came to restore, is influenced by our previous lives. Karma is inevitable, as all actions must be brought to balance. Dharma is necessarily woven into the fabric of our lives. This is because the direction of the Universe evolves towards higher consciousness. Higher consciousness is about unity; it is not about exclusion. Exclusion always results in imbalance, inequity, suffering, and the continuing creation of karma. The agreements or soul contracts we’ve made assist us to connect to our dharma and bring us to the karmas that seek resolution. Note: None of us came in with a manual that gives us the details or outlines our authentic path, but listening to what calls to us is how we find our way.

Your life is part of an unimaginably complex tapestry.

Your life is woven into the intentions of an evolutionary field that spans the personal to the collective and beyond. Think of these intentions as written on a giant “canvas” nurtured inside the incomprehensibly boundless consciousness of the Universe. That consciousness can never be captured by a single interpretative modality or combination of modalities. The breadth of that  field does not appear to be measurable, and its beginnings are enveloped in mystery.

The bottom line with how any Design will express has everything to do WITH THE SOUL that took it on for that lifetime. Again, souls are at different stages in their evolution.  We have different histories; some are longer, and some are shorter. Some of us are younger souls, and some of us are older.

Our history influences the unique goals (dharma) and different obligations (karma) of our life. As you become more aware of who you are and what you came here to do, your discernment about the correct choices for you also increases.  

No one can tell you why you have the life you have.

No one can say why some lives endure greater suffering than others — karma, accidents, the luck of the draw, intentional choice — who knows. There are also larger cultural forces influencing our lives, including the paradigms and assumptions about how we are supposed to live our lives. These can exert considerable pressure and knock us off our path. Still, some have it easier than others. While we can be sure that we had a hand in some of what we experienced, we will probably never know how much was our doing and how much was outside interference.

Even so, whatever is on our plate is what we must manage. 

Maybe you have a sense of why you have the life you have and why you’ve had the experiences you’ve had. And you still struggle to make sense of it. The important thing is to use all your experiences to keep affirming your gifts and your path. Whether or not you choose everything that happens to you, you can know, through your experiences, what belongs to you, what is yours to do, and where you need to be.

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Projectors can have the biggest difficulty of all the types with navigating life. Yes, even more so than Reflectors, whose Sacral is also undefined. The Reflector aura holds energy differently, so they are not as overwhelmed as Projectors when they take in external energy. And don’t consider placing Manifestors in the same category just because they don’t have a defined Sacral! Manifestors have a motorized throat, and that’s kind of like having a Sacral. Seriously.

The Projector aura reaches out to read the energy field, and while that makes them deeply insightful, it also creates vulnerability.  It is said that a Projector’s overarching purpose is to hold the subtle body of the planet together and clear out the debris of collective energy.  Over time, in addition to living their own lives, Projectors can become deeply exhausted with this extra energy work.

The Projector Design emerged after the discovery of Uranus in 1781. A shift in the bodygraph which created two additional centers (we went from 7 to 9 centers), and which gave birth to the Projector template.  It also installed the awareness in all the types that they had sovereignty and free will. 

A Projector feels their sovereignty deeply. Because of the nature of their aura, they are especially aware of the uniqueness of all beings and the right of all beings to the tree of life, that is, to live in a manner that supports their happiness, fulfillment, and well-being. A Projector’s well-being is undermined by being too available, having too many social and professional commitments, and working too many hours. Culturally, the perceptions, paradigms, and demands of keeping body and soul together are based on the Generator’s capacity to draw from a sustainable source of energy, the defined Sacral. Unfortunately, the perception that a physical body’s energy is universally essentially the same does not apply to Projectors, and this has often resulted in unfairly judging a Projector as lazy, lost, or unable to commit.

For now, this is the prevailing perception, but the good news is that, in February of 2027, there will be a significant shift in the design of the bodygraph. That shift is called the Solar Plexus Mutation (SPM). However, only those born after that time will have the new bodygraph.

The consciousness that the Solar Plexus Mutation brings will take a while to establish its significantly humanitarian and life-sensitive perspective and philosophy. The emphasis on extreme productivity and long hours will eventually be seen for their destructive impact on bodies, minds, and creativity.  Many other things will come from the SPM, including respecting the right of animals to live in peace, i.e., not be hunted for sport or trophies, and rather than being thought of as “food,” be seen as sentient beings on their own evolutionary path.  How we understand relationships will undergo significant changes, including what marriage is about and for, understanding gender, appreciating employees as individuals who bring a great deal to a business, investing in them rather than seeing them as slave labor, and so much more.  We have much to look forward to, but in the meantime, we still have to deal with what is while we continue to press for this far more progressive vision and practice.  While we may see the beginning nuances of the Solar Plexus Mutation’s effect on politics and culture, it won’t establish deep roots for some time. We can accelerate these roots by actively participating in modeling the paradigms that honor all life and speaking out for them.

The most critical thing for you as a Projector is to take stock of your current commitments and activities and see if your energy can sustain all of them. If not, what can you walk away from?  A Projector can’t sustain Generator schedules, especially if they have been going on for too long. I know many Projectors who keep forging ahead bravely, hoping that mind over matter and staying focused will produce better results for them and will get them back some energy. But it never works out that way.  Many of them collapse and have to be carried out on a stretcher (metaphorically, but sometimes literally).

Not every Projector experiences fatigue. There is the occasional anomalous Projector whose energy is more like that of a Manifestor’s or Generator’s, but you don’t come across these unusual Projectors very often. However, because Projectors do not have a defined Sacral OR a motor to the throat, which imbues the chart (and the person) with extra energy, it is still wise for these atypical Projectors to pace themselves.

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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When you expand your heart beyond its normal boundaries you are able to incorporate the needs, concerns, and even wounds of another, or an entire group of others. How can you do this without also afflicting yourself with the wounds that you have taken into the expanded space of your heart? To begin, you must understand that the purpose of creating an area of expansion around your heart is not to heal wounds that do not belong to you. When you expand your heart and offer that space to others, what you are doing is creating a container where others can rest safely, knowing that here they will not meet with judgments or resistance. In this place, all the anguish associated with what they have done to others or what others have done to them is allowed to be and to express in all its magnificent agony as it releases, evolving to a new vibratory state or form. This is how holding space assists others to heal themselves.

You might ask how it is that the heart is able to 1) expand, and 2) bring others into that expansion. We are not speaking here of the physical heart per se, although this is indeed the locus from which the expansion moves outward. As you know, all form and the components that comprise form are vitally alive as dancing energy imbued with the life force of Creation. At its source, form is pure potential, and so has the capacity to be directed by intention. When you direct your intention at pure potential, suffusing its formless state with the content of your imagination, will, and desire, you have caused a shift in its essential energy. You have now created an expansion into a specific identity that displays the attributes of your original intention. Of course, it takes practice and belief to truly achieve the results you seek. The point of this discussion is to illustrate that, with intention alone, you can expand the energy of your heart infinitely.

In the same way, you can direct this expanded energy to embrace those who seek solace and acceptance, bringing them in close to your own heart. In the meantime, your heart has opened itself to love so that you and everyone you hold space for are directly connected to Source. This is how you can maintain a holding space or container for others without debilitating or damaging yourself. It is not actually you doing the holding; it is Spirit in its aspect as Love. You have only volunteered to be the facilitator or link using your heart as the mechanism which connects you, and everyone you hold, to Source.

Offering your heart space to others has tremendous benefits not just for them, but especially for you. Consider the analogy of volunteering at a soup kitchen. You have direct access to all the ingredients that will make a substantial meal for the hungry: spices, vegetables, grains, and proteins. As you chop and sauté, blending and cooking various foods into sauces and stews, it is your responsibility as chef to sample portions of your meal as it progresses through its stages to completion. In this way, your service for the nurture of others has also nurtured you.

The call to be of service comes first from service to self, a corollary of love of self. You cannot offer genuine service to others without first having offered it to yourself. It is imperative that you learn to hold space for yourself, for without having experienced deep self-love, your efforts on behalf of others – even those with the best of intentions – will be incomplete, similar to a soup that could have used more sautéed onions and salt. This is because you did not know enough to know how to take a soup from bland and mediocre to great. However, make note of this: as you surrender into your desire to be of service, you also open yourself to improving the quality of that service, and over time you will develop mastery of the forms that call to you. This is because you have expanded your capacity to understand firsthand what makes them delicious, and so you can deliver them from a solidly anchored holding space.

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Copyright © 2013-Current | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved

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In the year 2349 humanity had reached the pinnacle of technological advancement. Colonies were established on every planet in the solar system, and exploration of the galaxy was well underway. It was a time of unprecedented progress, but there was still much that remained a mystery. One such mystery was the second Saturn return.

The second Saturn return occurred when Saturn returned to the exact position it was in at the time of a person’s birth. It happened roughly every 58 years and was believed to have a profound effect on individuals. Some claimed it brought wisdom and clarity, while others claimed it brought chaos and destruction.

Mara was a space explorer who had just completed a mission to the edge of the galaxy. She was a seasoned adventurer, having traveled to more planets than anyone else in history. But there was one thing that still eluded her—the second Saturn return. She had heard rumors of its power but she had never experienced it herself. That was about to change.

Mara learned that the second Saturn return was just a few weeks away. She knew she had to be there for it, to witness its effects firsthand. She made arrangements to return to her home planet of Saturn where she could study the Return and document its influence.

When Mara arrived on Saturn, she found the planet in chaos. The normally peaceful planet was in a state of turmoil, and people were on edge. Mara knew this was the effect of the second Saturn return, and she had never seen anything like it.  She was, after all, only 26.

Over the next few days Mara observed the planet’s inhabitants, noting their behavior and interactions. It seemed that the second Saturn return was having a profound effect on them, but she could not fathom the mechanisms whereby.

Then, on the exact day of the Return, while Mara’s gaze was fixed on the planet’s rings as she pondered the mystery of Saturn, she saw a bright light in the sky. At first she thought it was a meteor, but as it got closer, she realized it was something else entirely.

It was a spaceship unlike any she had ever seen before. It was sleek and silver, with smooth curves and no visible engines. It seemed to be floating effortlessly through the air, and as it approached, Mara felt a strange sense of excitement.

The ship landed a few hundred feet away from Mara, and the hatch opened. Out stepped a figure, tall and slender, with skin the color of midnight. It was an alien.

The alien approached Mara, and they exchanged greetings. He spoke in a language she had never heard before, but somehow she understood it. The alien, who introduced himself as Zayden, explained that he had traveled from a planet on the other side of the galaxy, drawn by the energy of the second Saturn return.

Zayden told Mara that there was a powerful artifact on Saturn, one that had been left there by an ancient civilization. The artifact was said to have the power, via its unique frequencies, to bring balance and harmony to any planet, especially one under the influence of a second Saturn return, but no one had ever been able to find it.

Mara knew what she had to do. She set out to find the artifact, using all her knowledge and skills as an astronaut and mathematician. Zayden told her he would wait for her return in his spaceship, as he knew how to activate the artifact.

Mara was determined to find it and help her people. She knew that time was of the essence, as the energy of the second Saturn return was extremely potent and the extent of its ramifications were unknown.

Mara traveled across the stars, battling a hundred-year space storm and fending off a group of hostile aliens who were also searching for the artifact.

As she pressed on, Mara herself began to feel the effects of the second Saturn return. She had a sense of clarity and purpose unlike anything she had previously experienced. Her mind was sharper, and her instincts were heightened. She knew that this was the power of the Return, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying.

Days passed and Mara was growing tired and discouraged. She had searched everywhere and found nothing. One evening, as she was half asleep, she had a vision. In the vision she saw a strange symbol. It glowed with an otherworldly energy, and she knew that it was the key to finding the artifact.

Mara awoke from the vision, feeling invigorated and determined. She knew that she had to find the symbol and follow it to the artifact. She probed her memory, trying to recall where she had seen it before. Then it came to her. She had seen its likeness as strange markings in a cavern in a remote area on Titan.  She had once explored Saturn’s largest moon, but only casually.

Mara set out for Titan, hoping that her memory was correct. When she arrived at Titan, she searched in earnest and found it—the symbol from her vision. She knew then that the artifact really was somewhere inside the dark reaches of Titan’s caverns.

Mara carefully examined the labyrinthine passages in Titan, some of which were extremely narrow with many sharp protrusions. She avoided strange creatures who seemed just as intent on avoiding her. Finally, inside a massive chamber, she spied a faint glow beneath a pile of rocks.

The artifact was unlike anything Mara had ever seen before. It was a large crystal and glowed with an intense energy. Mara approached it, feeling a sense of awe and reverence. She knew that this was the key to bringing balance and harmony to the alien planet.

Mara sped back to Saturn, and when she arrived, Zayden was waiting for her.

Mara presented him with the crystal and he again explained that it had the power to neutralize the negative energy that was causing Saturn’s inhabitants so much emotional and psychic distress. Zayden activated the crystal, and Mara felt a shift in the energy around her.

Soon the people of Saturn emerged from their homes and looked around in wonder. They still felt the energy of the second Saturn return, but now it was different; it was peaceful and serene.

Mara thanked Zayden for his help and still marveled that he had appeared unexpectedly to deliver crucial information that would ease the profound effects of the Saturn return.  Zayden showed her how to work with the crystal, and before she could ask him where he came from and how he knew about the crystal, he was gone.


Mara knew that there were other planets and civilizations in her solar system also struggling with their second Saturn returns and she felt a calling to help them.

The second Saturn return was a powerful force, one that could bring chaos or harmony. Mara had witnessed both sides of its power, and she knew that it was up to individuals to use that power for good. She vowed to use her newfound clarity and wisdom to make a difference, to help bring balance and harmony to all planets experiencing the polarization and violent divisiveness that had its basis in a person’s inability to access the deeper layers of their psyche.  Here, knowledge of who they really were, was locked.

Mara packed the crystal, along with supplies, into her ship.  Planning for a long trip, she set a course for Earth. There she encountered turmoil and chaos. The planet was in the midst of a global crisis, with wars raging, climate change disasters occurring at an unprecedented rate, and tremendous fear and mistrust among the people.

Mara knew that the second Saturn return, when surrendered to without fear, could help bring balance and harmony to Earth, just as it had done for Saturn. She activated the crystal, and in combination with her newfound wisdom, she brought healing to Earth.

Mara traveled far and wide and offered her assistance for critical situations. She worked with environmental organizations to combat climate change, volunteered with refugee groups to help those displaced by war and conflict, and advocated for peace and understanding between different cultures and religions.

As she worked tirelessly to make a difference, Mara continued to feel the effects of the second Saturn return. Her intuition was strong, and her connection to the Universe more profound. She knew that this was her calling and she embraced it fully.

Years passed and Mara became a beloved figure around the solar system. Her wisdom and compassion inspired countless others to take action and make a difference in their own communities. She continued her efforts to bring balance and harmony to the world around her.

As she approached her own second Saturn return, Mara felt a sense of completion. She knew that her journey had been a long and challenging one, but it had been worth it.


On the day of her second Saturn return, Mara sat in meditation, reflecting on her life’s journey thus far. As she closed her eyes, she felt a surge of energy, stronger than anything she had ever felt before. It was as if the entire Universe was speaking to her, congratulating her on her achievements and urging her to continue on her path.

Mara opened her eyes, feeling renewed and invigorated. She knew that there was still much work to be done, and she was ready for whatever lay ahead. She stood up, feeling the power of the second Saturn return coursing through her, and set out to continue her journey.

Mara was not alone. The energy of the second Saturn return was always with her, guiding and empowering her every step of the way. She knew that there were challenges and obstacles ahead, but she also knew that she was more than capable of overcoming them.

Mara felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. She was grateful for the lessons and experiences of the past, but she was also excited for the adventures that lay ahead. With the power of the second Saturn return on her side, there was nothing she couldn’t accomplish.

As Mara continued her journey, adventure never failed to find her. She faced challenges that tested her strength and courage, but she was unafraid.

One day, while traveling through a remote desert region, Mara detected a hidden lair. She sensed danger and her heart raced as she cautiously entered the dark cavern. To her surprise, she discovered that it was the base of a powerful group of alien beings who were intent on taking over the Earth and enslaving its inhabitants.

Mara knew that she had to act quickly to stop their evil plans. She drew on the power of the second Saturn return and prepared herself for battle. As she made her way deeper into the lair, she encountered the alien leader, a formidable opponent with incredible strength and abilities.

The two battled fiercely, exchanging mighty blows. Mara’s enemy was redoubtable, but she remained focused and determined. She knew that the fate of Earth and its people depended on her success.

Finally, after much intense fighting, Mara emerged victorious. The alien leader lay defeated at her feet, and the rest of the aliens fled in terror. Mara breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground, exhausted but triumphant.

As she caught her breath, Mara realized that this was just one battle of many to come. She knew that there were other beings out there who posed a threat to her solar system and beyond, and she was determined to stop them.

Over the years, Mara traveled to the far reaches of the galaxy, encountering new civilizations and cultures along the way. She fought against powerful aliens who sought to steal and control the vital resources of other planets. She was frequently joined in battle by the threatened planet’s inhabitants.  

Through it all, the power of the second Saturn return sustained her. It gave her strength when she was weak, courage when she was afraid, and wisdom when she was unsure. Mara knew that she was not invincible, but she also knew that she was capable of great things.


As she approached her third Saturn return, Mara felt a rush of fulfillment and accomplishment. She knew that she had made a difference, and she was proud of the life she had lived.

On the day of her third Saturn return, Mara sat in meditation once again, reflecting on her journey and the lessons she had learned. As she closed her eyes, peace and contentment washed over her. She knew that her time was coming to an end, but she was ready for whatever lay ahead.

When she opened her eyes, Mara saw a bright light before her. It was as if the Universe was calling to her, beckoning her to come forward. Mara nearly wept with joy and anticipation. She stood up, feeling the combined power of the second and third Saturn returns, and stepped towards the light.

In that moment, Mara knew that her journey was not over. The power of the Saturn returns remained with her, and they would guide and empower her for the rest of her journey. As she entered the next phase of her life, Mara felt deep gratitude and wonder. She knew that she had been blessed with an incredible gift, and because she had surrendered to that gift, she had learned to wield it mightily. She was now an Elder of great compassion, enduring strength, and extraordinary wisdom.

Copyright © 2023 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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The life cycle phenomenon that is the Uranus Opposition occurs at age 42 – 44, when transit Uranus is opposite the natal placement of Uranus.  Uranus is the planet of freedom, and when it is activated in the chart, it shakes up the status quo to bring in needed changes. This transit heralds a time of breaking free of limitations because you feel deeply compelled to change your life.  This need for change is powerful enough to disrupt every aspect of your life, although that won’t necessarily happen. Uranus is the planet of innovation and change, and its opposition brings unexpected events and sudden changes, not all of which are chosen.

One of the key themes of the Uranus opposition is the need for greater personal freedom and an increased desire for deeper individuation. It is a time when we feel compelled to break free from the constraints of society and tradition, from the constraints of the life we’ve been living, and as well, the constraints of our conditioning.  We want to find and forge a path that will help us identify our authentic self and allows us to express our authentic self.  The new path can manifest in various ways, such as a desire to change careers, move to a new location, end a long-term relationship, and more.  And then its unfolding begins.

The Uranus opposition is a time of significant change and transformation. We are forced to confront our deepest fears and insecurities. While this can be a difficult and challenging time, it is also a time of growth and self-discovery.

The nature of Uranus is such that on a global scale, Uranus events provoke dramatic changes.  Extreme restlessness and dissatisfaction with the status quo, which have been brewing for some time, erupt under this influence.  This is a time when authority and the status quo are seriously, even violently, impugned.

Protests, revolutions, and other forms of social upheaval find their timing under Uranus’ influence.  During these times, Uranus is aspecting Pluto or Saturn.  Under these planetary influences, particularly under Uranus-Pluto transiting contacts (conjunction, square, or opposition), we see major historical turning points involving permanent changes to prevailing cultural paradigms.  Uranus/ Pluto events bring about revolutionary movements, technological advancements, and major shifts in social and political structures.

At the personal level, the Uranus opposition is a momentous astrological event that brings change, disruption, and a desire for personal freedom. Blocks can finally be released, allowing openings to new experiences. It can be a challenging time, but it can also be a time of tremendous growth and self-discovery. It is important to dance with the changes as they come, and embrace the attitude that adapting to new circumstances as they show up, will allow your life to flow towards, rather than resist, its new course.

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Quantum Astrology is a field of study that combines the principles of quantum physics and astrology to explore the connection between the cosmos and human consciousness, and to create a more holistic understanding of the universe and our place within it.

Quantum physics, which deals with the behavior of particles on a subatomic level, tells us that the universe is made up of tiny particles called quanta that exist in a state of constant flux. These particles are connected in ways that cannot be fully explained by classical physics, and their behavior is often described as “quantum entanglement.” Quantum entanglement suggests that we are immersed in a vast network of energy and information. Classical physics deals with the macroscopic world that we can see and touch, while quantum physics deals with the microscopic world of atoms and subatomic particles.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and understands that they have an influence on human affairs and natural phenomena. 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics: entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics not present in classical mechanics.[1]

An entangled system is defined as one whose quantum state cannot be factored as a product of states of its local constituents.  In other words, they are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole.  In entanglement, one constituent cannot be fully described without considering the other(s). 

Therefore, a key principle of Quantum Astrology is the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and that energy flows between all things. This means that the energy of the stars and planets at the moment of our birth affect our energy field and influence our thoughts, emotions, and behavior, including shaping our personality and influencing our destiny.

Astrology has long held that the unique configuration of celestial bodies at our birth moment shapes our personality and influences our destiny. Quantum Astrology suggests that the quantum entanglement of particles in the universe is connected to the movements of celestial bodies, and that we are an inextricable part of this larger field of entanglement.

Another key principle of Quantum Astrology is that our thoughts and emotions play a crucial role in shaping our reality. According to this principle, our thoughts and emotions are like waves of energy that ripple out into the universe, creating a feedback loop that shapes our experiences.

Quantum Astrology believes that the positions and movements of celestial bodies act as triggers for these thoughts and emotions. For example, the movement of a certain planet into a specific astrological sign may correspond with a shift in our emotional state or a change in our thoughts.

This idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies as they spin and revolve in their orbits can influence our thoughts and emotions is not new. Astrology has long held that the positions of celestial bodies can influence our lives. Quantum Astrology takes this idea one step further by positing that the energy and formation of celestial bodies respective to each other also influences the energy of our own bodies.

One practical application of Quantum Astrology is in the field of healing. By understanding the connection between our thoughts, emotions, and the positions and movements of celestial bodies, we can use astrological information to help us access and release stored emotional energy, promoting healing and personal growth.

Quantum Astrology brings these two seemingly disparate fields together by positing that the universe is interconnected, and that the energy and information of celestial bodies, as well as the energy and information of our own bodies, are all part of the same network.  We are part of a vast matrix of consciousness.

To reiterate, Quantum Astrology combines the principles of quantum physics and astrology to explore the connection between the cosmos and human consciousness. It suggests that the alignment of celestial bodies at the time of our birth has a significant impact on our lives, and that by understanding this connection, we can gain insight into the potential outcomes of certain events in our lives so that we can make better decisions.

As our understanding of the quantum universe continues to evolve, it is likely that Quantum Astrology will play an increasingly important role in our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. By embracing the principles of uncertainty, entanglement, and consciousness, we may be able to unlock new insights into the evolution of human consciousness and our relationship with the wider universe.


[1] Overbye, Dennis (10 October 2022). “Black Holes May Hide a Mind-Bending Secret About Our Universe – Take gravity, add quantum mechanics, stir. What do you get? Just maybe, a holographic cosmos”The New York Times

Copyright © 2023 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |



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Image: Astrology and Human Design charts for Michel Gauquelin1

The following discussion is not intended to cover every feature of the astrology and Human Design chart.  It is intended to give an overview and comparison of each system’s primary components.

The astrological birth chart and the Human Design chart are both created from the placement in these charts of the planets’ positions at the moment of your birth.  The Human Design bodygraph would be completely empty without  planets! 

The astrology chart and the Human Design chart are systems that offer profound insight and information through their unique architecture and language.  Note that each system gives interpretations for individual birth charts as well as events, mundane or personal.

Each system is based on astrology.  Simply put, astrology is the study of the influence of the stars and planets on human lives.  These celestial bodies influence individual psychology, and they also initiate life-changing events to the individual through planetary cycle shifts — Solar Returns, Saturn Returns, the Uranus Opposition, the Chiron Return, and others.  Shifting life circumstances are also triggered by transits and progressions that are unique to the individual astrology chart. Planetary (or Life Cycle) charts, and transits and progressions, can be read through the lens of Human Design or astrology charts.  The influence of the stars and planets also effect global shifts of many kinds, including weather, technology, science, law, conflicts which lead to war, culture, and civilization.

NOTE: While Human Design and astrology are different systems, the  meanings and natures of the planets do not change. 

In astrology, planets sit inside houses. There are 12 houses in the astrology chart or horoscope wheel. Each house has a unique meaning, and so the combination of the planet with the meaning of the house that it is inside of lends itself to a very specific interpretation.  In addition, each planet is in a specific sign at the moment of your birth. 

Traditional astrological interpretation combines the meaning of the planet with the meaning of the sign that it is in with the meaning of the house that it is in.  It also includes the aspects that natal planets make to each other. Planets in signs and houses, plus the aspects they make, tell us how a natal planet expresses. Again, the essential nature of a horoscope planet is influenced by the sign it is in, the house it is in, and the aspects that it makes to other planets, asteroids, or to the angles of the horoscope (astrology chart). 

In the Human Design chart, planets sit inside gates instead of houses. There are 64 gates in Human Design. The gates are based on the I Ching’s 64 hexagrams, so it is useful to have an understanding of these.  However, each gate in Human Design has an assigned meaning — Traditional or Quantum Human Design™ (copyright Karen Curry Parker) — which are less complex and more succinct than the contemplations of the I Ching.  In Human Design, we blend the meaning of the gate with the meaning of the planet. 

As well, each gate also contains 6 lines, and each line has its own meaning.  In Human Design we blend the meaning of the planet in a gate with the line that it sits inside of.  Given that there are 12 planets, two nodes, and an assortment of asteroids that one can choose to include, the permutations for combinations of planets, nodes, and asteroids with 64 gates and 6 lines are practically myriad.

The Human Design planets do not make aspects to each other the way planets in the astrology birth chart do, but it is their arrangement in the bodygraph that gives you your energy Type — Projector, Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, or Reflector.  Your Type comes with a specific Strategy as well as Authority. In addition, the complex of definition and openness in the chart will give you your unique Design.

There’s more: the placement of your planets in the Human Design chart will fall into circuits. There are three main circuits in Human Design – collective, tribal, and individual (and each of these contains sub-circuits which I won’t go into here).  Circuits and their sub-circuits add further layers of meaning to the interpretation of an individual’s Human Design chart.

I can’t leave this final section without also mentioning that the Human Design chart contains the all-important Incarnation Cross which represents the energy frequency and the storyline of the Life Purpose in the Human Design Chart. This Cross, which is comprised of four gates — the Conscious and Unconscious Sun, and the Conscious and Unconscious Earth — constitutes 70% of the energy of your being.   (See The Encyclopedia of Quantum Human Design, p. 200, by Karen Curry Parker. ) 

As you can see, each system has a unique structure and lens of perception. Each offers excellent information about your essential make-up and temperament. Use these complementary systems to take you on a deep and intriguing exploration to discover and validate your many gifts, traits, and the tools that were given to you at the moment of your birth.  

Copyright © 2023 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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1 Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) was a French psychologist and astrologer, who together with his wife Francoise, also a psychologist, conducted rigorous research over a period of thirty years that demonstrated that certain astrological phenomena held true to a high degree of statistical validity.

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Human Design teaches us how to use our energy for the things that are correct for us and to avoid those things that are not.  Because we are taught to make decisions with our mind, we bypass the body’s unique intelligence.  It is true that the mind can ponder many interesting and inspiring ideas and we can enjoy reflecting on them. This is actually one of the correct uses of the mind.  Our minds, however, are not designed to know what is correct for us.  In Human Design, mindfulness is not about the mind.

Mindfulness comes from the intelligence of the body. Human Design says the mind is like the passenger in a car.  Its correct role is to sit back and enjoy the ride and not compete with your body’s wisdom for control of the steering wheel.  Human Design’s tools (Strategy and Authority) help the mind to be comfortable in the back seat.

Human Design won’t tell you your level of consciousness or awareness.  It will not describe your moral compass, your values, or where you stand on the current political discourse.  But it will show you what motivates you.  It shows you the themes that are consistent in your life.  These themes are the areas that you are compelled to explore because that’s where your gifts are. Your Human Design chart is a map and blueprint of your correct way of being. When you follow that map, you are invoking mindfulness; that is, you are being mindful of who you are meant to be.  

In the practice of mindfulness we purposely bring our attention to the present moment, without judgment. We see ourselves as we are.  This is what Human Design does: it shows you your Design and there is no judgment!

How Human Design Supports Mindfulness

The Human Design system – its very structure – reveals that we are designed to use our lives to serve the evolution of humanity.  It shows that we are designed to honor the integrity of our bodies so that we can be more and give more. We are designed to care for each other and to make peaceful agreements that allow others to be more and give more.  We are designed to live in integrity with who we truly are, and with each other.

This state of mindfulness about how to live as individuals and in community keeps us healthy and thriving. We are meant to experience a more beautiful world when we honor the power of well being for ourselves and others.  

As has been said, in Human Design we do not use our minds to make our decisions.  We use mindfulness, and that comes from being present to the body’s wisdom.

How To Access Your Body’s Wisdom

The primary tool of mindfulness, or being present to the wisdom of our body, is Strategy.  Strategy is specific to  your Type, and works with the correct flow of your Type’s energy. It gives you key information about what is the right choice for you.  Every Type has a Strategy: Projectors are Invited, Manifestors Inform, Generators and Manifesting Generators access their Sacral Response, and Reflectors wait out at least one Lunar Cycle. 

A secondary tool that supports mindfulness is Authority.  It flavors the way you use your Strategy. There are seven kinds of authority:

  • Sacral
  • Splenic
  • Emotional Solar Plexus⠀
  • Ego (Will)⠀
  • Self-Projected⠀
  • Mental-Projected⠀
  • Lunar⠀

Your Authority is used in conjunction with your Strategy. Authority assists you with the timing of entering into a new commitment of your energy.  Timing is directly related to waiting for an intuitive sense or feeling of the correct moment to move forward.

In Human Design, Mindfulness means that we remember to:

  • Love ourselves
  • Trust ourselves
  • Stand in our power
  • Stay deeply aligned with our authentic selves
  • Make the choices that are correct for us
  • Move forward with our true story, and not sit in old stories that aren’t worthy of us
  • Take care of our bodies and our spirit so that we stay energetic and vital
  • Work on our sense of value so that we can allow ourselves to receive what we need to fulfill our purpose and mission

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Understanding how you are ‘wired’ is the beginning of self-knowledge. We discover how we are wired by witnessing what we instinctively move towards. We naturally move towards what fascinates us, towards what we find interesting and exciting. We may or may not stay with what we find interesting, but this is neither here nor there. The point is to get to know what is interesting to you and to stay with that until you no longer find it interesting. What happens is that you will spend more time with those interests that resonate with your wiring; i.e., your essential nature. In other words, with who you are.  You will inevitably develop skills in those areas you stay with. The longer you stay with something, the more mastery you have. Mastery makes you potent and desirable.

Trust that your next step will become apparent. Take the step that brings you the most excitement — this is always your cue for the right direction. Taking the next step on behalf of your joy is much better than not moving at all. If you find yourself losing your joy, then correct your course to reconnect with it. When you follow your joy, how you live your life will gradually come back into congruence with your purpose. When you follow your joy, what is right for you will find you.

Life always offers us more than one platform (or opportunity) to live and work from. We may not always get paid for what we love, but we can immerse ourselves in our bliss while we take care of what needs to be taken care of, and do what we need to do to maintain our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and economic integrity.

We often think that life has to look a certain way by a certain time, but that is not what life is about.  For each one of us it is important to stay the course until the work is complete. Work left undone must be finished. All things will be addressed and healed when the timing and flow of energy is also aligned with your strategy. Then you will know that now is the time for moving forward with something. Opportunities that belong to you will show up in correct timing. In the meantime, take care of your incomplete transactions.

It is important to have faith that your life is unfolding as it should — not as you think it should, or as others think it should. There is a larger context which you cannot see from where you are, but which is dynamic and compelling, and which will take you to where you need to go, so that you can continue to evolve into who you are. Resisting the intelligence of the design and deeper intention of your life will only keep you turning in circles.

By following your bliss while you take care of your infrastructure needs you will maintain emotional balance. If we only spend time keeping body and soul together, we can become cynical, and even depressed. That is because we forget what makes us come alive. Do those things that make your life worth living! This will keep you grounded and connected to Life. As long as you have something to love, including working with causes dear to your heart, life will always be meaningful and filled with purpose.  And with purpose comes joy.

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Purpose is found in your experiences of the moment, in expression as well action, and it is not just one thing. Purpose is not defined as an end-goal or a product launch. Your understanding of purpose, and your purpose specifically, evolves over the course of your life as you expand in self-awareness.

While purpose can be expressed through a vocation or vocations, the vocation actually provides the CONTEXT for the expression of one’s purpose. In and of itself a vocation is not your purpose, although some vocations will be beautifully aligned with your purpose.

Think about your purpose as the pursuit of your excitement and curiosity — which always includes following your heart — rather than as something that is easily contained or defined by a business or job or career. The reason is: purpose is ultimately about finding and staying connected to all those things that will support the continued expansion of your consciousness and your joy.

Live your life at a pace that is always consonant with your energy levels. Be aware of your level of vitality so that you don’t push when you are tired. When you are tired, it is time to slow down. It is time to restore yourself. Body, mind, and heart. This means eliminating tasks that do not support your sustainability and saying no to commitments that will demand time, energy, and interests that you don’t have.

Take stock of your talents and interests because the clues to your purpose are here. Your talents and interests will become skills if you invest time and energy into them. Your skills are the specific tools given to you by design to help you discover your purpose, and to support it. The more you use your skills, the more your purpose will unfold. 

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Before we can feel at ease with the world we need to feel at ease with ourselves. Being at ease with self involves feeling physically well, emotionally balanced, and intellectually engaged. Being at ease with self involves accepting oneself as is. Being at ease with self means truly caring for who we are. It means we love ourselves, always, and no matter what!

If we want to make changes, we start from where we are. We do not criticize or put ourselves down. I cannot overstate how important it is to feel well in the body before you can feel at ease with anything. That means plenty of rest and eating the foods that support you. It is so important to rest your nervous system. This means staying away from conflict and negative thoughts. This means that your relationships are mutually respectful and supportive.

When we feel at ease with ourselves, we are available to be of service. Then we can do our part to change the world. Most importantly, living righteous lives will help us feel at ease with the world. Righteous lives seek the greater good for all, but never to the exclusion of self. A righteous life has an open heart, but is never a victim. A righteous life means that you believe in yourself and believe that all beings have a right to thrive.

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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ROE v. WADE OVERTURNED: A Profound Inflection Point for a Woman’s Body Sovereignty as Seen through Astrology and Human Design

Astrologers love to look at the charts of significant moments to see what the planets were up to (e.g., sign placements, conjunctions to angles, velocities, and more), and how they were interacting with each other. Each moment is filled with information and effect, yet not all moments are explosive.  Most are ordinary.

When we look at the charts of collective events, like those of earthquakes, invasions, or historical decisions, we sometimes wonder if it was that particular configuration of planets that caused something to happen, if perhaps the event was created from a cumulative buildup of energies that made a particular moment noteworthy and inevitable.

Or perhaps the cumulative buildup is made from protracted human stress and trauma, and these energies, having made their way into the quantum field, get picked up by those celestial configurations that are best able to give those energies a voice and comprehensive release. 

And perhaps the planets themselves are also giving expression to a significant moment of their own evolution.

But we don’t definitively know.  What we have are the charts of significant moments that we can dive into to analyze the character of the significant moment and to understand, to the best of our interpretive skills, the needs it expresses, the message it delivers, and what it might indicate about how the nature of the event could evolve over time.


Significant Aspects of the Astrology Chart of the Supreme Court Decision that Overturned Roe v. Wade

The Midheaven, highly visible, and considered to be one of the four power points in a chart, is flanked by Uranus from the 9th house side and the North Node from the 10th house side. Uranus and the North Node each conjunct the Midheaven, and conjunct each other. This is an aspect that heralds change. Uranus is not subtle, and the extent and manner of its impact is not predictable. Uranus is an iconoclast whose mission is to take things apart so that we can reconstruct a situation to meet real needs. We can expect that its conjunction to the North Node will create discomfort. The North Node pulls us into the future we have been creating with our actions. That future is tangled with forces that have opposing intentions. We are in a life and death tug-of-war to decide which future will win.  Where will North Node-Uranus take us?

The fixed star Algol is also conjunct the Midheaven. Algol is considered to be a star that brings misfortune and violence.  Its mythology is associated with the Greek Gorgon Medusa who had the ability to turn anyone who looked into her eyes to stone. It is important to note that Medusa was not always a Gorgon with writhing snakes for hair. She was an Oracle Goddess who was transformed into a monster by Pallas Athena, who was furious that Medusa broke her vow of celibacy through an affair with Poseidon. Medusa’s rage at her forced transformation was dangerous and powerful, and so she was further injured with decapitation.

A deeper understanding of the great rage of this archetype must bring us to consider that the life Medusa had chosen was forcibly removed from her by someone more powerful, causing her to suffer physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  Her grief and rage were relentless.  Her rage became a weapon, even after her decapitation.

Algol-Medusa is no stranger to the depths of suffering wrought by invasive and unjust intervention into the trajectory a life. What Women need for their stability and safety has been abruptly removed. The decision of the Supreme Court took a heinous approach that symbolically transformed Medusa from a Goddess into a monster, and then cut off her head, removing the right to sovereignty over her own body.  

While the effects of this decision are misfortune and violence to women, in this chart there is also the ability to push back that misfortune. In this chart Pluto trines Algol-Medusa.  Pluto cannot be trifled with, and in a trine aspect, transmits tremendous support while also amplifying the power inherent to the planet, or in this case, the Star. This tells us that the chart already contains the ability to challenge and reverse this decision.

The Moon is also part of the configuration of conjunctions (a/k/a stellium) to the Midheaven, as it is conjunct Uranus and the Midheaven.  A configuration that includes Uranus, the Midheaven, the North Node, the Moon, and the fixed star Algol is complex, and not open to quick and easy interpretation. The Moon in this position represents the public. The Moon is also our emotions. The Moon is Women. It is the place where we give and receive nurture, and where we can also be emotionally wounded. In this chart the Moon occupies a Gauquelin culminating zone, imbuing it with story-telling abilities, psychological and spiritual insight, heightened sensitivities, and a need for beauty.

Uranus and the North Node abruptly pull us into the future that has been brewing, causing shock to our sensibilities and emotions with the accompanying sense of destiny gone wrong. Yet this destiny, given current circumstances, appears to have been inevitable.

Saturn, which is angular via its conjunction to the descendant, squares the entire configuration of Moon, Uranus, Midheaven, North Node, and the fixed star Algol.  It is noteworthy that the astrology of Roe v. Wade Overturned contains the Saturn-Uranus square which began in early 2021, and which will remain in effect through early October 2022.  A square is  a 90° angle between planets, and is an aspect of tension.  It is difficult to resolve the tension of a square because the planets’ goals are not aligned.  Saturn-Uranus squares influence societal and personal change through great pressure by creating instability, chaos, and upheaval. Historically, among worse case scenarios, this influence has manifested in civil unrest, economic recessions, violence, and war.  The changes that hard contacts between Saturn and Uranus bring unfold over decades.  This square has been in effect for some time, and we have seen its influence unfolding.  The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a paramount expression of that unfolding influence.  

When Saturn’s job to maintain the status quo overreaches to work against the evolving needs of humanity, systems that have been in place are undermined.  Saturn’s systems and rules are meant to ensure the safety and well-being of communities, but when those traditions are reversed in a way that violates the needs of groups and individuals, Saturn becomes the oppressor rather than the protector.

Astrologically, Saturn rules judges and the judiciary system. It is obvious to everyone that this system has overreached, with potentially destructive consequences.

Saturn squares the Moon, the Midheaven, the North Node, and the star Algol-Medusa of this complex conjunction-stellium. The Midheaven and the Moon in this chart represent the majority, and the North Node points the path towards the future that we must create to serve the majority.  The energy of Algol-Medusa is focused on justice.  It is an energy of righteous intensity that should be heard and is crossed at great peril.

Additional Planet Influences in the Astrological Moment of the Supreme Court Decision

Mars is Perihelion, meaning that it is at its hottest and traveling at its fastest, making this an intense and egocentric condition.  Mars is not that focused here; it is fiery but combustible, which means that it does not have staying power.  But while it is perihelion it can express the toxic masculine.

Mars’ dynamic in this chart indicates that the Court’s assertion of power was self-righteous, aggressive, and narcissistic.  Its Opinion is heavily spun with the beliefs and values of a Minority intent on forcing the Majority to conform to those values. There is nothing inherently absolute about those values, the truths of which are entirely subjective, and which do not reflect or conform to the needs of the Majority.  The values that the Court has chosen to impose on the rest of us work against the needs of the collective, and of evolution.  As such, they will not hold. 

Neptune is Stationary.  Stationary Neptune is about the Mythos of a collective.  Mythos is expressed at the local, regional, national, and worldwide levels.  A Mythos encapsulates the core ideology, including the beliefs and values, of a particular community. Those values impart identity and belonging.

A functioning Mythos creates a sense of greater purpose for an entire community.  The Mythos for the particular community of women that have been harmed by the overturning of Roe v. Wade is the right to exercise sovereignty.  Of their bodies. The position of Neptune indicates that the concept of Mythos is both highlighted and challenged by other aspects in the chart, but its stationary condition tells us that the Mythos is active and on alert. 

The Evolution of the Roe v. Wade Overturned Chart

Astrologers understand that although the moment of an event is fixed, the planets that form that picture are not static. They will continue their revolutions around the Sun, creating transits and progressions to the originating event chart.  In other words, we can expect that there will be movement.  

Pluto and Uranus will begin a powerful trine in June 2026, and that aspect is exact in July 2026, but it will be felt as soon as July 2025. This is a long-term aspect that begins separating in April 2029. The tearing down of infrastructures that a supercilious judicial system has wrought will be reconstructed under the Pluto-Uranus trine. This trine is a long-term influence, and there are battles ahead.  We know from the history of how the Pluto-Uranus trine works that there will be a rebuild, and what we lost will be restored.  However, while timing is unable to be predicted, given the recovery needs of deep shock from the decapitation of our fundamental rights, my sense is that we will see change sooner than later.

Significant Aspects of the Human Design Chart of the Supreme Court Decision that Overturned Roe v. Wade

The Human Design chart for this decision is a Manifestor type with a 6/2 profile and the Incarnation Cross of Prevention. 

What do we know about the Manifestor?  The life purpose of the Manifestor is to initiate action and creation. The Manifestor is about leading change by sharing new ideas, pushing people beyond their comfort level and empowering them to do things in new ways. The Manifestor initiates others into the frequency of creativity. This chart tells us that creative thinking and action is required to push back against the Supreme Court’s decision to remove our right to make our own personal decisions.

Defined Channels of the Roe v. Wade Overturned Human Design Chart

In Human Design, we also look at the defined channels to understand the overall purpose of the chart. There are three defined channels in the Roe v. Wade Overturned chart. (Channels are given their Quantum Human Design TM names and definition as re-described by Karen Curry Parker.)

The Channel of Innovative Thinking, the 43-23

This channel is about the ability to think out of the box.  This energy is knowing, inventive, innovative, mutative, and imaginative. Here we have the capacity to push past assumptions about both the nature of a problem and how it may best be solved.  Transformative, unconventional thinking can come to the rescue.

 The Channel of Self Assurance, the 10-20

This channel is about the ability to organize others around higher ideals rooted in the energies of self-love and self-empowerment. This channel gives us the power to speak words that can change the narrative and direction of our lives by installing higher concepts which show us how to connect to the possibilities that open to more empowered and authentic lives.

The Channel of the Threshold, the 36-35

This channel has the ability to incorporate new experiences that show us how to push back against limits of the story we are told about how we should live so that we can create an empowering narrative of how we want to live our lives.


The 6/2 Profile is the Adept/ Responder in Quantum Human Design TM, and in traditional language, the Role Model/ Hermit. The 6th line is a transpersonal profile that serves as an example or role model to others of what is possible when you are true to yourself.  The 6th line is deeply mission-driven with a strong sense of destiny.  As well, with the 2nd line, there is the need to take alone time to discharge excess energy and to stay connected to inner guidance.

Most importantly, the Incarnation Cross of this Chart is the Cross of Prevention. This Cross holds Guardian energy, and it will steer us away from harm.  It guides us to follow paths that heal and to avoid paths that cause harm. The Sun in Gate 15 is about love of others.  The energy of this Cross is about empowering others to do what they need to do to be the stewards of their own lives.  This Cross is very clear about which behaviors and dynamics do not serve our needs and purpose. It offers instruction and correction to get us back to our right path, and gives us the ability to recognize what empowers us.

Central Themes of the Charts of Roe v. Wade Overturned

As stated earlier, a configuration that includes a stellium of Uranus, the Midheaven, the North Node, the Moon, and the fixed star Algol is complex, and not open to a quick and easy interpretation.  These charts speak to the complexity and intensity of the moment, and of the implosive consequences of the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.

The core of this decision, and as seen in the charts of the moment, 10:05 AM Eastern time in Washington, D.C., is the profound travesty that was enacted against women. The archetype of Algol-Medusa is startingly apt as women have been dishonored and deeply disrespected.  But the astrology chart also contains the ability to push back with the Pluto trine to Algol-Medusa. Pluto transmits its inimitable support and amplifies the collective power exemplified by this fixed Star.  We have the power and ability to challenge and reverse this decision.

Astrologically, Saturn rules judges and the judiciary system. Saturn’s legal systems are meant to ensure the safety and well-being of communities, but when those systems are violated, Saturn becomes the oppressor rather than the protector.  Then we have an inversion of Saturn’s job and purpose.  For now, Saturn has been hijacked by the judiciary, but it cannot permanently hold a position which operates against its fundamental nature. 

There is no community without a Mythos because every community creates its own — naturally, and from necessity. A Mythos encapsulates the core ideology, including the beliefs and values, of a particular community. A functioning Mythos creates a sense of greater purpose for an entire community because it represents its fundamental and enduring values. Stationary Neptune tells us that the Mythos is alive and well in the consciousness of the community of women who will fight for the right of sovereignty of their bodies. Stationary Neptune also tells us that a community’s Mythos has been called to attention.

The Manifestor aspect of this chart lets us know that we will need to lead the charge to claim what is ours. We will organize ourselves around our ideals and pursue creative solutions to push back against the boundaries that seek to control our bodies.  We are mission-driven to manifest our right lives.

The energy of the Incarnation Cross of the Human Design chart is about empowering others to do what they need to do to be the stewards of their own lives, and that includes being aware of the behaviors and dynamics of others — as well as our own — that do not serve our needs and purposes.

We look forward to the Pluto-Uranus trine that promises a revolution and rebuild, including a restoration of what was stolen from us. 

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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It’s always an interesting endeavor to compare a particular moment in time through the lens of different systems.  Each system has its own set of mechanics, language, and basis for understanding how it works and how to interpret it.  And each system offers a unique portal to understanding any moment.

Every chart is a picture of a moment in time. Any part of a Human Design or astrology chart can be expressed beneficially or detrimentally. The parts are the mechanics; the possibilities of how these are expressed are dependent on the psychology of the human beings who express them.  There is also the timing of events or “acts of God” that can occur when there are difficult aspects between the more challenging planets.  However, much of the good and most of the damage visited on this planet is the result of human action or inaction, and it is human intervention that can always repair damage from both mundane- and human-induced events.  

The Human Design bodygraph would be completely blank without the placement of planets inside its gates. It is the astrology of the moment that gives the Human Design chart its one-of-a-kind design. Comparing and contrasting an astrological moment through the lens of both Human Design and astrology adds layers to the information and insights that may be gleaned from understanding the central energies of a moment.

The Summer Solstice—occurring this year on June 21—marks the day when the Sun is at its northernmost or southernmost arc along the celestial equator. This is the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer in the North and makes the longest day of the year.  In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day and longest night.

Seasonal changes occur quarterly and their influences last at least until the next season’s ingress, but there are no solid demarcations because influences wane over time.

On June 21, 2022, the Sun enters 0° Cancer at 5:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time.  I am using the location of Washington, D.C., as it is the Capital of the United States and as such, represents this country’s collective experience. 

Significant Aspects of the Solstice Chart

The following selected aspects affect both the individual and the collective. These aspects, with the exception of the angular placement of Saturn, are universal for the moment of Solstice.  Note that the aspects discussed here are the highlights as I have identified them, and that there is always more that can be explored.

The Sun is in Cancer, an energy that is emotionally sensitive and vulnerable, and which needs true Home. We seek to create a solid foundation that will support our needs for safety and security so that we can comfortably anchor our lives. We also look forward to the colors and exuberance of Summer.

Saturn is conjunct the Midheaven of the 2022 Summer Solstice Chart.  It is angular, and as such, is considered in traditional astrology to be powerful.  Saturn also occupies a Gauquelin culminating zone.  Gauquelin’s decades of duplicatable research discovered that certain planets, when rising or culminating, are especially powerful in their expression.

What does Saturn’s placement in an angular and culminating zone in the Solstice chart mean?  This is a hard-working, practical, and realistic energy.  It is responsible, organized, and oriented to problem-solving and getting results.  It keeps the wheels of civilization turning by maintaining the infrastructure that supports the well-being of the collective.  This energy is no-nonsense, focused, and self-sufficient.  Because Uranus is also conjunct the North node (discussion is below), we can be grateful to have access to Saturn’s serious and purposeful nature.  We will need it.

Mars is conjunct Chiron, suggesting that we are open to working on current issues (wounds) and those from the past that continue to plague our ability to move forward.  We want to find resolution, or at least work towards that. Mars is in its home sign of Aries and is focused on taking care of what’s on our plate. While Aries is an adventurous, independent energy eager to get moving and attain its goals, it is also transparent and vulnerable.  Aries does not hide its intentions and can at times be easily conned.

Jupiter and the Moon are conjunct, suggesting that we seek emotional well-being.  We also need room to move, and seek to make our living spaces more comfortable, and even expansive.  Jupiter-Moon conjunctions seek abundance and expansion in all arenas.  At the individual level, we work with what we have to create more spaciousness in our surroundings, and are more open to the needs of the collective.

Pluto trines Venus, potentially offering social connections, companionship, and enhanced financial status. While Pluto is an energy that seeks and reveals depths, in its benevolent aspects it brings opportunities to experience the gold inherent in Pluto, and its trine relationship to Venus can create financial opportunities through investments and job offers. This energy can also offer us intimate connections and reveal the inherent beauty and joy of being alive.

Uranus is Conjunct the North Node

This is an aspect that will bring change. Uranus is never subtle, and the extent and manner of its impact is not predictable. Everything is up for being rearranged and reconfigured! Why?  Because Uranus is an iconoclast; its mission is to not just stir the pot, but to break it. We can expect that its conjunction to the North Node is going to create discomfort. The North Node pulls us into the future we have been creating with our actions past and present. On the individual level, adjustments will happen, whether we think we need them or not, or want them, or not. We may also find that what we thought we needed was really more of a luxury item rather than a requirement for our sustainability. Uranus changes everything so much that instead of perceiving we have lost it all, we can also realize that we are now free to start over.

At the collective level, we will continue to see major shifts in the arenas of current controversy.  In the United States these include, but are not limited to, abortion rights, voting rights, the right to unionize, the right to a living wage, truth in information, and gun laws. As well, we are all affected at some level by the catastrophes of wildfires, drought, famine, flooding, and the current wars unjustly waged in many parts of the world, with the most publicized being the shocking invasion of Ukraine by Russia.  

In the United States, laws will be made to our detriment, or not.  We will continue to experience conflict before solutions are arrived at, as polarization in politics is not going away any time soon. Neither is inflation or the overall condition of our national economy. We can always hope that there will be improvement and relief because any potential the planets offer us can be positive or negative depending on the condition of collective consciousness. And perhaps most especially on the goals and visionary capacities of those who have the power to call the shots on the decisions that affect the rest of us. Bottom line, the common denominator for how and how far we evolve is dependent on our willingness to move out of conflict and willingly work together to create solutions that repair and heal, and that provide for and care for all life, everywhere. The direction that things take for the foreseeable future will be revealed over the course of this quarter and through the end of the year.

The Human Design Chart for Summer Solstice 2022

The Human Design chart for this Solstice is a Generator type with a 2/4 profile and the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love.  The Cross of the Vessel of Love is in direct contrast to some of the difficulties of the Solstice astrology chart.  (Note: We are not concerned with location in the casting of this chart because the planets for this moment all fall in the same gates, regardless of longitude and latitude.)

An Incarnation Cross is comprised of the four gates occupied by the: 1) Personality Earth and 2) Sun, and the 3) Design Earth and 4) Sun.  Each of these four planets makes a unique configuration that creates a specific Incarnation Cross.  The Cross identifies the overarching purpose of the Human Design chart.  The 2022 Solstice Human Design has the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love. This Cross is about the love of the Body, love of Spirit, love of Humanity, and love and appreciation of Self.

The four Gates of Cross of the Vessel of Love are the 46, the 25, the 15, and the 10.   In the 46 we have the love and appreciation of being in a human body so that we can give our spiritual purpose form and manifestation; in the 25 we remember that the reason we do anything is because of our reverence for, and gratitude to, Source; in the 15, we remember our love of humanity and our need for connection to community, and in the 10, we remember to love ourselves.  Human beings flourish when communities are built on love, which in practice means that we create societies that support everyone to thrive.  Each quarter we are reminded that this is always an option.

What do we know about the Generator?

In the words of Karen Curry Parker (KCP), the Generator is designed to dance responsively with life.  It is not the job of the Generator to figure things out, but to allow opportunities and experiences to show up and then follow the ones that feel good and correct. They are here to do the “work” of the world and build the new infrastructures that will support the sustainable and equitable approaches needed for a thriving civilization and planet.

The Quantum Purpose of the Generator, per KCP, is to physically manifest creativity and express through devotion.

This Solstice brings us the tireless capacity of the Generator to work on the structures for what support humanity, and to courageously attend to the work that needs to be done.

The 2/4 Profile, the Hermit Opportunist.  We all need time for unhurried isolation, for that is where we experience our deepest peace. Inside relaxation and silence we can explore, without interruption, our creativity and musings. We can re-connect to ourselves.  This profile is about the need to retreat to aloneness to find one’s inner guidance, and to integrate what we have gathered. And then it is time to return to connection, for that is where we thrive.

Defined Channels of the 2022 Summer Solstice Human Design Chart

In Human Design, we also look at the defined channels and the circuits they are part of, to understand the overall purpose of the chart.  There are four channels in the Solstice chart. (Channels are given their Quantum Human DesignTM names.)

    1. The Channel of Innovative Thinking, the 43-23

This channel is about the ability to think out of the box.  This energy is knowing, inventive, innovative, mutative, and imaginative. Here we have the capacity to push past assumptions about both the nature of a problem and how it may best be solved.  Transformative, unconventional thinking can come to the rescue.

    1. The Channel of Higher Purpose, the 25-51

This channel is also individual and mutative, and has the ability to see the higher purpose in something despite and because of disruptive conditions that cause one to look for their deeper meaning. This energy has the capacity to initiate us into understanding the riches inherent in unexpected turn of events, and it can also reveal how to mine those riches.

    1. The Channel of Progress, the 14-2

This mutative channel gives us the ability to respond to authentic opportunities to create life-sustaining resources. When we activate its potential for abundance we can support others as well.

    1. The Channel of Intimacy and Connection, the 19-49

This tribal channel is about creating intimate and emotional connections with others.  We are not meant to be alone. It is also sensitive to the needs of animals and the environment.

The Central Message of Summer Solstice 2022

This Solstice’s astrological energies include the ability to focus, work hard, and find responsible and enduring solutions to our issues.  We take ourselves seriously.  We take what is happening on the world stage seriously.  In addition, we recognize our need for personal well-being, including the courage to finally confront old wounds in order to heal them to the extent we can, and then to release them completely so that we have renewed strength and capacity to move forward.

This Solstice cycle we can expect deep change to occur because the tension and instability of polarization is ripe for implosion. The difficult and challenging conditions of national and global politics will give way to irrevocable changes, and whether those changes contribute to furthering chaos or to the beginnings of constructive dialogue and action that repairs, heals, and creates opportunities to thrive, is up to human beings.

The potential for a higher approach to the entrenched problems of our global civilization is inherent in the energies of the Human Design Solstice Chart.  The Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love offers an outpouring of profound compassion and consideration for the upleveling of all conditions that support life.  This Cross connects us to what we all have in common, and to the understanding that we are all connected through Source, through our beginnings.

The Generator aspect of this chart tells us that we have the energy and desire to work for solutions that create well-being for each one of us, and that includes all of us.  The defined channels in the Solstice chart offer us the ability to think transformatively and creatively to bring in needed solutions to our very challenging circumstances.  We are able to see through disruption to a higher purpose rather than giving in to despair, and we can find the resources that will assist us in creating what we need to bring renewal and abundance in the measures we need to provide lasting material support.

And the work that must be done at this time is to be done by working in ensembles as well as in larger communities where there is a shared vision.  We take our vision and values from the Cross of the Vessel of Love.  Of course, this is a choice, and though many of us are tired, we are still willing to commit to the long haul.

Copyright © 2022 | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Twin charts, and the charts of triplets and quintuplets, are great ways to deepen our understanding of how Human Design functions in the real-time, real lives of human beings. This is because of the fascinating phenomenon that no two charts of the same birth date, time, and place will ever express in the same ways. Why is that? Keep reading!

Our Design describes how our energy is meant to flow. It shows us our best tools for applying our energy, choosing appropriately, where our greatest strengths are, and what we will be drawn to. The direction in which our energy flows is intended to show us where and how to carry out our life plan and soul purpose. That is because our energy naturally flows towards what we are supposed to be doing, being, and learning.

Our Design energies express through our creativity, how we relate to others, how we find our place in the world, the kinds of vocations that interest us, and how we find meaning and fulfillment. In other words, our Design is the map of the path that will lead to the highest expression of our purpose. Above all, your Design is intended to serve your continuing evolution.

But the Chart is not the Soul.  Your Human Design is not your Soul.

Although the themes of twin charts, fraternal or identical, are the same, they will be expressed differently through each twin. All of us are born with our own agenda, or soul contract. In addition, we are all impacted by multiple influences besides our Human Design. Our psychology, astrology, numerology, sociology, genetics, and upbringing, are just a few of the additional influences you bring to your Human Design. Even twins raised in the same family will not have the same perceptions or experiences. Understand also that each part of the Human Design chart has a significant range for how it can express, from lower (reactive, lacking self-awareness) to higher (awareness of why the self has particular responses, and also how acting on those affects the well-being of self and others), as well as an assortment of ways from which each part’s attributes can express. Every person chooses, with awareness or not, how they will express their Design.

Most importantly, we each have a unique soul trajectory that describes where we’ve been and who we’ve been, including how we have treated others, how others have treated us, and how we may have impacted collective history, for good or ill.

Our soul history affects the purpose and direction of our current lives. In other words, the dharma, or life purpose which we incarnated to express and explore, and the karma we came to restore, is influenced by our previous lives. Karma is inevitable, as all actions must be brought to balance. Dharma is necessarily woven into the fabric of our lives. This is because the direction of the Universe evolves towards higher consciousness. Higher consciousness is about unity; it is not about exclusion. Exclusion always results in imbalance, inequity, suffering, and the continuing creation of karma. The agreements or soul contracts we’ve made assist us to connect to our dharma and bring us to the karmas that seek resolution. 

Your life is part of an unimaginably complex tapestry woven into the much larger intentions of an evolutionary field that spans the personal to the collective and beyond. Think of these intentions as written on a giant “canvas” nurtured inside the incomprehensibly boundless consciousness of the Universe. That consciousness can never be captured by a single interpretative modality or combination of modalities. The breadth of that evolutionary field does not appear to be measurable and its beginnings are enveloped in mystery.

The bottom line with how any Design will express has everything to do with the Soul that took it on for that lifetime. Again, souls are at different stages in their evolution — we have different histories; some longer, some shorter. Some of us are younger souls; some are older. All of these influence the unique goals (dharma) and different obligations (karma) for your life. As you become more aware of who you are and what you came here to do, your discernment about what choices are correct for you also increases.  

These reasons, although not comprehensive, are why someone who has the same exact Design as you will, by the time they reach maturity, have a life that looks very different from yours.

What does this mean for the value of Human Design as a tool for self-discovery?

Because different people can be born with the same chart, does it render our Design meaningless? Does it mean that we can’t use our Human Design to identify our uniqueness and our purpose and use it to help us anchor into that purpose? Of course not.

You are the one who brings your Design to life.

Your Design already gives you a great deal of information. It will point you in the direction that you should go. Then it is up to you, as the unique individual soul who is “wearing” that Design, to bring it to light in the way that only you (your soul) intended. You are far more than your Human Design, but you are going to use that Design to find YOUR path and YOUR purpose.

Think of these intentions as written on a giant “canvas” nurtured inside the boundless consciousness of the Universe which can never be captured by a single interpretative modality or combination of modalities. The breadth of that evolutionary field does not appear to have an end, and its beginnings are enveloped in mystery. Even if you don’t believe that the Soul creates intentions, or that your soul has a trajectory comprised of previous lives, you will nevertheless be compelled to live your life by virtue of the yearnings that are unique to you and that drive you to create an authentic life.

I leave you with this: follow your Soul’s (or your authentic) intentions because therein lies the direction for your life.


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How smart I am?

If I’m pretty?

If I’ll be rich?

If I’m talented? (oh, and which talents?)

If I’ll find the love of my life?

What kind of profession I should go into?

What kind of personality I have?


Well, it says other things.



Like how to live as yourself. Like how to identify and follow the natural flow of your personal energy and the energy of the world around you so that you are working with your nature and can see where you’re going. This means that you are making choices and decisions that support your best self and your highest truth.



Yes, and when you are being you, living as yourself, you will be smarter, prettier, and more talented than you thought you could be. Also, when you’re happy with your life and comfortable with who you are, you will attract your right companion. It’s a matter of frequency matching frequency. When you’re happy, your personality is much more attractive, too. And when you know who you are, your right vocation won’t be such a mystery. So, getting your Human Design chart and having it read by a specialist is just about one of the best things you can do for yourself.  Ever.



It’s a start!  We all have free will and others will do as they please, regardless of how much self-knowledge and integrity you have. Your fellow human beings will believe as they do and act on those beliefs regardless of how much you understand and accept yourself.  But knowing who you are and understanding how you can contribute to uplifting the world, and then acting from that, is the beginning of changing the world for the better.

We live in a world that is rife with leaders that look out for their own best interests. We are in the midst of economic and ecological crises, and many do not have access to the basic services that would change their lives.

Imagine what our world would be like if everyone was living from their authentic selves and taking their rightful place as leaders of what they are truly called to be.  This is exercising true power, and it is not selfish, and it is not about elevating yourself over others.  It is about acknowledging that we each have a unique role to play, and those roles are interdependent, collaborative, and cooperative.

This approach to leadership creates equality and sustainability for all. This is why it is so important that you know who you are and act from the specific mission you were given by the Universe.  Don’t worry about failing your mission. The Universe gave you all the right stuff to do and be who you came here to be and to do what you came here to do.


As I indicated above, as long as we are in the dark about our purpose, we will not be able to change the way things are, let alone ourselves. That is because your mindset is everything. How much self-knowledge and self-acceptance you have, how strongly you believe in your right to be here and live your life will make all the difference for you and others. Continue to seek your destiny and continue to engage it as you find it. When you know who you are, you will also be clear on what you are supposed to be doing.

Take a ferocious stand for your life no matter the circumstances because it will make a difference, not just for your own life, but for the lives of others. Some of you have destinies that will take you to the front lines, as it were, and some of you will actively support those at the front lines.



Your chart is a blueprint of the themes you are here to work with. Your unique bodygraph, with all its gates, channels, centers, and circuits, hums with potential. It is up to you to bring that potential to life.

You will not know what you are capable of doing until you do it. The potential of your chart is revealed to the extent that you are willing to live it. You will come to know your potential when you commit to your life.

Copyright © 2021 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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When a client asks about money, they’re usually coming from a place of experiencing financial distress.  They want to know what their Design or astrology, or their cards, etc., say about their future or their ability to make money or have money or when the squeeze will be over, and sometimes will even ask if it could possibly be karmic that they lost their job and about to get evicted, or did they make a bad decision somewhere that led to their current scenario. 

And do we as facilitators or consultants or counselors or guides or mentors  think we can answer those questions definitively for our clients, or the world?

Having enough money means you have enough to eat.  You can have a place to live that no one can kick you out of. You can go to school and get degrees and certifications.  You can set up shop.  You can have the money to purchase therapy and medical care and other expert advice and intervention, as needed and desired.  You can even get respect and you can escape being blamed for having brought the “lessons” of poverty on yourself.  Having enough money really does put the kibosh on the myriad varieties of suffering that not having enough money makes inevitable.  You can help others, too.

We can talk about the client’s soul curriculum as indicated by the defined parts of the chart.  These are the consistent themes that we each will focus on, mostly through our relationships and connections with others.  Those include the money markers, the health markers, the right brain (sensing circuit) and left brain (logic circuit) markers, and the individual circuit (both brain) markers, the relationship markers, the markers that tend towards certain types of talents and interests…and more.

What if the client asking about their aptitude for making money or their money destiny or their ability to make and/or receive money without struggle only has one official money marker or none?  Does it mean they are destined to be without money?

And do we as facilitators or consultants or counselors or guides or mentors really think we can answer those questions definitively?

Questions about money, health, love and romance, vocation, opportunities for all of these and more, are natural questions because we are human. We ask them of each other, of experts who offer services and hope, and we ask them of God, or whatever invisible allies may be listening. We ask because we are mortal, and while we must breathe to live, breathing alone isn’t going to give us everything we need to keep us alive. But it’s a start; a critical one.

Questions of money are questions of value and of our worthiness to survive and thrive, and they are bone-deep, grave-deep, eons old, and tangled up in culture and beliefs about who deserves what, who calls the shots, and are glued to power and power-over, who got hold of the resources first, who’s smarter or prettier or more talented and so deserves it all, and are also issues of gender and race, and more. For sure, as individuals, our destiny calls us to break the trails to get to where we need to go and become who we are supposed to be, using what we’ve got, and for sure, the unexpected, and other people’s wills and choices are bound to intervene in our process, in our trials and errors, catch us in our blind spots, and you can take that intervention in one of two ways.  It was interference, and it was nasty, and not part of the plan, but here we are and we need to make the best of it.  We want to live, after all. We want to make something of ourselves, but first, we can count on being hungry, and getting something to eat is going to be the main driver that obscures everything else until we’ve had enough. To eat. Or, the interference was actually a deliberate roadblock engineered with our permission (I asked for that? Bullshit!) so that we could test our mettle and brittle and find our deeper resources and resilience and emerge wiser, if a bit hobbled. 

All of which is to say none of us operates solo. Nobody gets to live out their lives on their own cozy planet.  We’re in a community, a town, a city, a state, a nation, a world.  We constantly collide.  There are assumptions, expectations, traditions, fossilized laws and fossilized perspectives that don’t want magnification or the intrusion of concepts like equality and sustainability.  Or fairness. 

There are a lot of jobs out there that don’t pay much.  And a lot of people work them.  They have money issues not of their making. They have issues of personal worthiness over something they didn’t create.  And who’s calling the shots to keep the minimum wage minimalist?  Them that’s got the power.  What do we tell those who have limited opportunities about what their Human Design says about that (if it even does)?  And what about the money markers?  How much influence or power do these markers have, anyway?  This world is a really big place. (Yeah, I know a lot of folks are not going back to those jobs; yet, they can’t hold out forever without help.) 

It’s not all about your Design.  We’re all sitting inside a big fat context that preceded us, and has deep, deep roots.  And some of us have comfier contexts, and it’s been that way from way back.  In order to live the high potential of your Human Design, certain things need to be in place.  For starters, we need to have basic security needs met.  We need to have our health. Most importantly, we need to believe in ourselves and have a strong sense of our own value.  

My point is that there are a lot of factors that affect money flow, both universally, and specifically towards each one of us.  And I also know that, bottom line, where we can exert the most influence and power is over our mindset.  Over our refusal to let go of our destinies.  I eventually realized that I’m the one who needs to take a ferocious stand for my life, no matter the circumstances, and especially because of some of those circumstances.  It all flows out from there.  Photons, neutrinos, desire, passion, love, and the God DNA embedded in our beings are inimitable creators.  Ours.

I always go back to the cards I’m holding. Those will change over time as fortunate synchronicities and not-so-fortunate events take place. As long as you’re alive, something is happening. You can count on the unexpected, on the routine and plan-interrupters to show up.  In the meantime, what we do with the cards we have at any juncture in our lives is everything.  How we choose to deal with difficult circumstances will keep us on our feet or seduce us into collapsing. 

Once you begin the conversation about the mechanics of the chart, your client is going to participate.  S/he will expand on your words, stimulated by the ideas that your words conjure. Your job is to create the space for the conversation and to guide the process.  Listen, reflect back, share a story if it feels appropriate, engage the dynamic, and trust the emerging insights.  Be aware of the themes that arise — those are where the heart of the matter lies for them. 

There’s no formula for the perfect Human Design money conversation. They are independently guided. The inspiration and focus arise from the current needs of the client’s life.  Your job is to support your client. Those are fail-proof intentions.  Remember that you and they, and all of us, are made from the ultimate DNA. The implications are major.

Copyright © 2021 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |


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Positive thinking can help bring out the best in your Human Design.  When you are optimistic, it is easier to access your Soul Intentions.

A positive mindset will help you to uncloud your emotions and keep fear out of your decisions. It will allow you to see your way more clearly.  When you are not struggling with difficult emotions such as resentment and feelings that life is unfair, it is much easier for you to access the gifts of your Human Design because it is much easier to see your options and to become aware of opportunities as they show up. 

In this way, optimism and positive thinking will help you to succeed.  Be mindful that optimism and positive thinking will not change your original Soul Intentions or the inherent potential of your Design, but they will support them.  If you agreed to be a teacher, a factory worker, or a retail employee, for example, optimism and positive thinking will not alter your Soul Plan.  Optimism alone cannot expand your life choices such that you can now aspire to wealth, fame, extraordinary talent, or success.  You will not transform from a nice-looking person to someone of great beauty or crowd-attracting magnetism because you are optimistic and have a good attitude, but you could become someone who is trustworthy and would make a good friend.  And you will be able to bring out the highest expression of your Design.

Your Soul Plan was Decided Ahead of Time 

Your Human Design was created to support your Soul Plan. You do not come in as a blank slate, but rather with a complex Plan that is intricately connected to and dependent on many pre-incarnational agreements.  It is also true that we can make agreements once we are here, and these back-ups often replace those agreements that did not, for various reasons, show up.  Or they can bridge gaps that we did not foresee. 

Becoming an author or acclaimed speaker is a specific path that requires that certain types of agreements with others are in place, and also that these agreements will be followed.  These goals also require specific types of talent, drive, and vision.

You must have something to say that will inspire many, and you must choose your words wisely.  If you want to become a best-selling author or popular thought leader and speaker and believe you can because you are passionate, because you believe in what’s possible for humanity and are on the side of justice, it would be good to do some soul-searching.  Look within to see if you are indeed designed to express your convictions from those platforms.  When we use the talents we were given and follow what calls us, life is easier because we are in alignment with our agreements and with our gifts and Design.

When we use our gifts and apply them to our interests, we are well within the parameters of our original Intentions and the Design that was created to support and carry out those Intentions.  Life is much harder when we try to become someone that we are not designed to be and for which we do not have agreements.  We need our agreements to help move us along. Mentors are one such agreement.  Those who provide introductions or connections are another type of agreement.  Those who employ us so that we can keep food on the table and those who teach skills and knowledge for which we are suited are also in our pool of agreements. But when we place ourselves in arenas where we do not have agreements or the right “stuff,” we will struggle for recognition and support.

Follow the Unfolding of Your Soul Plan to See Where it Takes You  

You will discover, over time, what is contained in your Plan, and if you find that you do not have the interest or desire to become a celebrity of this or that, do not think it is because of laziness, or that you lack or courage or ambition.  Do not think you are failing your calling.  And if you find that you are unable to produce material of the type that appeals to a wide audience despite your efforts, do not think that you are failing your mission. Do not think that it is because you lack insight or your own special brand of brilliance, or that you have no appeal. It could simply be that you are not meant for celebrity status this life, or that your talents are not intended to be used in this way.

Do not assume that if you live a humble life that you will lack impact and influence.  All too often we discount our ability to have a positive impact if our actions are unseen by most and take place in humble circumstances.  You do not know if you are the primary facilitating agreement for someone who has a “large” mission who needed your encouragement and information. You do not always know how many “students” benefited from your words and deeds.

You will be much happier when you can operate from who you are without feeling like you have to swim the English Channel or have a million followers on Instagram before you can prove to yourself and others that you have value and are doing what you came to do. You do not have to walk across Niagara Falls from a tightrope to find your Soul Plan.  You do not need to go to India.  Unless, of course, these things are written into your Soul Plan!  How do you know what is in your Soul Plan and if you are to live a “big” or “small” life?

Follow Your Heart

Follow your passions and your interests. Take stock of the resources you have: physical, emotional, and financial, and especially include those who want to support you in your calling.  Be aware that rest and nourishment are essential. You need your vitality and your health.  Your health and well-being will support you to do what you need and want to do.  And your well-being will always support you to feel good about your life as is even if all you do is sit on the back porch with a glass of wine while you watch your cats play in the grass under the late afternoon Sun.  It’s also possible that while you silently muse on the vibrancy of the setting sun as the grass and your cats fade into shadow, that a remarkable revelation will seize your imagination. Then you will know beyond a doubt just what glorious dimensions are held in your Soul Plan.

Copyright © 2021 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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Stonehenge at Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice—occurring this year on June 20th—marks the day when the Sun is at its northernmost or southernmost arc along the celestial equator. This is the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere. The sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer in the North and makes the longest day of the year.  In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day and longest night.

Seasonal changes occur quarterly and their influence lasts until the next season’s ingress.  Even so, there are no solid demarcations with influences waning over time, similar to the way a radiant full moon eventually attenuates into darkness.

The Astrology of Summer Solstice 2021

On June 20, 2021, the Sun enters 0° Cancer at 11:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time.  I am using the location of Washington, D.C., as it is the Capital of the United States and as such, represents this country’s collective experience. 

Although Solstice planetary house placements in a chart will vary with  location, universally the astrology for this moment has extremely noteworthy conditions.  Not one, not two, but three planets—Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune—are stationary.  What this means is that each one of these planets has slowed down considerably to change direction. Jupiter stations to go retrograde on the 20th, Mercury stations to go direct on the 22nd, and Neptune stations to go retrograde on June 25.

Stationary influences are felt four-five days out on either side of the station.  Therefore, we are looking at a Solstice that begins under the influence of the Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune stations. This dynamic will continue at least into the Fall Equinox, as all energy formations are interconnected and overlay each other as they wax and wane.

A stationary planet has a somewhat different meaning than a retrograde planet. During a retrograde, we have the opportunity to review and reconsider thoughts and actions that we engaged in before the retrograde so that when the planet stations to go direct, we can take needed actions to amend and course-correct.  

When a planet’s velocity is at (or close to) 00° 00′, the planet is said to be stationary (or “stopped”) in its motion.  The symbolism of a stationary planet is like that of a guide who has stopped her journey with the express purpose of witnessing a particular event or person.  There is something both mystical and penetrating about the station.  This quality of witness is highly focused and stamps its unique energies into the event or person, encoding it with aspects of its own nature.  The station is a time for us to stop in our tracks, as it were, and witness with depth and deliberation what we truly need.  If we have taken detours from addressing our fundamental needs, from what our hearts really want to explore, and what our gifts really want to express, we can now reconnect to those.

Let’s Look at the Meaning of a Mercury Station

There is an additional dimension to consider with this particular Mercury station. Summer Solstice 2021’s stationary Mercury is aphelion, meaning that its orbit is at its farthest point from the Sun. This is a moderating influence for Mercury, known for its trickster tendencies. When it is closest to the Sun, Mercury is at perihelion and moves fast with [symbolic] impatience and a burning desire to release tension and make something happen. The trickster archetype is far more prominent at perihelion.

Stationary Mercury does not have the shrewdness or ambition of Mercury at normal “cruising” velocity or when it is perihelion.  When stationary, Mercury is more accommodating and diplomatic. Communication is more transparent, and agendas that take everyone into account are supported.

This Solstice’s Mercury has the ambitious ego of Mercury with the stationary’s sense of destiny moderated by the aphelion position. There is egotism but it’s modulated; there is partisanship but it’s tempered; there is passion, but it’s not that intense.  We still have the shrewdness and ambition of Mercury, but the obsessive fire is tempered, and at times that’s for the best. This is a more accommodating and diplomatic version of Mercury.  It is as if Mercury is masked. This configuration is more like the Mercury you read about in astrology books: curious, intelligent, efficient, and a little bit devoid of feeling. There is greater detachment with this aspect.  Still, even beneath these conditions (stationary + aphelion), Mercury’s core nature remains, and any skeletons that lurk in its closet are still there but quieted for now. 

What Does It Mean When Jupiter Stations?

Let’s review the essential meaning of astrological Jupiter. Jupiter’s qualities are warmth, friendliness, and an easy-going nature; it’s adventurous, has a drive for leadership, and enjoys networking. It desires to win friends and influence others.  Jupiter is an energy that feels very at home in groups and it wants to participate in all the good things that life offers.  It’s a big, wide, wonderful world, and Jupiter wants to experience as much of it as possible.

When Jupiter stations, its core qualities of expansion and connection contract.  Rather than sharing its wins with others, it tends to make itself into a hero, romanticizing its past, exaggerating its successes, and finding enemies for its failures.  It can turn both allies and enemies into larger-than-life figures and make daily struggles into events of historical proportion.  “Normal” Jupiter is already prominent energy, and when this energy is turned upside down, it can mythologize itself into a kind of lone ranger who is the only one fighting on behalf of justice.

At the station, Jupiter can have identity issues and as such, express volatility.  It can become obsessed with telling its story of winning over great odds to an audience that recognizes and appreciates its heroism. Instead of being content with having a unique role within a group, stationary Jupiter needs to be center stage to avoid social hierarchies.

Stationary Neptune

The astrological Neptune is a symbol of faraway realms.  It also represents intuition, psychic abilities, and inspiration from the higher realms. Compassion, spirituality, and empathy are high expressions of Neptune, but Neptune can also represent illusion and addiction.

Stationary Neptune is about the mythos of a collectiveit could be local, it could be regional, and it could be national, or worldwide.  A mythos encapsulates the core ideology, including beliefs and values, which everyone in a particular community – families to countries to nations to the world – can embrace, and which imparts identity and belonging. There is a need to belong to a collective. It anchors communities into a sense of purpose and a meaningful relationship to their culture. Stationary Neptune also represents the ability to speak a universal language that everyone understands.  This is because when stationary, Neptune acts as a cultural conduit which is able to tap into energies that are floating in the air.  

Stationary Neptune longs for feelings and experiences that the current environment can’t provide, and so it seeks to create them through a collective experience.  It is interested in the broader culture, in social issues, cultural mores, writers, artists, musicians, politicians, but especially perhaps, in writers and musicians, which can provide the emotional tones and psychological depths that a purely intellectual view of life cannot.

The Saturn-Uranus Square

The astrology of Solstice 2021 also contains the mighty Saturn-Uranus square.  A square is  a 90° angle between planets.  Because both Saturn and Uranus are outer planets, they move slowly, which makes their effects powerful and lasting.  While their impact is personal, the changes they make to the collective are enduring.

This is an aspect of great tension, where the energies of the two planets assert their influence without cooperation or compromise.  Saturn-Uranus squares, and other mathematical aspects of tension, influence societal and personal change through creating instability, chaos, and upheaval, including wars, genocide, and economic recessions (to name a few) as worse case scenarios.  Civil unrest is also often accompanied by violence.  Historically, the changes that hard contacts between Saturn and Uranus bring will unfold over decades. (Note that hard aspects between Saturn and Pluto will have similar impacts). 

This happens when Saturn’s job to maintain the status quo overreaches, and works against the evolving needs of humanity.  Traditions,  systems, and rules are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of communities.  But when those traditions and the established way of doing things fail to keep pace with the real needs of groups and individuals, Uranus eventually intervenes to exert tremendous pressure that breaks the dynamics of prevailing sacred icons that are preventing meeting even the basic needs of a community. Undue restriction and oppression will eventually be brought down. There is tremendous pressure to overhaul unworkable structures and beliefs.  In my opinion, humanity doesn’t need to go to such extremes.  If we are keeping pace with the needs of our world, there is no need to resort to destructive tactics to return to balance.

The square began in February 2021 and is in effect the entire year, with exact aspects on February 17, June 14, and December 23. The square continues into 2022, finally separating on the second week of November 2022.  

Other Celestial Influences

Solstice 2021 is just coming out from under the influence of the May 26 total lunar eclipse at 5° Sagittarius 26.’  Lunar eclipses signal a time to declutter and let go of what did not come to fruition despite our efforts and to focus on what we need to bring in.

Mars opposes Pluto from about June 4th through June 8th. This aspect  repeats the signature tension of the intensity and confrontative issues of these times. Push and shove are one way to express these, but if we understand what these energies are telling us, mastery of their high expression can create transformative solutions.

On June 10, we have a Solar eclipse at 19° Gemini 47.’  Solar eclipses are times to be forward-looking and visionary—and it is necessary to wrap up the unfinished business brought to our awareness under the lunar eclipse before we can move forward freely.

The Full Moon is at 3° Capricorn 28′ on June 24.  The Sabian symbol keynote for 4° Capricorn is the ability to use natural resources and basic skills to achieve a group purpose.  We can achieve a great deal when we work cooperatively with a shared universal purpose.

In addition to the influences described, there is a dramatic Mars-Saturn opposition building up towards the end of June.  With Saturn stationing as Mars enters into opposition, the conflict between these two planets is intensified. At the same time, Mars squares Uranus, exerting additional pressure on the already tense Saturn-Uranus square, with Uranus at the apex of this configuration.  July 4 could turn out to be especially incendiary.  Mars’ square to Uranus begins to wane after the 4th, but tensions continue through the end of that week. This exacerbating influence will highlight the basis behind the conflicts of the Saturn-Uranus square occurring at this time in history.  The tension symbolized by this square is of course, worldwide, and it covers the entire territory of misappropriation of power and lack of planetary stewardship. Our individual and collective destinies are intertwined but that does not seem to be well understood.  Perhaps these transits will assist us to gain a deeper understanding of this.

Overview of the Central Energies of the Planets

Astrological Themes of the Stationaries: Mercury is more accommodating and diplomatic; Jupiter’s normally warm and expansive nature is in reverse. It is testy, having lost its sense of community and connection. Now it needs to be acknowledged as being special rather than being one of the crowd.  Neptune seeks a mythos that will address broader cultural and community issues where everyone can get behind a vision and a set of values that creates belonging and bonding.

Saturn-Uranus square: There is the conflict between adhering stubbornly to tradition for tradition’s sake and the need for radical adaptation to meet current needs.  Dramatic head-butting has the potential for violence.  Under this square, it is difficult to hear the other side.  The Mars-Saturn opposition aggravates the existing square, bringing the core issues to light where everyone can see them and even get a better idea of what is going on for them personally.

The overriding planetary themes center on discomfort and agitation.  Current values, rules, and infrastructures are failing to meet the needs of real people as well as the needs of an evolving civilization. At the same time, we are aware that if we can collectively agree to a vision that everyone can embrace (because its implementation will address everyone’s basic needs and create benefits for all), we can put an end to spinning our wheels.  Working together cooperatively we can achieve a great deal.  But will we do it?

The upside of so many stationary planetary influences is that we are given the opportunity to step back from business as usual.  We can take the time we need to re-evaluate the worthiness of our goals, their impact on ourselves and others. We have the time to make new intentions and create goals that are truly worthy of serving humanity.

The Human Design Chart for Summer Solstice 2021

The Human Design chart for this Solstice is a Manifesting Generator with a 2/4 profile and the incarnation cross of the Vessel of Love.  The Cross of the Vessel of Love, born of the architecture of celestial positions in specific gates, will soften the agitation of prevailing planetary energies, and in conjunction with the stationary period, give us pause from acting and induce a calmer frame of mind.

An Incarnation Cross is compromised of the Personality (Conscious) Earth and Sun, and the Design (Unconscious) Earth and Sun.  Each of these four planets occupies a gate, and the unique configuration of those gates creates a specific Cross.  Crosses identify our overarching purpose.  The Solstice chart has the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love. This Cross is about the love of the body, love of Spirit, love of humanity, and self-love.

The four gates of Cross of the Vessel of Love are the 46, the 25, the 15, and the 10.   In the 46 we have the love and appreciation of being in a human body so that we can give our spiritual purpose form and manifestation; in the 25 we remember that the reason we do anything is because of our reverence for, and gratitude to, Source; in the 15, we remember our love of humanity and our need for connection to community, and in the 10, we remember to love ourselves.  The effect of these celestial events will be long-term; thus we continue to work on creating community.  Human beings will flourish when communities are built on love, which in practice means that we create societies that support each one to be able to thrive.  At each turning of the seasons we are reminded that this is still an option.

What do we know about the Manifesting Generator? 

The Manifesting Generators’ life purpose is about doing things over and over again in various ways so that they can achieve mastery and find the shortest path to doing anything.  They are here to do the “work” of the world and build the new infrastructures that will support the sustainable and equitable approaches needed for a thriving civilization and planet.  Manifesting Generators are designed to cut to the chase and find shortcuts and the most efficient ways to accomplish any goal.

The Quantum Purpose of the Manifesting Generator (per Karen Curry Parker) is to physically manifest creativity and speed up the quantum process and linear time. 

This Solstice (and beyond) we benefit greatly from the tireless and indomitable capacity of the Manifesting Generator to launch the foundation for what will support humanity, and to be able to address, at the same time, the many facets of the work that needs to be done.

The 2/4 Profile, the Hermit Opportunist.  We all need time for unhurried isolation, for that is where we experience our deepest peace. Inside relaxation and silence we can explore, without interruption, our creativity and musings. We can re-connect to ourselves.  This profile is about the need to retreat to aloneness to find one’s inner guidance, and to integrate what we have gathered. And then it is time to return to connection, for that is where we thrive.

The Solstice Sun is in Gate 15.  In the I Ching, on which Human Design is also based, it is known as the Gate of Humility. In the translation by Deng Ming-Dao in The Living I Ching, we are told that humility is akin to compassion “in the sense that true compassion means extending one’s energy and talents on behalf of others.” 

Humility is the corollary to compassion.  The I Ching tells us that humility exists only in the wake of arrogance.  And yet, not everyone chooses to step aside from arrogance and open their hearts to suffering, their own, and others.

What do the concerns of humility and compassion have to do with the Summer Solstice 2021 charts?  Pretty much everything, and here’s why. I don’t have to tell you that no matter what category you consider, what catalog or newspaper or newsletter or Instagram or Facebook post and so on, we are alerted in no uncertain terms that we face grim realities. The political and ecological challenges (some are breathtakingly steep) are enormous. Our congresspeople are slow to create legislative solutions. Grassroots environmental groups struggle for financing. I’m fairly certain that not all those who hold seats of power are aware of the vast or multitudinous quality and quantity of suffering. If they are, their bellies have gone cold and remembrances of passion to do the right thing are memories lost in the ideological annals and given over to expediency.  

The Central Message of This Season

The moment when the Sun enters Cancer in the tropical zodiac contains a tangled hierarchy of energies.  Some of these energies clash; some are friendly to each other.  Each has its arena of concern and its take on things.  Similarly, we are not all gathered together to do the right thing, and yet, there are enough of us that know what that is.  We can make a difference.  We can get the Titanic turned around.

Let’s review the prominent energies of the astrology of this time.  Three planets have come to a station.  The symbolism is impressive.  There is a major signpost telling us how to take advantage of what we are currently immersed in. To reiterate:

The symbolism of a stationary planet is like that of a guide who has stopped her journey with the express purpose of witnessing a particular event or person.  There is something both mystical and penetrating about the station.  This quality of witness is highly focused and stamps its unique energies into the event or person, encoding it with aspects of its own nature.  The station is a time for us to stop in our tracks as it were, and witness with depth and deliberation, what we truly need.  If we have taken detours from addressing our fundamental needs, from what our hearts really want to explore, and what our gifts really want to express, we can now reconnect to those.

Each of the stationary planets – Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune, have their concerns. They are each uniquely gifted in navigating their territory.  Although some of these energies can be prickly and fussy and not always grounded or inclined to be of service, we can nevertheless take their core intelligence and use these to break new trails. Mercury is perceptive and strategic, Jupiter has sociability and courage, and Neptune is intuitive and compassionate.

Admittedly, there is more than enough conflict to go around with the current interactions of Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Pluto.  We have all seen the ugly aftermath of releasing these energies through the path of least resistance.  But if we understand what these energies are telling us, we will also see that mastery of their high expression is what will lead to transformative solutions. Yes, I know; easy to say and hard to do.  However, we are not on our own, so let’s act like we believe this!

Although we may tremble, we are all called to be the guides who look deep into the well of the human condition and from its murk perceive what patterns need to be disrupted.  We may not know what the new process will be, but we have faith that the answers exist and that they will come.

The Cross of the Vessel of Love reminds us once again that we have the power through our love for ourselves, for others, and for these bodies (without which we cannot make meaningful change)to bring in the new patterns.  We are also reminded by this Cross that we are here to achieve mastery through courage and dedication and that unless we sit inside of compassion and humility, we will become arrogant and forget everything we knew about the right thing to do.

Copyright © 2021 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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by Patrick Jerome

In 1957 Michel Gauquelin published his first statistical study of astrology.  Using the horoscopes of thousands of French professionals (including athletes, actors, doctors, and scientists), he discovered clear correlations between planetary placement and profession.  He then repeated his study and got identical results using the horoscopes of German, Italian, Belgian, and Dutch professionals.  Throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s he continued to do studies and get statistically significant results.

Gauquelin was on the verge of proving astrology, which is a very big thing, because proving astrology is tantamount to proving the existence of God.

Members of the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) understood this and were obsessed with proving Gauquelin wrong.  Founded in April 1976 by 25 “humanist” university professors  and one magician—the Amazing Randi—the CSICOP’s stated goal was “to not reject on a priori grounds . . . any or all such claims, but rather to examine them openly, completely, objectively, and carefully.”[1]

Sounds good, right?  It sounds downright noble.  And the weird thing is, it’s exactly what Gauquelin had been doing for twenty years—testing astrology using the tools of science—but the real goal of CSICOP was not to investigate the paranormal but to debunk it, and Gauquelin was Public Enemy Number 1.

What is interesting is that Gauquelin himself had begun his work as a skeptic.  Although he had loved astrology as a boy, making so many predictions that his classmates called him “Nostradamus,” when he entered the Sorbonne he became ashamed of those interests and staged elaborate tricks to make believers look like fools.  He once, for example, put an ad in a newspaper, “Get a free horoscope” and then asked those who responded to rate how accurate the reading was.  The overwhelming majority responded “very accurate” or “extremely accurate” when, in fact, every single person had received the same print-out, which was based on the birth information of a serial killer.

It’s a prank totally in the spirit of CSICOP, and when Gauquelin began gathering birth data, his goal was not to prove astrology, but to “bury the idiots once and for all.”

But unlike the leaders of the CSICOP, Gauquelin really did want to examine the facts “openly, completely, objectively, and carefully,” and even after he got results that contradicted his hypothesis, he had the courage to publish them.  It must be made clear, however, that Gauquelin did not prove the brand of astrology that you see in the newspapers or astrology texts.  He did not prove the validity of signs, houses, aspects, or other traditional techniques.  Indeed, his tests of those factors were negative.  What he proved was that in the charts of prominent professionals, certain planets had either just risen or just culminated with the planets depending upon which profession was being studied, and this is where his findings did validate tradition, because militant Mars was prominent in the charts of athletes and military leaders, jovial Jupiter was prominent in the charts of actors and politicians, and sober Saturn was prominent in the charts of doctors and scientists, and the profound congruence of all this was one reason why the CSICOP was so intent upon crushing him.  In the mid-1970’s, they issued Gauquelin a “challenge.” [2]

The Challenge was a classic control experiment: isolate the sports ability variable by comparing the Mars horoscopic positions of the champions Gauquelin had already collected vs. the Mars horoscopic positions of all other persons (non-sports champions)—the “control” group—born about the same time and place as the champions. If the control group exhibits the same hit-rate (a “hit”: being born when Mars resides in celestial Sector 1 or 4) as the champions, 22 percent, then clearly sports ability has nothing to do with the Mars Effect, which is thus revealed as merely a by-product of purely natural influences. This is what the top CSICOPs expected to happen. [3]

But it didn’t happen.  The results for the CSICOP-collected control group were exactly as Gauquelin had predicted: 17%.  CSICOP had “examined the facts . . . openly, completely, objectively, and carefully,” and Gauquelin had won, but instead of admitting this, CSICOP suppressed the data.  Before the experiment, confident that they would win, CSICOP had stated that all results would be published in The Skeptical Inquirer, but once it was clear that they had lost, they pretended that the challenge had never happened. As the Amazing Randi bluntly put it, “We can’t let the mystics rejoice.”  Committee member Dennis Rawlins was so disgusted that he published a scathing exposé in Fate Magazine.[4]

But it wasn’t just the skeptics who hated Gauquelin.  Many prominent astrologers—most notably Dane Rudyar—also hated him, because although Gauquelin proved a new kind of astrology—a “neo-astrology”—all tests of traditional astrology were negative, and Rudyar, who had spent most of his adult life expounding on the “deeper meaning” of signs, houses, elements, and his own statistically meaningless creation, the lunation cycle, was too set-in-his-ways to change.

Rudyar, in short, was just as stubbornly wrong-headed as the skeptics, but it was worse in a way, because at least the skeptics grasped the implications of Gauquelin’s findings:

Proving astrology is tantamount to proving the existence of God

The skeptics didn’t want God to exist, which is why they attacked Gauquelin so ferociously, but what Rudyar failed to grasp was that astrology had won.  It wasn’t his brand of astrology, but it had won, which meant that astrologers were under a moral obligation to restructure their tenets taking the new information into account.  That’s how science works.  You have a hypothesis, you do an experiment, and you adjust your description of reality based on the results of the experiment, but astrology didn’t do this.  There was no adjustment.  Gauquelin had proven a certain kind of astrology, but the vast majority of astrologers continued to practice the old, discredited kind.

And it wasn’t just old school apologists like Rudyar.  It was everyone.  Even the great scholar Robert Hand, the “Francis Bacon of astrology,” who had written that Gauquelin’s findings are “one of the strongest threats to mechanist-materialism in existence” continued to use interpretations that fly in the face of reality.  Here is Hand’s description of the 12th house:

The Twelfth House [signifies]. . . things like “self-undoing,” imprisonment, secrets in general, secret enemies, seclusion and generally being withdrawn from the world, and it is usually regarded as being one of the worst houses in the chart.[i]

But anyone familiar with Gauquelin knows that the 12th house (along with the 9th), is the strongest placement in a horoscope, not the weakest Yet Robert Hand, who has read Gauquelin and understands its mammoth implications, still can’t shake the lure of tradition.

And he isn’t alone.  Here’s what four modern astrologers, from four different websites, have written about Mars in the 12th house:

DANA GERHART:  People with a 12th house Mars often have difficulty going after what they want. [ii]

THE ASTROLOGY PLACE: [Mars in 12th house people] find asserting themselves very difficult . . . The desire to put themselves first is lacking. . . . hide from confrontation . . . no reaction to conflict  . . .

ASTRO CHERRY: take all precaution to avoid confrontation . . . unresponsive during conflict . . . experience trouble with force and assertion . . . lack the “me-first” desire[iii]

CAFÉ ASTROLOGY: Energy stifled . . . afraid to assert themselves . . . defeated before they start [iv]

If it sounds like these writers are imitating each other, it’s probably because they are, but they aren’t just imitating each other, they are imitating the ideas of pretty much every astrologer in history, from Ptolemy to Dane Rudyar.

And they couldn’t be more wrong.

In addition to his professional studies, Gauquelin did a series of keyword studies, with the goal of establishing a link between professional success and temperament.  Here are the results for 9th and 12th house Mars:

Professions showing High: Athletes, Military officers, Doctors, Businessmen

Professions showing Low:  Artists, writers, musicians.

Related keywords:  Active, ardent, belligerent, brave, combative, daring, dynamic, energetic, fearless, fighting, lively, offensive, reckless, spontaneous, strong-willed, stormy, tireless, tough, valiant, and full of vitality . . .

Think about it: the most aggressive professions show rates above chance and the gentlest professions show rates below chance—exactly the opposite of what tradition says—and the keywords bring the point home.  Here are the results in a schematic:

Keywords for 12th House Mars

Gauquelin findings Astrological tradition
Active, ardent, dynamic, energetic Energy stifled
Daring, Combative Hide from confrontation
Strong-willed Lack the me-first desire

The two lists could not be more opposite.  It’s like a car company whose Research and Development team has invented a solar car made entirely from hemp, but the sales department keeps pushing metal gas-guzzlers.  Astrologers should be using the Gauquelin data and forsaking outmoded techniques—it’s the only way astrology can move forward—and it’s frustrating to see even great astrologers give such abominable interpretations, but in all fairness there are good reasons for this.

1. Astrologers see mainly people with problems. It is often asked, “How can astrologers be so stupid?  Don’t they have any powers of perception?  How can they take the most aggressive aspect and say it’s a symbol of passivity?”  First of all, it must be understood that most astrologers are counselors, most of their clients are unhappy, and unhappy people are generally unhappy because they can’t express their true selves.  So, it’s quite possible that many Gauquelin Mars people do have “stifled energy” and are lacking in a “me-first attitude,” but it’s not because they have a 12th house Mars — it’s because they’re not expressing their 12th house Mars, and it’s the astrologer’s job to help them find their inner warrior.

2. Astrology offers a psychologically satisfying view of human nature. Traditional astrology is fun, it’s elegant, it’s visionary, it’s rich with symbolism, it offers a complete view of human nature; it draws on traditions that go back thousands of years, and once you’ve learned the symbols, you can apply them in an infinite number of ways.  What’s more, you can read astrology books, attend astrology conferences, talk shop with other astrologers, and become part of an interesting new world.  Astrologers are nice people.  They’re fun to be around.  And once you’ve experienced the brotherhood, it’s difficult to let it go.

3. The Gauquelin data is not presented in an accessible way. Astrologers want to read charts, and when they encounter something new, they immediately seek ways to apply it but that wasn’t Gauquelin’s orientation.  He presented his findings in the language of science.  He could never have defeated the skeptics if he talked like Dane Rudyar, but although it’s nice to know that there are a lot of athletes with Gauquelin Mars, what possible use is that information to a client who is overweight, hates sports, and has just had a knee operation?  Yes, Gauquelin’s findings are inspiring, but they are not useful.  There are many intelligent astrologers who would welcome interpretations based on Gauquelin if they existed.

Astrology is not a science.  It could be.  It should be.  It can be studied in the same way sociology and psychology are studied, but it’s much more significant than sociology or psychology, because the implications are so much greater.  Sociology and psychology involve the study of groups within the world, but if astrology is true, it means that human life is not limited to the physical world.  We aren’t just a conglomeration of atoms and molecules, we are spiritual beings influenced by the stars, and looking at charts, if we look correctly, is like looking at God’s plan for the creation.  But we must look correctly.  When tradition is wrong, we must discard tradition without regret, and when we get a glimpse of the truth, as Gauquelin did, we must dig like badgers to get to the bottom of it.  The Gauquelin data is not the final answer.  But we must stop dispensing interpretations that fly in the face of the facts.  It’s not just thick-headed; it’s counter-evolutionary.  It’s a failure to acknowledge our role in the creation.



[2] One science professor, upon evaluating Gauquelin’s “Mars factor,” was heard to remark, “He has certainly proved his point, but I wish it were Venus.”  He meant this: The statistical validity of the Gauquelin data although certainly compelling, represents only half its power.  The other half comes from its eerie resonance with ancient symbolism—not the symbolism of the houses (which has been categorically refuted) but of the planets. Indeed, the data are making two statements: one, that astrology is statistically valid; and two, that those statistics are in accord with symbols that have been in use since before the birth of Christ.  Gauquelin’s astrology is certainly modern, but it has echoes of the ancient, which makes it that much scarier to the skeptics.


[4] It’s weird how history becomes distorted—and it makes you wonder who is doing the distorting—because when I looked up Dennis Rawlins on Wikipedia, his brief write-up contained this sentence: “In 1976, as the only astronomer on the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, he looked into and debunked the so-called Mars effect.”  This is, in fact, the exact opposite of what happened.  Rawlins did not debunk the Mars effect, he upheld it and exposed the hypocrisy of the CSICOP members who pressured him to lie.  Rawlins tells the story in great detail in “starBaby,” which is listed in the bibliography of the Wikipedia article, although the Wikipedia author clearly never read it, or, if he did, he chose to ignore it.  Such blatant distortions can easily lead one to a paranoid world view.  As Rawlins wrote in “starBaby:” “I USED to believe it was simply a figment of the National Enquirer’s  weekly imagination that the Science Establishment would cover up evidence for the occult. But that was in the era B.C. — Before the Committee.  I refer to the “Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal” (CSICOP), of which I am a co-founder and on whose ruling Executive Council (generally called the Council) I served for some years.”






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Human Design doesn’t explain everything about your life.

It can’t. And it isn’t meant to. It is a beautiful and complex graphic of your unique configuration of energies — specifically how the gates, channels, centers, and circuits interact to show you not only how your energy is meant to flow, but also to reveal the themes that are specific to your life’s journey.  A Human Design chart is filled with signposts for your life purpose.  It is your own special map.

But your Human Design chart isn’t going to tell you the extent of your talent or how disciplined you are. Your chart is not going to tell you how good-looking you are, if you’re tall, fat, smart, or good at math. It won’t tell you if you are humble or a narcissist; it won’t tell you if you are healthy or unhealthy. It’s not going to tell you where you grew up, if you grew up in a high crime or low crime neighborhood, what your ethnicity is, or your level of education or wealth. Your chart won’t tell you if you had understanding parents or a good experience in high school. It won’t tell you the karma you came in with, how self-aware you are or what your level of spiritual evolution is.  All of these are things that YOU bring to the table. 

So what does the Human Design chart tell me?

Your chart will tell you the themes that are emphasized for you. The ones that are your gifts and your challenges. But the extent to which any of us can express the highest aspects of the chart is up to us. The reality is this: there is flexibility and range in every Human Design chart with how its specific energies (planets, gates, channels, centers, and circuits) can express. The low or unhealthy expression of any gate, channel, center, or circuit is available to be expressed, as is the high. I suspect it’s easy for most of us to hang out somewhere in the middle. And because there are many cultural and socioeconomic factors and other variable influences in a person’s life, no one can say how an individual’s unique chart themes will play out.

We know how our  personal themes speak to us; how hard they pull, and in what direction. The same themes will exert different intensities from person to person.  It’s a matter of your soul’s agenda, and the agreements you made before you got here. Regardless, everyone can use their Design to evolve and to empower themselves to move through the specific circumstances of their life with the least resistance and greatest happiness.

The bottom line for anyone, regardless of theme or Human Design Type, is their level of vitality. If you don’t have vitality, then it’s time to assess why. Are you over-giving? Are you engaged in activities that don’t respect the boundaries of your energy or don’t ask for the unique talents and intelligence you bring? Are you martyring yourself, overcompensating and pushing to get recognition and respect? When we don’t align our lives with our energy, life is going to be harsh. When we are not using our gifts, we will be drained.  And we’re not going to get what we need.

If you don’t have the energy, or it’s not your thing, don’t do it. Here I’m referring to significant asks of your energy, though making a habit of saying no when something doesn’t feel good will build your body awareness to know when to walk away from something that is not yours to do and will damage you in the long run.

No one can tell you why you have the life you have.

Why some lives are harder than others — karma, accidents, the luck of the draw, intentional choice — who knows. There are, of course, larger cultural forces at play in all of our lives, and the paradigms and assumptions about how we are supposed to live our lives can exert considerable pressure. And there are those who take advantage of others. Still, some have it easier than others. And while we can be fairly certain that we had a hand in some of what we experience, we will probably never know how much was our doing and how much was outside interference.

Even so, whatever is on our plate is what we must manage.  Maybe you have a sense of why you have the life you have, and why you’ve had the experiences you’ve had. And maybe you’re struggling to make sense of it. The important thing is to use all your experiences to keep affirming your gifts and your path. Whether or not you chose everything that happened to you, you can know, because of what happened, what belongs to you, what is yours to do, and where you need to be.

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Some people come in with a strong sense of knowing what they want to do with their lives.  For most of us knowing comes gradually, and it requires that we journey deep into the faceted landscape of experience.  Knowing comes with time, and with divine timing.  Even when we have inklings and inclinations of what we might become, we can be easily distracted and deterred.  Why?  Because of cultural dogma and the conditioning that follows from that.

All of us are born into a moment in time that is potent with many layers and expressions of energy — multiple aspects of consciousness — all of which are held in potential within us, waiting to be given shape and form as we live out our lives.  Sometimes our ability to follow our curiosity is unimpeded and even encouraged, and perhaps just as often, the path we wish to follow encounters roadblocks.  The roadblocks and delays aren’t necessarily a bad thing; resistance can counsel us to remain in integrity with our truth and to keep forging ahead with greater clarity and determination, or it can stop us in our tracks and make us second-guess ourselves.  And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.  Reviewing why we’re going where we’re going can illuminate if something is actually correct for us and if we really want to go there.

I believe that we are each born with specific talents and interests that serve as both map and compass to guide us in our unfolding and so connect us to our soul curriculum, our raison d’être.  Many of us will follow what compels us as a natural reflex even though many of us do not know our Human Design, our astrology, Enneagram, numerology, 9 Star Ki, and so on.

Does our Human Design compel us to express in certain ways and follow a certain path, even if we do not know this system?  Yes, it does. Your uniquely configured Human Design works in conjunction with your innate yearnings. It too serves as a map and compass.  But do our desires and having a Human Design mean that we will automatically and correctly engage the compass points of our Type, Profile, and Incarnation Cross?  I don’t think so. The expectations of our immediate community, including, but not limited to, family and cultural traditions and expectations, religious beliefs, and what schools tell us about who we need to be if we are to be successful, can obscure our inborn natural compass to follow what compels. (Look there for your calling).  None of us can come into our own without information, education, and experience.

This where the Trusted Advisor comes in: it is the Human Design Specialist’s job to guide their clients to their truth.  Through conversations that direct them back to their own realizations, the Specialist can help them identify what has meaning for them and what gifts they uniquely bring to the confluence of all individuals.

Human Design identifies very specific kinds of orientations about how to live your life that are not necessarily available in the codex we were handed, but it won’t tell you specifically what career to choose, or what your greatest talents are.  This is what you bring to your Human Design chart via your desires, experiences, and self-knowledge.

For example, the Incarnation Cross of the Sphinx 4 has the Conscious Sun in Gate 1.  The Sun and Gate 1 are a potent force for self-expression and will push that person to find their mission, but it won’t necessarily spell that mission out for them.  Identifying what pushes us to express comes through our own unfolding: through experiences that reveal to us our gifts, what we desire to further explore, and conversely, what we don’t want. And we can deepen our understanding of our purpose through contemplation and conversations with others.  What is clear to me is that, in the end, our purpose is where we find ourselves at home with life.


Copyright © 2021 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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In Part I ( I offered my working reflections on how the same Human Design chart can express so differently in two different people.  I looked at what different souls bring to their human design, including their soul trajectory, their unique dharmas, karmas, and life purpose.

In Part II ( I considered how different expressions can arise from the same definition.

In Part III below, I look at how soul or life purpose is identified in the twins’ design charts. I understand the phrases soul purpose and life purpose to be interchangeable; in my book they mean the same thing. That is because a human incarnation serves as a vehicle to express the soul’s purpose, and not the other way around.  

The Chart is not the Soul.  Your Human Design is not your Soul.

To begin, the chart is not the Soul.  Every Soul is unique.  And although the themes of twin charts — fraternal or identical — are the same, they will be expressed from different foundations. The reality is that we are impacted by multiple influences. Our psychology, astrology, numerology, sociology, genetics, common sense, and upbringing are just a few of the additional influences you bring to your Human Design. Understandably, some of these will be the same for twins, notably the astrology and numerology (and perhaps the sociology), and some, but not all, of the genetics.

We each have a unique soul trajectory

Beyond that, and more importantly, we each have a unique soul trajectory that describes where we’ve been and who we’ve been, how others have treated us, and how we have impacted the lives of others, for good or ill.  Dharma and karma come into play here.

Our soul history affects the purpose and direction of our current lives. In other words, the dharma (your soul’s goals and purpose for your life) which we incarnated to expand on, and the karma (what we came to resolve and restore) for each life is influenced by our previous actions. The agreements we’ve made will also direct our path and our purpose.  All of these things are contained in our soul contract. The soul contract contains the overall focus for our lives as well as a list of things we wanted to accomplish.

Human Design charts have flexibility in how they express

Even though two or more people have the same chart, that chart will be expressed differently. Human Design charts are flexible in how their themes express; their expression depends on the goals of the soul of the person who has that chart. We also have free will and personal sovereignty over how we will apply the gifts of our unique Design. The highest expression of our charts will most effectively support our purpose.

Each part of the chart has themes that create a certain focus.  The Soul chose these specific themes to assist him or her with their path and purpose.  Therefore, our Design naturally guides us to seek out certain experiences and also helps us to express our unique desires and interests. 

In looking for life purpose, the first thing to consider is the Human Design Type

In looking for life purpose, the first thing to consider is the Human Design Type.  Each type has a different way of being in the world because the highest expression of a Type’s energy is directly tied to the strategy of that Type.  In Human Design, strategy is what we use to make a decision that is correct for our Type.  Strategy circumvents second-guessing oneself. (Second-guessing is to be avoided at all costs!) The twins in these essays are Generators, so we know that they have an overarching life purpose of right work and mastering that right work. Family is also going to be very important. Generators are born to respond and to find their right work in the context of connection with others. They are builders who contribute to the advancement of human civilization through their right work. Because they have sustainable energy, they are relied on to be actively engaged in working towards maintaining and building the infrastructures that support the well-being of humanity. But the work that Generators engage in has to honor their special interests and talents.  They need to love their work and then dedicate themselves to fulfilling their calling.  In this way, they benefit from deep personal satisfaction through their chosen vocation or through creating products, services, and information that others need.

We also look at the Profile for an indication of purpose

We also look at the Profile for an indication of purpose. The twins’ Profile is 2/4, the Hermit Opportunist. The focus of this profile is connection with others and it also needs time away from  others.  It is, overall, a profile that has a natural gift and desire for working with others. It is a profile that will be called out by others to share their abilities. They can be shy and not always aware of their gifts, but line 4 needs to be connected with a close network of friends, or people they trust.  It is through these close connections that the 2/4 profile finds their work and relationships.  The 2/4 profile has the purpose of being actively engaged in the world by working with a particular community.

The Incarnation Cross is a significant indicator of life or soul purpose

The name of the Incarnation Cross is not available on the chart image, but it is the Right Angle Cross of Planning (4), one of the variations this Cross expresses, depending on the quarter of the year.  The Right Angle Cross of Planning is here to work with its correct community to support the needs of that community. This Cross can see the details that must be addressed (and not overlooked) to create a successful outcome with a particular project.  To understand the focus of any Incarnation Cross we look at the gate placements of its four points: the conscious and unconscious Sun, and the conscious and unconscious Earth.  Respectively, these placements are in gates 9, 40, 16, and 37.  The 40-37 is a channel that is about making sustainable agreements for the peaceful administration of resources and energy, and gate 9 teaches us to prioritize our energy so we can stay focused and on task, while gate 16 gives us enthusiasm for life and teaches us to hone that enthusiasm through preparation and study so that our creations can be successful.

The Moon, Chiron, and Neptune are also important indicators of life or soul purpose

To gain greater understanding of the life purpose, we also especially consider the gates the Moon is in, as well as the gate placements of Chiron and Neptune.  In the twins’ charts, we see that the Moon is in gates 44 and 49.  In gate 44 we can see the patterns that aren’t working and how to transform them so that our patterns can be aligned with our purpose.  Our awareness of what’s possible shifts when we break out of the old patterns or paradigms that kept us stuck in our thinking.  In gate 49 there is a tendency to hold on too long to situations that don’t honor us, and at the same time, the gift of this gate is knowing when to let go.  In letting go of what does not honor us, we recognize and honor our value, and make commitments that value who we are.  The Moon in these charts refines the life purpose of working in community settings in that it enhances the level of that community’s well-being through identifying commitments to projects that will directly support the community.

Chiron in these charts is in gates 38 and 54.  In gate 38 we have the ability to know what’s worth committing to and fighting for.  In gate 54 we are a conduit for divine inspiration and learn to wait for right timing before taking action. Neptune is in gate 19 and this gives the ability to sense the emotional needs of others and the community, and also knows how to align those energies with sufficiency and sustainability. We can see from the placements of Chiron that the overarching life purpose of working in a supportive and even leadership capacity in the context of a community is enhanced with the awareness of making the right commitments in right timing.  Gate 19’s heightened sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others ensures that the community will receive the right kind of support for their continued sustainability.

Different professions for the twins

The twins are likely going to find themselves attracted to different professions according to their personalities, innate aptitudes, and natural talents and interests.  As has been noted, themes in the chart have a range of expression. If souls started completely from scratch, that is without an agenda for the life, then we would very likely see the same personality expression in each twin. The fact that individuals with the same chart express so differently highly suggests that souls come to their charts with a history and a pre-existing set of skills, talents, interests, and personal style. The natural inclinations and interests that each twin possesses will be revealed over time, and these will continue to develop. The twins will  use the attributes and themes of their Human Design to express and further evolve their gifts. That each twin will likely focus on a different vocation does not in any way undermine their Type or Design, or the chart’s themes. What we come to understand through twin charts is that there is the Human Design chart is capable of a wide range for how it can express the life purpose contained therein.

What we can deduce for the life purpose of the twins is that they will want to be involved with specific communities, communities that feel like home to them and that want their specific gifts.  This is where they can contribute their unique skills and talents in ways that demonstrably raise the capacity of their communities to experience well-being and sustainability.

In summary, to identify the life or soul purpose in the chart we look at Type, Profile, and the Incarnation Cross. We give special consideration to the gates the Moon is in, as well as the gates for Chiron and Neptune. To be sure, every planet in its gate is also going to influence the purpose of a particular Design, but I’ve touched on the most important markers for life purpose.  A reading of life or soul purpose would include all attributes of the Human Design Chart, including the open places. While definition focuses us, those places that lack definition invite us to experience a range of expression or what’s possible for that gate, channel, or center. In addition, no reading of the chart is complete without taking into consideration an individual’s talents and interests.  Our purpose unfolds when we fully utilize the gifts that we were given, applying those according to the Type and Strategy of our Human Design, and also incorporating the themes of the chart to refine and focus our purpose. 

Again, the bottom line in how any Human Design chart will express has everything to do with the Soul that took it on for that lifetime.  Souls come in with different agendas. We have specific goals (dharmas) and obligations (karmas). The more we come into awareness of what we came here to do, the greater access we have to the wisdom and gifts of our Design.

Copyright © 2020 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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We are, all of us, living through catastrophic changes. 

Although there is so much that is uncertain and terrifying, we also have the opportunity to evaluate what is truly important and listen to what our hearts are saying.

In this time of great unknown, great change, and enormous challenge, we can still make ourselves a new life with new habits and remain open to new possibilities. Now is the time to express the truth in our hearts and begin to organize our lives around bringing in what is most needed and desired.  What we most need and desire. This is a good time to imagine new dreams about where you want to be and what you want to do.  Our job is to actively, fearlessly, dream.

Not everything is yours to do or belongs to you. You are designed for certain things, and you came in with a specific agenda and purpose (dharma) for your life. It is this dharma that will help you identify what you are here to do and give.  Even now, as we’re shifting.  Even if we didn’t see this coming, and didn’t plan for it.  Here’s some good news: how you live your life and fulfill your dharma is very flexible and adaptable.

No one would deny that the shift we’re in is gigantic.  We are being pulled towards the Solar Plexus Mutation of 2027 when the Human Design bodygraph will be re-configured such that a new energetic platform will be established.  This new platform creates a much-needed foundation for the advancement of human civilization, offering new opportunities to draw down the values, the vision, and the strategies that will support life from here on out.

2020 is deeply distinguished by the Capricorn Council of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, of which the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, a celestial phenomenon that happens every 35 to 38 years, but only once every 500 years in Capricorn, has come together not just once, but multiple times.  Each time a conjunction repeats, the energy it brings to the material plane is grounded more deeply, brings additional nuance, and increases the success for a positive outcome.

The key to working with this transition is to recognize that aspects of what we are undergoing are part of a larger natural cycle and to surrender to that, and the part that is unnatural, that was created through ignorance and neglect, can be healed when we turn away from separation and have compassion for our great mistakes.  We are in new and scary territory, but having crossed that threshold, it is imperative that we leave behind and renounce what does not serve or belong.  It is not easy, but it can be done.  We already have the map and the compass to show us the way.

All transitions come with an ending, and the endings we are living are supra-normal and overwhelming.  During this time of disorientation and despair, a new beginning will emerge.  That is inevitable. What that looks like depends on us.  Let us be patient and kind to ourselves and each other.   We cannot force the outcome and we do not know the outcome, but we know this: the shape of the outcome will be determined by how and what we choose.

These many endings are fraught with grief and confusion.  Despite the many things we’ve had to let go of, the many deaths we’ve experienced, symbolically and literally, we can still look to this truth: with every ending there is a new beginning.    

With every new beginning an opportunity follows. Hints of the new direction may not be obvious at first.  They are often subtle and initially come with only an inner knowing.  Nevertheless, it is important to understand what is emerging within and flow with it until we understand what is required of us.

Many of us feel powerless to do much of anything.  Very few of us came in with an agenda to be a world leader where we would have a powerful platform to create change.  What is important is to mind our relationship to the global community, and to work locally, from our base.   We can bloom where we are planted by minding our soul contract.

Your power to be and do what is needed to be done is in your soul contract.  No matter the disappointment or the terrible unexpected events that force us to throw out our routines and re-invent ourselves, we still have important cards to play.  We still have access to our very own super-powers. They are the contents of our soul contract.

I want to remind all of us that our soul contract is the most sacred thing we own.  It houses the blueprint of our talents and our yearnings.  Our yearnings will inevitably lead us to our right experiences, places, and people.  Your soul contract contains the precious seeds of who you can become.

These words are not intended to make you believe that things are not as bad as they are.  These words are to remind you that you were created for very specific experiences and a purpose that has many layers, some of which are mysterious.   You also have access to a great deal of creativity; there is more than one way to express what you carry in your soul.

This is where your power is!  The more you allow the rich content of your contract to express, the more passion you will feel for creating your life.  Your soul contract completely supports your Design.  And if you work with your Design, you will be supported to create your most fulfilling life.

Your job for these times, according to your Human Design Type:

Manifesting Generators, we need you to apply your tireless reserves of energy and creativity to find the solutions that will save humanity, and to find the shortcuts that will speed up the process for finding our best outcomes; Generators, we need your devotion to life force, and we need your tireless reserves of energy and creativity to build the new safe spaces;  Manifestors, we need you to show us how to stretch the boundaries of what’s possible for the human story through your courageous initiating; Projectors, we need you to hold the energy template of what needs to be created and to clear the vibration of collective fear, and Reflectors, we need you to identify those habits and practices that no longer support the advancement of humanity, and transmute them so that you can reflect what is possible when we come from a higher consciousness.

Have patience and trust your process.  Let the process lead you.  Be guided by your feelings, by your intuition, and by the synchronicities that magically appear to show you the way. Do not commit to projects that do not appeal to you.  Embrace what feels right for you and shun what feels like an obligation. This is not the time to be obligated or to feel guilty. This is the time to take your gifts and expand them to the levels where they can meet the needs of these times.  Walk without fear and take your friends, your sense of adventure and curiosity, and most especially, your love for life and all things living, with you.

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What makes it June Solstice? The June solstice—occurring this year on the 20th—marks the day when the Sun is at its northernmost or southernmost arc along the celestial equator. The June solstice is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer in the North and makes the longest day of the year.  In the Southern Hemisphere, it is midwinter—the shortest day and longest night. 

The Astrology of Summer (June) Solstice 2020

On June 20, 2020, the Sun entered 0 degrees Cancer at 5:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time.  I am using the location of Washington, D.C., as it is the capital of the United States, and as such represents this country’s collective experience.  Let’s take a look at the symbolism of this hour of the day.  At 5:43 PM Eastern Time, the Sun and Venus were in the third quadrant (houses 7, 8, and 9). The Sun is in the third quadrant between noon and sunset.  At this time of day there isn’t as much enthusiasm to get things done as there was in the morning.  It becomes harder to concentrate on being productive.  We need a change of pace.

The symbolism of the setting sun.  The Sun is no longer at its zenith, and there is an urge to re-evaluate agreements that were made from a different state of mind in different conditions where it seemed reasonable to go about business as usual.  There is also an ‘energy’ of restlessness urging us to shake things up and take a break from business as usual.  We may not feel as committed or driven to “get it done.”  Sometimes we seek change for the sake of change, but radical philosophies and insights that question prevailing norms can also be born inside of this energy.  A good way to  expand our thinking and inspire solutions that are off the beaten path is to give ourselves permission to play with ideas that push social and intellectual boundaries. While we may not agree with everything about the devil’s advocate stance we’re trying on, it can be mind-opening to do so.  This role-playing can be helpful for getting clear on who you are and what you want, regardless of what others think. 

The Astrology of the ‘Ring of  Fire’ Annual Solar Eclipse 2020

This year, a rare event takes place — an Annual Solar Eclipse occurs at 2:41 AM EDT, just 9 hours after the Solstice.  A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight on Earth. This solar eclipse won’t be total; instead, a magnificent annular ‘ring of fire’ will be visible around the Moon. (“Annulus” means “little ring” in Latin.)  An annular solar eclipse that falls on the summer solstice won’t happen again until June 21, 2039.  The last time was in the summer of 1982.  This year the Sun will line up perfectly with the Moon’s orbit and the Eclipse will last for around 3 hours, 20 minutes.  

I am again using the location of Washington, D.C. to create the horoscope for this Solar Eclipse.  At 2:41 AM EDT, the Sun is between midnight and sunrise.  This is a time when the village is dark and most of the world is asleep. There is a special social atmosphere surrounding the sleeper.  How safe do they feel?  How secure?  If they are a child, they need to feel protected from the monsters of the night.  If they are an adult, they need to be able to turn off their conscious mind, forget their problems, and trust.  Whether child or adult, they cannot be worried about burglars.  To sleep well, they must feel safe in their physical and psychological surroundings.  They must feel they are among people they trust who will not harm them while they sleep.

The symbolism is about creating safe communities that are insulated from the dangers of the night.  Consider also the significance that the Solstice and Eclipse Sun is in the sign of Cancer, the sign of home, roots, and community. Our sense of community includes a belief that we are cared for by a benevolent consciousness, a Mother-Father-God who ensures the safety and well-being of her children.  To feel healthy, whole, strong and complete, a community must embrace a mythos — a lofty idea or high ideal.  This ideal is also often represented by a deity or religion. The ideal is always larger than each individual life, yet everyone can relate to it. Despite the diversity inside each community, everyone can get behind the same idea because the mythos holds and represents everyone’s highest ideals.  As an example, let’s look at a mythos of the United States.  Here, the population is widely diverse in creed, culture, and national origin; still, the mythos of ‘land of the free, land of equal opportunity’ is an ideal that millions can embrace.  We are still striving to bring that mythos into manifestation.

There are strong tribal impulses that create community — a belief in an over-lighting consciousness that holds the stories of humanity’s past and humanity’s dreams for the future.  The community must also work together if they are to create their dream for a sustainable way of life.  Life must be sustainable for everyone, or as history and recent events have shown, it is sustainable for no one.  There is calm, sanity, and truth in this acknowledgment. When the mythos finally becomes a universal reality, there will be nothing to rebel against as everyone is looked out for and their needs are met.   

The Annular Solar Eclipse Sun is conjunct the June Solstice Sun.  Solstice events are harbingers of what we can look forward to for the next quarter of the year, and the influence of an eclipse is said to begin six months before they occur, and six months after.  But this influence can begin earlier and last much longer! An eclipse is powerful because it catalyzes change, and keeps it going.  A solstice that takes place in tandem with an eclipse is given additional power and range of influence, and is also flavored by the nature of the eclipse.

These charts have noteworthy astrological conditions in common. In both the Solstice and Eclipse charts, Mercury and Neptune are stationary.  What this means is that each one of these planets is within a day or two of changing direction, with both Mercury and Neptune stationing to go retrograde.

A stationary planet has a somewhat different meaning than a retrograde planet. During a retrograde, a planet is symbolically reviewing and remaking territory that it has passed over and that it will pass over again as its motion turns direct.  When the motion to turn retrograde or direct is at its slowest velocity, the planet is said to be stationary, or stopped, in its motion.  The symbolism of a stationary planet is that of a silent witness who has stopped its journey with the express purpose of watching a particular person being born,  and for the rest of that person’s life, the planet takes a Godfather-like interest in them.  Something new is being born in our world culture, and we ourselves are bearing witness to it.

Stationary Neptune is about the mythos that an entire collective has in common — it could be local, it could be regional, and it could be national, or worldwide.  Stationary Neptune is about the need to belong to a collective where everyone shares a core ideology which connects and sustains everyone.  Stationery Neptune also represents the ability to speak a universal language that everyone understands.  Stationary Mercury does not have the shrewdness or fiery ambition of Mercury; the stationary is a more accommodating and diplomatic version. Communication with transparent agendas that take everyone into account is supported.

The Human Design Charts for June Solstice 2020 and the June 2020 Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

This year the Human Design type for the June Solstice is a Manifestor.  Recall that the astrology for the Solstice is about expanding our thinking to initiate new ways of how we do things.  It has an energy of breaking away from conventional thought to bring in another perspective, one that can see beyond tradition.  Thus, the Manifestor type is the perfect archetypal representation of initiating a new way of behaving which can lead to breakthroughs.  The internal, non-verbal creativity of the Manifestor is directly connected to divine inspiration.  The influence of the Manifestor in the chart of this celestial event is to pioneer the way that breaks free of old patterns and takes down paradigms that do not support the nurture and advancement of human beings and human civilization.

The Human Design type for the June Annular Solar Eclipse is a Projector.  The astrological theme for the Eclipse centers on creating community and connection.  This theme is repeated in its Projector chart.  Projectors are here to guide and direct others and to serve in a leadership capacity. Because of their ability to read energy, they have unique insights and wisdom regarding how to best manage the flow of energy so that everyone benefits. It is the Projector’s undefined Sacral that gives them the capacity to read the energy of others, in addition to the unique penetrative capacity of their aura.  But because they do not have a defined Sacral, the Projector does not have continuous access to energy.  However, this does not mean that Projectors are not energetically available to Life!  On the contrary, they need to be with the right people — those who value and honor their gifts — and their energy will flow and they can guide with vitality.  Again, the astrology for the Eclipse is about community and connection. 

Both the Solstice and Eclipse charts have the Channel of Awakening.  This Channel can organize people around ideas and concepts that are rooted in the energies of self-love and self-empowerment.  It can speak words that inspire the imagination to see what is possible when we change existing narratives, and teach us that it is possible to write a new narrative!  New words with new ideas can change the direction of people’s lives and the communities they belong to.  In its high expression, this Channel has the power to lift us to a higher awareness and expression of self-love. Self-love powers courage, confidence, and vitality.  It empowers us to be more than what we have been, and to bring our best efforts and ideas to strengthen our communities. However, as we have often seen, in its unbalanced expression, this Channel can become “The Verbal Gunslinger,” where language is used to disempower and hurt others.

Both the Solstice and Eclipse charts have the Cross of the Vessel of Love. Each Human Design chart has an Incarnation Cross, made up of the Personality (Conscious) Earth and Sun, and the Design (Unconscious) Earth and Sun.  Each of these four planetary points occupies a gate and a line. The unique configuration of the Conscious and Unconscious Sun and Earth placements creates a specific cross.  The Cross of the Vessel of Love is about the power of love to transform — everything. 

The four gates of Cross of the Vessel of Love are the 46, the 25, the 15, and the 10.   In the 46 we have the love and appreciation of being in a human body so that we can give our spiritual purpose form and manifestation; in the 25 we remember that the reason we do anything is because of our reverence for, and gratitude to, Source; in the 15, we remember our need for connection to community, and in the 10, we remember to love ourselves.  The effect of these celestial events will be long-term, thus we continue to work on creating community.  Human beings will flourish when all communities are built on love. 

What is being empowered with the conjunction of the events of this Solstice and Eclipse?  The Solstice energy brings a restlessness to change things up and to question the way things have always been done.  There is a desire for new thinking, born from the awareness that the traditions and structures and philosophies that keep those in place are no longer adequate.  And they are not just inadequate, but created from the belief that some people are better than others and this gives them a right to more resources and opportunities.  We are currently riding the eruption of a volatile and fiery drive to restructure ingrained perceptions to expand the parameters of what it really means to be a community.  A community looks out for each of its members, and everyone needs to be looked after!  The need to belong and to be part of something greater than oneself seeks to be reformed in thought, word, and deed.  The need to create a truly inclusive community is supported and represented in these celestial events.   A new mythos is being born, and the first clue to its coming manifestation is the great resetting heralded by this Solstice Eclipse. 

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Have you lost your mojo?  And your vitality…your hunger…your passion…your hope…your freedom…your excitement…your energy…when was the last time you had the energy to do more than just sit?  Have you lost interest in pretty much everything?  Been there, done that, or even if you haven’t done that, it’s not compelling anyway.  Nothing’s all that compelling. Nothing’s that fascinating, remarkable, or worth bothering with.  It’s all mostly just — yuk and blah.

No mojo means you’re burned out.  Burnout has multiple origins, and it affects every part of our being.  We are physically tired, emotionally exhausted, unable to stay focused, and spiritually depleted.  Nothing has appeal, and there is no energy for further exploration. When you’re burned out, it’s easy to question your purpose, it’s easy to question whether whoever put you here even cares about your life.  It’s easy to believe you have been abandoned by everyone, including the Universe that created you.  When you have lost connection to meaning, to purpose, to YOU, you have lost connection to life.

Burnout can last a short time or for years. Burnout can interfere with your ability to see how things can be different and to find solutions to how you can take back your life. This state of mind can even convince you that there’s nothing you can do to turn things around, so why try.

I.  Where did my Mojo go?

Causes of burnout:

  • Have you been doing too much of “nothing;” that is, putting your time and energy into projects and endeavors that have little reward for you?

  • Have you entered into things incorrectly — was your heart in it, or did you feel obligated?  Or did you just jump in, hoping for the best?

  • Have you been subscribing to the same dream, and it still eludes you? If so, are you sure it’s your dream?

  • Have you been overdoing it, and not giving yourself enough time to recuperate?

  • Have you experienced a loss of someone you loved, including a pet?

  • Have you made a geographical move you did not want to make?

  • Did someone betray you?

  • Did you lose a job or not get the one you thought you were a good fit for?

  • Do you secretly feel like you simply aren’t good enough, talented enough, or smart enough?

  • Or attractive enough?

  • Do you put out energy and effort to cover up your belief that you’re inferior?

  • Is the food you eat nourishing you?

  • Have you experienced a sudden change in circumstances that you did not see coming and that you never would have asked for?

  • Have you forgiven yourself?

  • Have you forgiven?

  • When was the last time you experienced beauty?

  • Has everything you’ve tried to get movement, to get unstuck, yielded zero results?

  • Have you just given up on anything changing for you the way you need it to?

II.  So what can you do?

It’s time to take a break and rest. Take a break from your ideas and expectations of who you should be, of how you should present to the world, and of what you should have accomplished by now.  It will not do any good to take the bull by the horns and forge ahead. When you are burned out, heroic efforts will only burn you out more. When you are burned out, you don’t have clarity.  You will spin your wheels seeking solutions because the energy you need to get and stay focused simply isn’t there.  And then again, you might conclude that there’s just no point in trying because nothing will ever change.  You have plenty of evidence to support this.

But that is the seduction of burnout — to reach a point where we’re convinced there’s no more hope.  There’s nothing that can be done. This is a good time to review your track record and see where you have used your talents to benefit others, to remember when who you were made all the difference.  So much of what we think is important is transitory and superficial. So much of what we believe is true is nothing more than a tangled web of inoperative myths. Identify where you have been a slave to these myths.  Free yourself.  Walk away.   

The important thing is to rest, to take the break. Nurture and nourish yourself by surrounding yourself with what makes your heart sing.  The balm of nature, pets, music, poetry, and art are universally uplifting. Don’t put pressure on yourself to become anything. Do what you need to do to take care of your basic needs, and then let go. And don’t pressure yourself to feel wonderful right away because that probably won’t happen.  Have patience. The important thing is you want things to be different.

Take a ferocious stand for your life.  Decide that the only thing that matters is taking back your life. Despite the betrayals, the losses, and the shock of the unexpected, you are still in charge of your life.  You still have the power to intervene on your own behalf. Understand that you are a creation of a powerful force, and there is nothing you need to do to prove your value, your worth, or your lovability.  What you are here to do is live your life according to your soul contract.  From here on out, every decision you make, from the most insignificant to the most important, must be in service to your best interests — to you. Not to or for someone else.  YOU ARE WRITING YOURSELF INTO A NEW STORY. 

Feel into the desires of your heart, mind, and body for the future you want to bring in. Embody these desires by making every choice in service to your future, to the life you want to be living, to how you want to look and feel, to the people you want around you, and to the experiences you want to have.  Be patient with yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  Many who endured the extreme conditions of the holocaust found comfort in their good memories and in dreaming of a better future. 

III.  More things you can do:

    • Connect with the people who believe in YOU. 

    • Put on music.  Dance.  Get your energy flowing again.  

    • There is something you’re passionate about.  Reconnect with it!  

    • Believe in yourself.  Choosing to do so will create your own personal movement.

    • Trust your intuition.  Don’t second-guess yourself.

    • Focus on what is working, focus on your strengths.  Focus on what makes you feel happy. 

    • It’s OK to not know the outcome or the answers or how you will get from here to  there.  Allow the unfolding of your creativity to lead the way.

    • Surround yourself with beauty. Yes, there is still beauty!  Create beauty.

    • Write your story the way you want it to be.

    • Treat yourself with love and respect.

    • Get out of your head.  Stop the over-thinking and the second-guessing.

    • Create rhythm and consistency in your life.

    • Enjoy being YOU.

You can re-awaken your mojo by moving towards what calls to you, and taking small steps as you re-discover what it means to be alive.  Being alive holds enormous possibilities. While you are here, there is a wealth of life to be explored and enjoyed. But first: rest, surrender to the flow of life, and give up all the useless demands and expectations. There is another vision for you, another life. When you are ready, take up your bed and walk.  Go about the business of being who you are.

IV. Identify your core essential truth.  Your core essential truth is indefatigable and primal.  And it will get you moving.

There is something that endures at your core that has nothing to do with time or place. This is what gets revealed after everything has been stripped away.  This truth is what your life is anchored into.  It is unwavering and immovable.  Stay connected to this truth, and it will sustain you.  

What do you need to do to release, heal, and align to reconnect with your core essential truth?

It is part of the human condition to experience isolation, depression, loss of hope, and focus.  This is what happens when we don’t pay attention to what is going on around us, and when we ignore our own needs.  Still, it is a common human experience to reach rock bottom and then to have to find a way up from the pit we’ve fallen into (or even been thrown into).  Many have fallen, but many have found their way back out.  The thing is to not see what happened to you as permanent or as the end of everything.  Whatever happens, it is a point, an event in the overall trajectory of your life.  Something else will always follow as long as you are willing to say yes to your life.

Even if you have a sense that your original plans have fallen off their map, don’t despair and don’t give up.  Your soul is a very potent force and will find ways to create new pathways for bringing its agenda into manifestation to the greatest extent possible. Even if the elements that come together to assist your intentions are different from what was planned and the timing of things has changed.  Still, because you have a purpose, and that purpose is sacred to both the fulfillment of your intentions and the connections you planned, the force that drives their fulfillment is not easily daunted. Despite delays and alternate routes, your soul will strive to attract and create the experiences you were meant to have — the ones contained in your soul contract. 

As long as you are alive, there will be change, and there will be new opportunities. Keep your heart open, and when a hand reaches out to pull you up, take it.  Say YES to life!

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One of the biggest issues with any system, and this includes Human Design, is the vocabulary and jargon that is used to describe its elements.   Invariably, a bigger picture is left out, and then it’s up to the students of a system to ask questions that require deeper reflection and greater honesty from the system.

It’s a common problem that many students of Human Design are made to feel disempowered and “lesser than” by the description of their type.  In this world, the “doers,” who are understood to be the energy types (Manifesting Generators, Generators, and yes, Manifestors), are seen as more important and more powerful than the “be-ers,” or the non-energy types.  In a society where the visible and palpable products of action are given higher value over invisible processes like insight, compassion, and imagination, Reflectors and Projectors are going to be made to feel like unwanted children.  But this perception that productivity has more value than process comes from the culture at large and not so much from the Human Design system itself.

Your Human Design type describes how your energy flows and interacts with others, and with the world. It describes your aura and the traits that come from how your energy flows.  But your Human Design is not all of who you are.  It is one lens, one way of accessing your psychological and physical and even spiritual profile, and there are others.  We are composed of many different attributes that cannot be described by any one system because they come from different systems.  We are layers and layers deep.  We are uniquely complex.  When we say “I am a Reflector, or a Projector, or a Generator,” we are really referring to how our energy works, and how it needs to work so that we can thrive.

You have to dig deeper, into your personal Human Design chart itself, to mine the gifts that you came in with.  And as I mentioned, we are not just our Human Design chart.  We have many attributes that can be brought to light by different systems.  Here’s a very interesting truth: who we are is our core consciousness — that is — our Soul. Our Soul is not part of any system or modality that we use to understand ourselves; instead, it makes use of those systems to help us understand who we are and to keep us on our path — our life purpose, or our dharma.  Our choice of Human Design type, astrology, and psychological profile, to name a few, orients us to behave in specific ways, and to be interested in certain things.  These attributes and profiles also endow us with the talents and aptitudes that we are going to need to fulfill our purpose, and that will compel us in certain directions so that we can fulfill our purpose.

Please don’t feel restricted by your Type – who you came here to be and what you need to focus on is going to be driven by your Purpose, and assisted by your Type. Your power, like every Type’s power, comes from your Soul — your core consciousness.  Your highly intelligent Soul will use all the circuits that you are wired with, including your Human Design, to create your right life.  If any of us has any power, it is the power that comes from fully utilizing all the tools and resources we were given. 

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What makes it Spring Equinox?  It’s the astronomical moment when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from south to north.  Technically speaking, the equinox occurs when the sun is directly in line with the equator.  For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of spring, with daylight hours continuing to lengthen until the summer solstice in June.  For those south of the equator, it’s the beginning of autumn.

Spring Equinox is about new beginnings.  It is about new life.  It is a time to grow the dreams we planted as seeds at the Winter Solstice.  It is a time to not just remember, but to recapture the magic of life and being alive.  It is time to embrace the possibilities that only being alive can offer.  In this space of rich opportunity, we are called to be creative, and to create.  And at this time in our history, we are called to be innovative and patient.  We are being asked to let go of routine and normalcy.  Now we have the opportunity to permanently smash the old icons and paradigms that weren’t working anyway — those assumptions about how life should look, how it should be lived, not just individually, but collectively, as a society. As a world.

Our way of life has instructed us to be concerned with only ourselves and our loved ones.  We are supposed to take personal responsibility for lives, right?  But what is really going on here?  Could it be the insidious and silent inoperative myth of rugged individualism?  The individualism that says all you need to do to succeed is pull yourself up by your bootstraps and suck it up.

This thinking is deeply woven into the psyche of our civilization.  It is seductive because it presents itself as universal truth.  It insists that each individual is wholly responsible for his or her circumstances, good or bad. If misfortune befalls — if you lose your job, if you become ill, or some other life-disrupting misfortune occurs — it is up to you to bail yourself out.  You probably created it in the first place, so you need to take care of it without complaining or asking for help.  This is a culture that essentially says when you are facing a challenge, you’re on your own.  If you don’t have reserves or resources, it’s your fault.

This is the dark psychology that informs our social norms and that weaves itself into our waking lives.   There is the pervasive threat of punishment should we fail to keep our act together.  Loss of resources through unemployment, illness, or other ravages are all failures of own your making.

As a result of this pandemic that has come to us all we actually have a unique opportunity to look deeper at the structure of our society and acknowledge that the foundation this country has long stood on is that those that have will keep most of it and eventually take the rest, and those that don’t have, will get less and less.  We have a system that empowers those already in power, and those who do not have power (financial or political) have virtually no voice to make their needs and ideologies heard.  This was supposed to be a civilization where everyone had equal access to those things that ensure everyone thrives and can become their best selves, with talents maximized and contributions to others likewise enhanced.

But we know that’s not the case.  Maybe we haven’t wanted to believe it.  Maybe we can still point to enough examples of those who “made it” to convince ourselves to keep subscribing to the myth that opportunity and equal access (to: education, health care, financial well-being, right career, etc.) is universal.  But when millions of people and generations continue to flounder, we have to consider that our structures just might be woefully inadequate, and really don’t support equal opportunity, and do not actually meet the needs of the many.  How many homeless live among us?  How many have been unemployed for how long?  How many have no health care?  How many have no access to the education that could make a difference in their destiny?

It is time to get on with the business of re-building our civilization.  But how are we going to do this?

The Astrology of Spring Equinox 2020

On March 19, 2020, the Sun entered 0 degrees Aries at 11:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time.  I am using the location of Washington, D.C., as it is the capital of the United States, and as such represents this country’s collective experience.  Let’s take a look at the symbolism of this hour of the day.  At 11:50 PM Eastern Time, the Sun and Venus were in the second quadrant (houses 4,5, and 6). The Sun is in the second quadrant between sunset and midnight.  The symbolism of this time of day is that the official work day is done, and now your time is your own to do with as you please.  During this time, most people are with their families, or they’re out with their friends, or they’re playing music, reading a book, sitting around a campfire, or studying the stars.  It is a time when people are doing things that they like to do, that they want to do.  These are usually activities that bring them closer to their loved ones, things that make them laugh and weep, or give them a sense of wonder.

Because we are staying in place and practicing social distancing we may not be spending as much time with others.  But the energy of this time is about focusing on your creativity, on doing what lifts you up, on what engages your imagination and speaks to who you are.  The astrology of Spring Equinox 2020 tells us that this is the time to cultivate our gardens.  What do you want to grow?  What do you want your garden to look like?  This is the time to plant what we wish to harvest later this year.  What is that for you? What have you been wanting to make, to get your hands into?  There is time now to do many of the things that have been calling to you, that you’ve had to put off because of the endless routine of commitments that consensus workaday life demands of us.

The astrology of this Equinox also says this is a good time to focus, to practice a discipline and to quietly master a craft. It is time for quiet thinking and remembering who you are.  Now is a great time to process not just the current experience, but to allow other experiences that have been held back because of no time to reflect, to float up into your consciousness.  There are aspects of your life that have opportunity to be resolved now, without hurry.

Reflect on your history.  How did you get to where you are now? Where do you think you might want to go, now that things are different? The Equinox astrology also points to a desire to live more simply and to reconnect with self and with nature.  Now we can recover the many lost pieces of ourselves by taking the time to connect all aspects of our consciousness, from the physical to the emotional to the mental to the spiritual.

Through quietly rebuilding ourselves, we begin to rebuild civilization.  We have seen that we cannot rely on our elected leaders to include the needs of the collective in ways that are actually meaningful and that make a difference.  It is up to us to create new systems that subscribe to a different understanding, a new myth that says who our parents are doesn’t matter; that how much money we don’t have doesn’t matter; that our ancestry and genealogy don’t matter; that the country our people come from doesn’t matter; that the language we speak doesn’t matter; that the color of our skin doesn’t matter; that our gender preferences don’t matter; that how much education we have doesn’t matter; that our age doesn’t matter; that our looks don’t matter; that our religion doesn’t matter…that what matters is that we recognize we all come under the same exact inheritance. The Law of One applies to all.  Rebuilding who we are is clearly not an overnight process, but we have plenty of time to begin revisioning what we want our new civilization to look like.  And we have plenty of time to experiment, to practice, and to dream of what is possible, and to turn the old myths upside down.  It is time to demonstrate that an evolved civilization includes the needs and desires of the many.

The Human Design Chart for Spring Equinox 2020

This year the Human Design type for the Spring Equinox is a Generator with a 2/5 Profile and the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love.  What do we know about the Generator? Generators are the people who provide continual power and life-force energy to the world.  These are the people with staying power. The Sacral Center in their body is the key to their power.  It creates the vital life-force energy required for action, for living life, and creating.

Generators have the capacity to persevere and work hard.  They have the life force energy and the psychology to hang in there and do it over until they reach mastery. True, they can get frustrated when they don’t see progress, but they have the innate ability to get back to it and hang in and not give up.  They enjoy committing long-term sustained effort to the right projects.  It is clear that Generator energy is what we need to keep us going and to get us through difficult times.

We are being gifted with the Generator capacity to dig in and find solutions to our current situation.  Life as we knew it is turned upside down, and we know that sustained effort will be required to find our way through this.  We will need to be creative and patient.  And it will take time to rid ourselves of the old ways of thinking about how to do things.  We will find our way through innovation, experimentation, and imagination.  Like the Generator, we need to learn to trust our gut and not override our actual response to a situation.  Our body has wisdom that our minds don’t.  And we will be successful when we understand that we all arrive at our destination together, or we don’t arrive at all.

The 2/5 Profile.  We all need to have time for quiet isolation, for that is where we experience our deepest peace.  Inside relaxation and silence, we can explore, without interruption, our creativity and musings.  We can re-connect to ourselves. The Profile for the Spring Equinox chart is the 2/5, the Hermit Heretic. This profile is about the need to retreat to aloneness to find one’s inner guidance, and to integrate what we have gathered.  There is a need in the 2/5 profile to intentionally build in alone time, for that is where regeneration occurs.  This is a time of going inward and gaining insight and coming back together to share our discoveries.

The Cross of the Vessel of Love. Each Human Design chart has an Incarnation Cross, made up of the Personality (Conscious) Earth and Sun, and the Design (Unconscious) Earth and Sun.  Each of these four planets occupies a gate and a line. The unique configuration of the Conscious and Unconscious Sun and Earth placements creates a specific cross, a cross that speaks to your purpose. This Spring Equinox has the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love. This Cross is about the power of love to shatter what does not support life, to heal what is broken, and to restore balance in all the places that need them.  Spring Equinox 2020 is a big opportunity to remember that we are in this together.  Most of us are feeling this reality very deeply.  The flip side of this is that we can continue to live as though we are separate beings, taking what we need at the expense of letting others go without.


The Solar Plexus Mutation is Upon Us

We are always inside of global cycles, and cycles within cycles, all the way to the cycles that impact each one of us personally.  We are living the astrology of our times.  We have had some powerful celestial events this year that include a Full Moon lunar eclipse on January 10, and on January 12, a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.  This last conjunction in Capricorn took place about 500 years ago.  Saturn and Pluto make a conjunction approximately every  34 years.  Saturn has a 29.5-year cycle, and Pluto takes 248 years to make one revolution around the Sun.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse took place at 20 degrees of Capricorn, with Sun and Mercury at 20 degrees Capricorn, and Saturn and Pluto at 22 degrees of Capricorn, within minutes of exact contact.  On January 12, Saturn and Pluto were exactly conjunct at 22 degrees of Capricorn, and the Sun was also at 22 degrees, with Mercury at 23 degrees. The Sun calls for new leadership and Mercury for transparent communication.

When Saturn and Pluto travel together, their influence challenges the prevailing paradigms around all structures generally, of our notion of norms and morés, of government, statehood, styles, and customs. There is always a breakdown (destruction) which is eventually followed by the creation of systems and structures that are in alignment with what is needed for civilization to thrive, as we understand it in those times.

These two planets, Pluto and Saturn, are karmic — when they show up, it is to address imbalance and injustice.  Their influence is inescapable and will be felt.

• In 1517, Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses challenging Roman Catholic clergy practices: Saturn and Pluto quickly coming to a conjunction in Capricorn

• World War I: Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Cancer

• World War II: Saturn square Pluto (Taurus-Leo)

We are currently under the influence of a powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Structures and systems are breaking down. They have not been of universal service to all people, and now we see the myth of the rugged individualist exposed for what it is: a lie. You can pull yourself by all the straps and boots you want, but if you have no job, shelter, or opportunity for same, it doesn’t matter how many pairs of bootstraps you own. The truth is, bootstraps (synonym for available resources) are also a fiction.

How does the Human Design solar plexus mutation of 2027 fit into this conversation?  The Human Design chart of the mutation will have the Incarnation Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.  We will have entered a new cycle of 400 years.  We are pulling out of the Cross of Planning where the concerns of humanity were very tribal and not as concerned with the needs of the collective.  The new gates for this Cross are 34, 20, 55, and 59. We are redefining power with Gate 34; we are changing the way we create, organizing around making and sharing sustainable resources with Gate 59; we are doing the work of compassion with Gate 55, seeing others as part of our extended family because we understand that we are all from the same Source; and in Gate 20 we acknowledge that each person has value and a unique contribution to make.

The new energetic platform is already here.  What is that platform?  It is about a new shift in consciousness, a shift that will open our awareness to our connection to each other, and to this planet and all its beings.   We have the possibility of creating a civilization that will support all life.  We can create a society where everyone’s needs are met.  As we know, meeting basic human needs is paramount to establishing justice.  Meeting basic human needs is paramount to creating peace as well as joy.  We must understand that it is imbalance that creates war, crime, and misery for all living beings.

Personal creativity and global problem-solving can increase by leaps and bounds if we open our hearts and recognize that we are not separate.  It is the belief that we have no responsibility for each other because we are separate and different that has created untold eons of grief and cruelties that never needed to happen.  The truth is that Universal Consciousness recognizes that we only exist in relation to others, and that others are part of our existence.  When we actively work from this truth, we will manifest our highest potential as human beings.   We have the opportunity now to do this.  To actually get started.   It will not be easy.  We will fumble and we will struggle to find the correct solutions, but we are not doing it alone.  We must not give up or pass over this opportunity.  It is time to run our best race ever!

RESOURCE: This toolkit includes step by step instructions for how you can build your own mutual aid network while staying safe from the spread of COVID-19 —

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Rather than struggling to identify a specific vocation (or career) focus instead on this: What do you care about? What did you love to do when you were very young? Look there for clues to a particular vocation. What is compelling for you? What creates excitement in you? What do you consider an adventure? What will cause you to leap out of bed? There are clues here that point to specific vocations. The activities you are naturally drawn to, what you long to learn about or explore, will point you to your next career. In other words, follow what calls you and your career will find you.

What do you love to do? You want to enjoy your work.

• What types of activities or situations bring you so much joy that you forget your troubles?

What did you used to love to do, but have essentially forgotten about or given up on because it didn’t work out at the time or simply made no sense? Or you didn’t get much support for it? Revisit it. Re-engage it. These things, whatever they are, are yours. These are your gifts. They are to be used in service to others and for your own continuing development.

What are you really good at? Again, what you’re good at is also what is fun and meaningful for you.

What are you really passionate about? Where do your yearnings lead you? Your passion will get you over humps, writer’s block, self-doubt, waiting for an invitation, pretty much anything that rears its ugly little head and tries to talk you out of embracing your natural design. Or, put another way, your inclinations and your yearnings.

• What are you passionate about sharing or teaching others? If you don’t think this points to your vocation, think again.

What have you acquired much knowledge in just because you enjoyed going there? In other words, what have you really been training for all your life?

What are you really good at? Take stock here. What you’re good at is more than a hint of where you should put your time, energy, and attention. What vocations does this translate to?

Having said the above things, consider whether your passions and yearnings best express themselves through a single vocation. Or even as a standard, conventional vocation.

We have been enculturated to believe that one’s talents and passions can best be expressed — or only expressed — through a particular vocation. That may not be the case for you. You may not be here to do “normal” or conventional work or specialize in just one area. Maybe you are here to explore, experiment, and do many things! Your passions and talents will likely connect naturally to several types of vocations or careers, but it is best to steer yourself away from thinking that what is out there in the ordinary workaday world will necessarily be your perfect match. What is important is that you put your attention and energy into what calls you. Follow that, and you will make the ‘career’ connections you need. In other words, you can find the right path for your gifts.

Understand that it is not uncommon that what you do for a living does not always require or ask for the highest expression of your gifts. Your official job may not be as fulfilling for you as a “hobby” in which you find a lot of joy, and where others also benefit. Our way of thinking is that what we do for a living has to match up with what brings us the most joy, and where we have the greatest impact. This is actually not true, and in real life, such jobs are not always easy to get, though it may work out that way. What is important is that you create the space to use your gifts, even if you are also working a regular job. In this way, you continue to cultivate your unique presence in the world, and most importantly, be your most effective self. You will also have the peace that comes with knowing you are being and doing all you can.

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What Makes it Winter Solstice?

What is the magic that creates the Winter Solstice? It’s the astronomical moment when the Sun enters the Tropic of Capricorn. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the moment in the year when we have the shortest day and the longest night. The Solstice marks the official start of winter. Because of the angle of the earth’s tilt, the Sun appears to stand completely still during the Winter Solstice. The word “solstice” comes from two Latin words: sol, meaning “sun,” and sistere, meaning “to stand still.” Winter is the season of standing still, of going within.

The Winter Solstice is a time for contemplation. It is time to get quiet and go within. It is time to enter the silence and be still. It is time to enter, both metaphorically and literally, the darkness that nurtures deep and restful sleep. In this space of silence and stillness you can dream. What do you truly care about, what calls to you? What do you want your life to look like? What is the work that you are to be about? Allow the answers to unfold in their own time, without expectations or demands.

The Winter Solstice is an excellent time to review the year. Giving yourself the space to reflect, without judgment, leads to energetic re-balancing and renewal. It is from this space of quiet that we can release what has made us tired and worn us down, and what is no longer ours to do. At this time we do well to allow the quiet gathering of all the pieces that will bring in new life to come. Now we review what needs to be released, healed, aligned, and brought to our attention, so that we can deliver our purpose to our right places and right people.

How long do we remain in quiet contemplation? On December 25th, the Sun appears to start moving again, symbolizing that letting go and re-visioning is a process begun in stillness, and one that evolves over time, in the same way that light begins its return. This re-visioning and evolution is unique to you, to your internal timing. The light of insight and ideas increases gradually as the days increase in length, as the Sun takes up more and more of day. As the balance of dark and light tips, we move towards new life, increasing warmth, and the coming of Spring. If we are truly taking advantage of the meaning and symbolism of the Winter Solstice, we are also moving into a deeper understanding of our purpose, a purpose that we will nurture through the time of growing light.

The Astrology of Winter Solstice 2019: the Significance of the Time of Day

Time of Day. The Sun entered 0 degrees Capricorn at 11:20 PM Eastern Time. I am using as the location Washington, D.C., as it is the capital of the United States, and as such represents this country’s collective experience. Let’s take a look at the symbolism of this hour of the day. At 11:20 PM, Eastern Time, the Sun and Venus were in the second quadrant (houses 4,5, and 6). The Sun is in the second quadrant between sunset and midnight. During this time, most people are with their families, or they’re out with their friends, or they’re playing music, reading a book, sitting around a campfire, or studying the stars. It is a time when people are doing things that they like to do, that they want to do. These are usually activities that bring them closer to their loved ones, things that make them laugh and weep, or give them a sense of wonder.

The second quadrant is about feelings and freedom. That doesn’t mean there is no sense of responsibility or duty – because there is – but the domain of interest has shifted. The sense of duty is no longer to the world; it is to the heart. The question is no longer, “What can I do to be rich and successful?” but “What can I do to be happy?”

The second quadrant is about being true to yourself It’s about trusting your inner voice, allowing yourself to play, to see God in other people, in the rocks and trees, in all of nature — and in yourself. It’s about breaking free of convention and following your bliss. It’s about joy and inspiration.

The essence of this energy is about simplicity. It’s about living a simple life and having a circle of friends that accept you. It’s about being true to your real feelings, your passions, and your calling.  Often this means veering off the main road and seeking your destiny on the road less traveled. Again, this is the time to release what is not yours to do or be, but to allow what is yours to make itself known. Let go of all those identities that are not you! From this space of newness and new beginnings, we can hear the heart speak. Your heart will set you on your right path.

The Human Design Chart for Winter Solstice 2019

This year the Human Design type for the Winter Solstice is Projector with a 2/5 Profile and the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love. This Profile and Cross also showed up in the chart of the Fall Equinox.  We are being given additional opportunity and time to integrate what these energies offer us!

What do we know about the Projector archetype? Projectors are here to guide and direct others, and to serve in a leadership capacity. Because of their ability to read energy, they have unique insights and wisdom regarding how to best manage the flow of energy so that everyone benefits. It is the Projector’s undefined Sacral that gives them the capacity to read the others’ energy, in addition to the unique configuration of their penetrating aura. But because they do not have a defined Sacral, the Projector does not have continuous access to energy. However, this does not mean that Projectors are not energetically available to life. On the contrary. They need to be with the right people — those who value and honor their gifts — and their energy will flow. Projectors are here to allow energy to move through them in service to their purpose.

The Quantum Purpose of the Projector (per Karen Curry Parker) is to hold the energy template of what’s to come and to clear the vibration of the collective consciousness. Projectors are constantly cleaning the energy of the planet, and holding the subtle body template of the planet together. The Projector continually scrubs the planetary grid to help its energy to flow unimpeded.

The 2/5 Profile. We all need to have time for quiet isolation, for that is where we experience our deepest peace. Inside relaxation and silence, we can explore, without interruption, our creativity and musings. We can re-connect to ourselves. The Profile for the Winter Solstice 2019 chart is the 2/5, the Hermit Heretic. This profile is about the need to retreat to aloneness to find one’s inner guidance, and to integrate what we have gathered. There is a need in the 2/5 profile to intentionally build in alone time, for that is where regeneration occurs.

The Cross of the Vessel of Love. Each Human Design chart has an Incarnation Cross, made up of the Personality (Conscious) Earth and Sun, and the Design (Unconscious) Earth and Sun. Each of these four planets occupy a gate and a line. The unique configuration of the Conscious and Unconscious Sun and Earth placements creates a specific cross, a cross that speaks to your purpose. This Winter Solstice has the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love. 

Putting it All Together

This Winter Solstice is a big opportunity to reconnect with who we are, who we need, and what we need to be happy, all of which connects us to our purpose. The stillness of the Solstice brings us closer to our center. It is here that we can get an intimate look at what we value, what we believe, and what we believe in. This Winter’s Solstice was born in the time between sunset and midnight, placing it in the second quadrant. The second quadrant is about being true to yourself. It’s about trusting your inner voice and following your bliss. This Winter’s Solstice moment of ingress into Capricorn also gives us the human design type of Projector. The Projector’s unique abilities to read and recognize energy allows her to orchestrate its flow so that it can be articulated into specific form. This is your opportunity to get your energy flowing in your right direction. The Projector has the sacred task of keeping the subtle body template of the planet aligned, anchoring it to the physical, making sure it’s strong enough to hold whatever is coming next. When you are anchored by your truth, you have the resiliency to handle the unexpected. The 2/5 profile gives us the space of stillness and quiet, so that we can connect to our deeper truths.

This season we have special access to the power of love via the Incarnation Cross. It is my wish that you avail yourself of the highest expression of this healing energy, and that it continues to unfold in your life throughout this next year.

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Your life is about completing what you were put on Earth to do. Your agenda, or soul intentions for what you planned to accomplish, is contained in your soul contract. You took on many agreements, some large and some small, to fulfill over the course of your life. Each one of you has a soul contract brimming with agreements, and these include your overarching mission, a.k.a. your dharma, as well as the incomplete transactions that seek resolution and balance — also known as karma. How do you find out what those are?

Look at your history and notice where you’ve spent your time and given your energy and attention — notice what you’ve gone out of your way to access and investigate. Especially take notice of what you’ve been willing to move Heaven and Earth to do! These actions reveal your soul’s interests and desires. Your actions, motivated by your desires, are clear indicators of your dharma and your karma — what you are here to work on and complete. Additionally, how you take action on the way to fulfilling your desires is a clear indicator of two critical pieces of information: your gifts, and where you are to be of service.

The best way to find out what is in your soul contract is to follow what compels you. Most of us don’t know at the beginning of our lives why we are here or what we are supposed to do, but we can find out! Each one of us has built-in natural gifts that will not be ignored, and that the world needs. Every single one of you has important gifts. Your ability might be to make others laugh, it might be getting along with people, it might be cooking, it might be working with complex ideas, it might be bringing order and organization, or it might be holding space for others. There are as many gifts as there are people. Everyone has at least one significant gift (and the truth is you each have many), and they are waiting to be used to in service to the life you agreed to live, with the bonus that you will also experience deep fulfillment.

One more time, how can you really know what is in your soul contract?

Imagine that God and your Higher Self worked with you to create your current life. Then you were placed on this Earth and told to go out and do what you agreed to do, to begin unfolding the precious contents of your soul contract. What would God and your Higher Self have pointed you towards?

Would it be being a good person?

Would it be a specific career? Musician, dancer, actor, singer, doctor, scientist, lawyer, teacher…

Would it be doing well in your career?

Would it be about becoming famous?

Would it be about donating time and money to charity?

Would it be creating wonderful works of art to inspire the world?

Would it be helping others with your unique gifts?

Would it be a peacemaker?

Would it be a civil rights activist?

Would it be bringing in innovative solutions to humanity’s many problems?

Would it be animal rights?

Would it be teaching and inspiring others to have confidence and courage?

Would it be healing of the mind, body, and spirit?

Would it be to create communities that meet the needs of their members and in turn serve the greater good?

Would it be about becoming a visionary leader?

Would it be amassing as much money as you possibly could so you could buy nice things?

You were put here for a reason and whatever that reason is, you need to discover it and then fulfill it. You have plenty of skills, and many interests that will lead you to develop even more skills. When you are working directly with your soul contract, not only will you feel contentment, you will find that your ability to understand life and what is happening with you becomes more clear and even more profound.

When you experience joy in being around certain things or having certain experiences, you have been given the clues to identify the contents of your soul contract.

When we see a work of art that we admire, when we see the smile of a child and it brings us joy, when we give of ourselves to others and feel joy in helping a person, when we help someone get a job, when we sit outside in nature and view the trees and flowers, when we spend time with someone we love, when we meet someone and we find an immediate spiritual connection, the world has been made more wonderful. All of these things are powerful, and we derive true ecstasy from experiencing positive and nurturing things. Your soul contract is intended to bring you joy.

The most important thing you can do with your life is to accomplish what you came here to do and make the absolute most of yourself. Are you listening to the urgings of your soul contract? Are you stepping up to meet its call? Acting from your own initiative is primary, but you are not alone. Your contract was created in committee, albeit a very personal one. Your Higher Self and primary Guides will support and encourage you.

There is nothing more important than carrying out your soul contract because in doing so, everyone benefits. Your gifts are meant to be shared. They are part of an intricately interwoven matrix where each one’s gifts and callings are interconnected. Each time someone agrees to do what they came here to do, all of life is lifted up, and the healing and evolution that happens for everyone, including the Cosmos, is beyond measure.

P.S. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or if you feel that you haven’t made much headway. As long as you are alive, there is always something you can do to fulfill your soul contract.

Copyright © 2019 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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The Meaning of the Season

When I think of Fall, I think of brilliant golds and reds, of falling leaves, and bright orange pumpkins. I think about how far I’ve come, what I’ve lost, what I’m letting go of, and what I am welcoming in.

In the Northern hemisphere, we are harvesting. We are reaping what we planted, both recently, and long ago. Some of it is good and wonderful; some of it, not so much.

Fall is a Season of remembering. We are reminded that life is always moving forward, that everything changes, and that we cannot hold on to anything forever. Our memories of what once was are now especially poignant. If it is nothing else, Fall is the time to remember that we cannot take anything for granted. What we hold most dear will some day leave us, and this is all the more reason to extend our love and appreciation to who and what matters to us most. And to remember to do that often.

This is the Season where we cross the threshold into the darkening of the light. The symbolism is that of deepening; we are actually moving into a more profound aspect of our psychospiritual selves. The Season of Fall always encourages us to go within, to reflect on what we truly value, and to remember the dreams we put aside because we didn’t have time for them, or because they didn’t fit into the flow of our lives. But we still dreamed them, and they were precious. We dreamed them then, and they still live within us. Perhaps now is the time for them to be born.

The Astrology of Fall Equinox 2019: the Significance of the Time of Day, the Moon, and Saturn

Time of Day. Fall came into our lives when the Sun entered Libra at 1:51 AM Mountain Time. Let’s take a look at the remarkable symbolism of this hour of the day and its seamless connection to the meaning of Fall. This is the hour when the village is dark and most of us are asleep with our family around us. It is about loyalty to family; it is about devotion to our tribe and making sure our communities are insulated from the dangers of the night. It is also the time when we can forget our problems and place our trust in something greater than ourselves. It is the most mystical time of the night, and it naturally invites us to connect with Spirit, with what we long for, and with what we can still make of our lives. In other words, it is a time for dreaming and growing our dreams.

The Moon. The Astrology of 1:51 AM Mountain Time (and adjusted for other zones) places the Moon in a sector that supports the full expression of the qualities the Moon is best known for! The Moon’s placement in the 1st sector of the 4th quadrant (translated as the 12th house) emphasizes the need for romance and connection. This is a placement that is hungry for meaning and significance, and for connection to others, most especially companionship. There is a longing to return to simpler ways and a simpler life. This is the time to let go of what we do not need anymore – and this pertains as much to the clutter of things, of places and persons – as it does to our attachments to what does not support our well-being.

This is a time when we will be more vulnerable and sensitive. It is the Moon, after all, and it is inevitable we will feel this way. Now it is easier to have a heart-opening so that we can let go of what needs to go, and to accept what is. This is not to say that it won’t hurt, but we have the opportunity this season to deepen our self-knowledge and appreciation of who we are, to remember our mission, and to deepen our connection to those who continue to walk beside us. Darker emotional undercurrents come to the surface, and we can offer them up to be healed. This is a season that also supports the deepening of intimacy as we let go of what is not our truth.

Saturn. Before I leave this discussion on what I see as the salient astrological factors for this season, I want to point out that the Fall Equinox Saturn is stationary. This factor occurs when Saturn is traveling between the speeds of 0.008 and -0.008 degrees per day. We might think of a stationary planet as one who has stopped its journey to witness, with special interest, the lives and events of a unique time and place. There is something both mystical and parental about a stationary planet. With Saturn, the theme is responsibility.

Saturn has 82 confirmed moons; this is a symbol of tremendous responsibility, and with stationary Saturn, we are not talking about the simple kind of responsibility which can be taken care of by doing things like paying your bills and working hard at your job. Those things are part of it to be sure, and if you ignore them, there will be consequences. But the main interest of stationary Saturn is whether you’re taking responsibility for what is yours to take care of. It’s important to pay your rent, but if you pay your rent and neglect your kids, your pets, and your commitments, you dishonor Saturn. You break the agreement of what it means to be a human being in a society of other human beings. When Saturn is stationary, the realm of responsibility has broadened. You can’t just slide by merely following the letter of the law. You are also accountable for the spirit of the law.

The Human Design Chart for Fall Equinox 2019

To my amazement and delight, this Fall Equinox has the chart of a Reflector, the rarest of the Human Design types. To thrive and to fulfill their purpose, Reflectors must live in their right village among their right people. The environment has to feel good and be balanced for a Reflector to feel good and to thrive. If the Reflector is thriving and vital, they can fully express their skills, insights, and knowledge, thus contributing to the vitality of the village. If the Reflector is not thriving, their life reflects back to the village a mirror that is shadowed with illness. If the village is paying attention, it is alerted to an imbalance that must be addressed.

I have expressed this relationship between the Reflector and their community in a somewhat abstract way, but the connection between an individual who reflects what will not support well-being and life, and the ultimate consequences for a community that fails to respond, is illustrated magnificently by Greta Thunberg’s scathing speech of September 23, 2019 (Fall Equinox) to the U.N.

Interestingly, the Reflector’s fundamental needs are in sync with the symbolism of the time of day that we entered this year’s Fall. The hours between midnight and sunrise are the time of sleep and dreams, but most especially, at this hour we are traditionally with our people, huddled together for warmth and safety. In this coming together, besides experiencing a strong sense of safety, we also have identity and belonging. The needs of this Fall are the same as the needs of the Reflector for the elements of right community, connection, intimacy, and place. This is the season to focus on shoring up these life-sustaining structures, for like the Reflector, without them, we lose our sense of self and purpose, both as individuals and as communities, and our lives become that much harder.

The 2/5 Profile. Many of us prefer to live our lives in quiet isolation for that is where we experience our deepest peace. Inside relaxation and silence, we can explore, without interruption, our creativity and musings. The profile (how you learn and how you interact with the world) for the Fall Equinox 2019 chart is the 2/5, the Hermit Heretic. This profile is about the need to retreat to aloneness to find one’s inner guidance, and to integrate what we have gathered. There is a need in the 2/5 profile to intentionally build in alone time for that is where regeneration and centering occurs.

However, there is a flip side at work. Although both the line 2 and the line 5 have a need to hide, the line 2 gets called out by their community because they ultimately need to share what they learned in private, though they may not realize this is what’s happening, and line 5 cannot help but be noticed because of its built-in irresistible magnetism! Line 5 has an energetic vortex that pulls others to it, regardless of the Line 5’s availability in the moment. The seductiveness of the line 5 comes from the ‘telegraphed’ promise that it can deliver what you need. This is projection, of course, and the line 5 can also project in turn. What is really happening here is a mysterious process that has no formal articulation, and takes place beyond everyone’s consciousness, but that only line 5 is designed to engage. The line 5 has a purpose of alchemizing what we think we know, transmuting and synthesizing it in such a way that information and techniques are taken to a higher level that is then capable of serving the needs of universal knowledge. And this Fall season is brimming with alchemical energy and the invitation to go within and return with a new story about what’s possible.

The theme of withdrawing to dream and reconnect with ourselves that we have thus far seen in this Fall’s astrology and human design charts is repeated in the 2/5 profile of the Fall Equinox human design chart. What is expressed here are the personal integration of acquired knowledge through a quiet deepening process, so that our dreams can ultimately be given practical foundations from which they can be launched. As well, we gain an understanding of our deeper need to stay connected to others, for both practical and personal reasons. This is not just about socializing, but about the sustainability of our families and communities, and ultimately, human civilization.

The Cross of the Vessel of Love.  Each Human Design chart has an Incarnation Cross, made up of the Personality (Conscious) Earth and Sun, and the Design (Unconscious) Earth and Sun. Each of these four planets occupy a gate and a line. The unique configuration of the Conscious and Unconscious Sun and Earth placements creates a specific cross, a cross that speaks to your purpose. This Fall Equinox has the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love.

As such, a specific purpose of this Fall season, as revealed in its 2019 Human Design, is to express love. The four gates of Cross of the Vessel of Love are the 46, the 25, the 15, and the 10. In the 46 we have the love and appreciation of being in a human body so that we can give our spiritual purpose viable form and manifestation; in the 25 we remember that the reason we do anything is because of our reverence for, and gratitude to, Source; in the 15, we remember our need for connection to community, and in the 10, we remember to love ourselves, so that we are always empowered to bring through our highest spiritual expression through our actions, and how we live our lives each day.

A summary of this Incarnation Cross: because this season we have special access to the energy of love, we are able to be its messenger and activist. This season we are especially empowered to wield the power of love to shatter what does not support life, to heal, and to restore balance in all the places that need them. We begin, of course, with tending first to our wounds, and to what needs to be loved in us by us.

This Fall we seek to deepen connection and companionship, and we seek to bring our dreams into reality. We continue to dream, and to reach for what’s possible for us. We will review and revise, and perhaps even invent, the infrastructures that will ensure sustainability and thriving for our communities. We do these things because we are in touch with our deeper feelings and our deeper truths. We do these things because we remember that we are here only for a time, and so everything is that much more precious.  We are open to the novel and the unexpected in solutions. We do what we do because we care, and because we believe in the power of love for one another.

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What do you need to have your life be like at this time?

Feel into what that feels like.

Is it OK for you to be where you are right now?

It is important to honor what aligns with you and to follow what feels right. Even if it doesn’t inspire anyone! What is important is for you to honor your energy. Where you need to be right now is not where you will stay. The most critical thing for you is to be honest about what you need at this time and what you need to let go of. It is really all right to let go of the pressure to make something happen. It is necessary. When we push and nothing changes, there is information here for you. What you are doing is not correct for you at this time.

First things first: take the time to check in with yourself. Are you feeling emotionally and physically nourished? Are you feeling well-rested?

It is paramount for you to stay in touch with the flow of your energy. When we push, we lose power. We lose our ability to discern what is correct for us. When we push, we are out of alignment with ourselves and what we need to sustain ourselves. When we push, we lose connection to our center and our self-awareness. In this state, it is hard to tell if what we are doing is helping us get to where we want to go and giving us what we need. Worse case, we start to feel afraid that we are losing our grip on life, on our ability to remain in control.

Sometimes it is time to just stop, to retreat, rest, and renew. When you no longer feel joy and excitement, when you are out of ideas or can no longer get behind the ones you had, it is time to re-evaluate what you are doing and how you are doing it. Perhaps it is not so much that what you are doing is not correct for you, as it is a matter of timing and the availability of your energy.

Only you know how long you need to be in retreat and what will rejuvenate you.  Retreating does not mean that you stop paying your bills. Do what you must to keep yourself together and do not take on any more. Please do not pressure yourself to be amazing or believe that you must do something right now to turn things around, ignoring the fact that you have been spinning your wheels for some time.

Your right plan of action will reveal itself when your vitality is restored and available to you. Your ideas and creativity will flow again.

We must always be our own advocates and allies; we are the highest authority for what is true for us at any time. Only you know what it feels like to be you and what you need. Find the pace that works for you at any given moment. It will shift from time to time and from project to project. Remember that how you do things and how fast you do them is unique to you and is influenced by how your energy naturally flows. You are not supposed to look like anyone else’s success or keep up with anyone else.

Please honor how you do things, and how you need to do them. You have a rhythm that is unique to you. How your energy flows is unique to you. It takes time and trial and error to truly know ourselves. Be patient with your process of discovering how you work and what works best for you. You will eventually find your personal rhythm of sustainability. You want to be in the flow that is your unique rhythm because this is where you feel good and where you are the most creative and productive. It is here that you are also at your most magnetic and radiant.

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Believe in yourself.  Believe that you have a right to be here. You have as much right as anyone to be here, and to find your right place in this world. When your world collapses around you, ironic as it seems, it is even more important that you believe you have a right to be here. It will not help you to think of yourself as a victim, and neither will it help anyone else. Although you may be required to be even more dexterous than you were, and to leap scary chasms, this does not mean your life has no value and has lost its purpose. On the contrary, it is even more valid.

In times of change and uncertainty, your skills and insights are needed more than ever. In times of change and uncertainty, your skills and insights are being called to upgrade. Hard and challenging times, both personally and collectively, are when we have the opportunity to leap out of ourselves and become stronger and smarter than we were. The little caveat is that we have to be willing to face our fears so that we can expand beyond who we know ourselves to be, and expand past what we believed were the limits of our abilities. It is time to deepen our knowledge and develop new skills. There is more to you than you know! 

Many are feeling the call to draw from their souls a much deeper and richer understanding of who they are, and of their world. They realize they must become someone other than who they have been. When we have been initiated into the depths of an unexpected situation that goes much beyond the ordinary course of our lives we know that business as usual is over. It is in these times that the soul of life itself is asking us to let go of who we were and to be willing to discover the new identity that will be formed as we respond with care and awareness to what life now asks of us. This requires a great deal of courage, and you will see what you are really made of. This is also your opportunity to move towards the life you have been seeking.  There is nothing to lose in leaving behind what is no longer you.

Push through your fears. Muster the courage to imagine your new story, your new life. Notice with tenderness and acceptance your grief and fear about letting go of those parts of you that no longer serve you. When you are ready, open the door.

Cultivate a higher state of consciousness. Cultivating a higher state of consciousness is about realizing the impact of your values and your lifestyle on your world. It is really important to understand this because what you believe (your values) and how you behave creates the legacy you will leave behind. A higher state of consciousness includes awareness of your connection to all things — past, present, and future. Here you are aware of your greater responsibility to those who come after you. From this place you can find the courage to embrace what is calling you now.

Get with your tribe. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being with people who see who you really are, and who love and respect you for that. It is too easy when we are alone to rationalize that we have no value and nothing to offer. Those who see your gifts, especially those who have benefited from them, will be the ones to pick you back up and remind you how much you are needed.

Focus on creating happy experiences. We need humor, friendship, play, self-care, and rest. Indulge in activities that bring you joy. Play with your family. Play with your pets. Write poems and stories. Share them. Write plays and produce them. Make paintings. Put a band together. Be in a choir. Sing robustly. Contribute your gifts for the well-being of others. Have fun in everything you do. Put your life force energy out there, in a big way. It will give you a big boost. And in between don’t forget to rest as much as you need.

Never forget that Love is on your side.  The following quote from a higher plane teacher is a reminder of what is possible when we believe in ourselves and remember the power of love:

There is no life in which human beings cannot give expression to unconditional love. There are no conditions, no matter how restrictive, that render love impossible. There is no factor in life that can destroy love. There is no fear so great that it can defeat love. Human beings can choose to deny love and to distort it. Human beings can choose to manipulate other human beings instead of loving without expectation. Human beings can choose to despise love, or hold it in contempt. But nothing in the universe is stronger than love, or more enduring. Love has outlasted fear of every sort, everywhere in the physical universe. Love has endured in the face of every sort of criminality, catastrophe, annihilation, or other comprehensive disaster known anywhere on the physical plane. The Tao is evolved and evolving perfect love from which all things come, and to which all things return. 

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Be grateful for your life! Be grateful for your skills, gifts, talents, and opportunities, and what you have been able to do with them, and what creative and exciting things you will be doing with them! How fun is that?

Make peace with your current situation. Accepting what is will allow movement. There is magic between the moments of your life, but don’t take my word for it. Look inside and see for yourself.

Realize that your situation is an EVOLVING one. Everything is temporary, and even if it doesn’t feel like it, the energy is still moving, and moving you to your next place.  Every time we get stuck or something unpleasant or unexpected happens, we tend to believe it’s forever.  There goes all our hard work! Then we go into flight and fight, creating disarray, with the possibility of losing the connection to our original inspiration.

When the unexpected happens, your job is to stay open and curious and follow the energy rather than attempting to get in front of it and try to make it go in a certain direction. There is a higher Intelligence at play here.

You are inside of a much bigger picture. Always. Allow yourself to step out of reaction and connect with the flow of life force energy that is emanating directly from you. It is very powerful, and will guide you to your next steps.

Your ego is not in charge, though it will try to convince you. Your Soul is. Surrender to its promptings, and then apply (and unleash) all your glorious abilities in service to your purpose.

When we’re feeling pressure about a situation, we want to take immediate action to address it. When we anticipate what we perceive to be the logical outcome for a current situation, we problem-solve in anticipation of that particular outcome. For example: I don’t have enough money coming in, and that means that I am eventually going to lose my house. Therefore, I have to make lots of money NOW to prevent that horrible thing from happening! Therefore, I will work harder to get clients (and ignore my exhaustion and maybe even come off as desperate or repulsive) or throw myself into a job situation that is going to suck me dry and hope that my recovery time is negligible and I will still be able to keep going until the breakthrough happens.

Ask yourself: Is it really an EMERGENCY? Perceiving an emergency where one doesn’t actually exist will cause us to behave in ways that will stop the natural unfolding of possibilities. We get in FRONT of events and corral them, pushing them in certain directions instead of allowing the situation to play out. How do you know that things are going to turn out the way you think? That’s your panic talking. Taking action when there is no definitive need in the moment can cause an outcome that is undesirable and create real loss that could have been avoided.

Our standard approaches to problem-solving are both logical and masculine, and even patriarchal. It doesn’t recognize that there are many pieces at play in any situation. There are multiple strands of causation moving at any one time, with potential multiple outcomes and expressions. The masculine approach to problem-solving has no idea that many strands are involved, and doesn’t really trust intuition or recognize that there is a natural flow to creativity. It doesn’t KNOW that there is an actively yin fertile process that needs time to grow. The feminine way of problem-solving is open and adaptive, and has its own timing.

The important thing is to not get caught up in anticipating outcomes that are truly not yet known or definitive, and instead — imagine other possibilities. Accept that you have no idea how you’re going to get through this, and you don’t have to have all the facts or tools in hand at any step of the way. The creative process involves continuous adaptation, calling for different things at different moments. If you have been following your heart’s calling, you know this is true, and that you can trust that process.

If something is really an emergency, taking action will be obvious and automatic. But when it’s not, that beautiful thing that wants to be born requires your patience and trust. It’s when we’re in seeming limbo that it’s time to relax into not-knowing. It’s time to let go of the need to know, and the need to make something happen. Although we are the instruments that our creations and manifestations come through, they are entities in their own right and have their own process and timing.  And when you honor and support that process, everyone is nurtured into success.


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You have a Destiny, and to find it, you must go on your own hero’s journey. You will likely begin this journey pressured by cultural mores that promise conventional success as long as you choose certain paths and stick to them.

But to become who you are, you must be on your path. If you want to know who you are, you can’t stay on someone else’s pre-assigned path. You can’t even take a hike on the yellow brick road because it will probably lead you to the wrong city or the wrong school and the wrong teacher. But when we take the path that is ours, the one that calls to us, we will come to know ourselves, and what we are meant to do.

You will discover who you are and what the world is made of through experiencing, experimenting, and making mistakes. You will not learn your destiny overnight. Do not worry that you have taken a wrong turn. That is why it is a journey, and it will be filled with many unknowns, and you will come face-to-face with situations you have no idea how to handle. But when you follow what is fulfilling, you will gradually self-correct. When you follow what is fulfilling, you will learn to recognize when you have taken a detour. It’s not always possible to know what will happen when we take certain actions, but we cannot do all our growing from the classroom, from books, movies, or conversations. There are things we simply have to do for ourselves because there is no other way to find out what’s true for us, what’s correct for us, and what brings us to delight and fulfillment.

Each one of us has been given a map and a compass. What map, where is it? The map is inside you; however, it is as if it were drawn with disappearing ink, and it is your task to make that ink appear. You do this by heading in the direction that calls to you. If nothing calls you, stop to rest and enjoy the scenery. Be patient. If nothing calls you, and you’re starting to get restless, it is all right to get up and move – one step at a time. Trust your inner compass. Do not give up because, after a while, you will realize that you are tracking with your map, and routes are magically appearing as you go.

When the energy around you begins to stagnate – as in there is nothing more to offer to any part of you – spiritual, intellectual, or emotional – then it is time to move on. You are still making your map! It is necessary to continue to explore various situations so that you can find out who you are. You will come to know yourself deeply through experiencing different environments and the people in them. You are learning the limits of what any situation has to offer you, and you are also learning what you will tolerate and what you need to be inspired, motivated, and nourished. You are always learning what calls to you. Lean into that.

Have patience with your process. Surrender to the experiences that bring you clarity. Know that as you gain more experience, your knowledge of what you are here to do will continue to crystallize for you. Believe that you are here to do what draws you, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy. Your job is to connect with that. You are on an exciting reconnaissance mission, no matter if you have just begun, or are years deep into the territory.

At the end of life, you will have a map like no other.

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THE JOB OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS EVOLUTION. Its motivation is curiosity and desire. Its end goal is unity. Its product is agape, or universal love. A manifest aspect of evolving consciousness is just around the corner in the form of the Solar Plexus Mutation. It is said that the Mutation of the Human Design BodyGraph will be complete in 2027. This new platform will challenge everyone to gradually let go of old paradigms and embrace new values – values that honor everyone’s right to the tree of life. That includes all living beings! Even though we are some time out from this shift, we can see and feel the beginning of the changes it will bring:

• the nature of how we bond and mate will change
• how we share resources will change
• the emotional wave will be steadier so that we are not so subject to extreme highs and lows
• we will not operate from fear-based intuition; we will do what we feel/ know is the right thing to do
• we will actively seek peace
• we will actively find ways to bring peace
• our relationship to the animal kingdom will change, moving towards compassion and honoring their rights as living beings
• business values will change; the emphasis will not be so much about profit as about meeting real needs. This is a major shift in values.

This shift in the Human Design BodyGraph will have universal impact. Collective consciousness will gradually recalibrate its focus because the energetic platform that the material plane sits on will have changed. It doesn’t mean that people will all of sudden behave civilly and want the best for everyone — but the new energetic platform will be in place, and it will be compelling. It means that humanity will be more supported than ever to get on with the business of rebuilding civilization. We can look forward to the day when everyone’s needs are met. As we know, meeting basic human needs is paramount to establishing abundance. Meeting basic human needs is paramount to creating peace, joy, and acceptance. Personal creativity and global problem-solving will increase by leaps and bounds: the truth is that Universal Consciousness recognizes that we only exist in relation to others, and that others are part of our existence. When we actively work from this truth, we will manifest our highest potential as human beings.

Copyright © 2019 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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IT’S NO USE! This remark comes from grief, from loss, from failure to change things so that life is better. Perhaps you feel that you’ve lost so much you can never fully recover. Perhaps you are resigned to things as they are.

And perhaps you have supportive friends who don’t blame you for feeling that way. They may even commiserate with you and together you find solace in ‘this is just the way it is, how things are, how life is.’

But if you want to have the energy you need to live your life, if you are not ready to give in to things as they are, then a shift in what you believe to be true is needed. It is time to rebuild your life from a new perspective and strategy.

Instead of being resigned to things as they are, surrender to them. In addition, let go of judging yourself for unfortunate decisions made in the past. See them for what they are — why you made them at the time, and what you now know not to do.

Resignation believes things cannot ever get better. Therefore, there is no incentive to dust off your creative capacities to change things. Surrender, on the other hand, does not resist. When you surrender, you are available to see the possibilities and the openings, subtle as they might be, for you to begin to move out of your situation. Surrender to what is as you begin to create what will be.

It is true that we cannot always just walk away. But we can begin to change our lives by believing that we are in charge of our destiny and that we are the ones who have the power, the real power, to redirect our lives. This may not appear to be anywhere near the truth, especially if we perceive that we are permanently caught inside a situation that is far larger and stronger than we are.

And if we accept that, and do not push back, that will be the case. Forever.

The way out is to take a ferocious stand for your life. Decide that the only thing that matters now is taking back your life. Feel into the desires of your heart, mind, and body for the future you want to bring in. Embody these desires by making every choice in service to the future, to the life you want to be living, to how you want to look and feel, to the people you want around you, to the experiences you want to have.

From here on out, every decision you make, from the most apparently insignificant to far more important ones, must be in service to your best interests — to you. Not to or for someone else. YOU ARE WRITING YOURSELF INTO A NEW STORY. Even if you have dependents, whether they are human or animal or other, you will serve them best when you are at your best. Now is always the time to let go of conditioning and programs that riddle you with guilt around who you are supposed to be in the world, what you are supposed to be doing, how you should live, how much money you should have, how you should look, to name a few, in order to be worthy, acceptable, righteous, obedient, humble, a good citizen, etc.

The only way to break out of conditioning and all the habits that are designed to undermine your flourishing is to take this stand for your life. You may never have done this, so now you may need to find your courage. You may wonder how exactly does one take a stand for their life. Begin by choosing you. Begin by saying yes to what calls you. You may not be able to leave your job right away, but you can uplevel your joy with things and activities that uplift, by focusing on what raises your vibration and getting rid of what brings you down. You may not be able to move a lot of territory initially, but the more pieces you move on your behalf, the more the energy stream will flow faster. Every single small action that you perform on your behalf, on behalf of the life you truly want to live, will have a cumulative effect towards bringing in a future that supports, values, and honors you. This is a law of energetics — where you put your attention and focus is what you will grow. Believe that there is no greater cause than yourself, that there is no more sacred purpose than the life you came to live. This is YOUR life; it belongs to you. You are responsible for it.

Have compassion for yourself. Have patience with the process. There will be days when you feel you have failed. The thing is to get back up and keep going.

Say YES to YOU. Forgive your past. Love your now.

This is yours to do, and you can do this.

There is so much more to come. 


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Copyright © 2019 – present | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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When you don’t have a defined Sacral your energy’s not sustainable, so you have to learn to be really smart about how you use your energy. And that means that you have to be aware of what your personal energy boundaries are. You need to be aware of when you are using too much of your precious energy, and also engage practices that will ensure you get sufficient rest and restoration. It’s not enough to read about the Projector’s energy limitations or how to make the best use of that energy – you really have to get to know your own capacities, and then honor them.

1. Don’t push into your fatigue. If you are already tired, you’re past the point where you should have stopped what you were doing. If you push into your fatigue, you are going to have a difficult time recovering. I realize that it’s not always possible to just stop what you’re doing, particularly if you are working for someone else, but when you know you’re going to be called on to be present for long hours or hard labor (God forbid), it’s critical to plan for that. This means that you get as much rest as possible between your assignments so that you have as much energy available to you as possible. This means that you don’t take on extra projects when you know the demands on your energy are going to be high for a sustained period of time.

2. Don’t take your energy levels for granted. Projectors are going to have days when they feel they can take on the world. This is because the undefined Sacral takes in the energy of others and then amplifies that energy. That Sacral becomes as dynamic as a nuclear reactor when amplified. When the Projector has a Sacral that is bursting with energy they can act like super-Generators, and feel like they could leap tall buildings at a single bound. When the energy is unleashed we need to take advantage of it, but also be discerning and prudent!  It will run out.  Do not go to extremes, or you will pay for it later.

3. Remember to discharge your excess energy daily. Every day the Projector picks up volumes of energy from others. Keep in mind that this is natural for the Projector, and it is why the Projector is so gifted at reading the energy of others – because they are literally taking in that energy. At the end of your day make a practice of discharging the energies you’ve accumulated by standing barefoot on the ground, walking barefoot, sitting by a tree, or laying down in a room that you have all to yourself. Sleeping in a room that belongs only to you will discharge excess energies.  This is very restorative. Listening to music that removes you from the concerns and insults of the day will move you to a more peaceful state of mind. You can experiment with ways of discharging energy to find what is most effective for you – but the bottom line here is about letting go of what does not belong to you.

4. Don’t work against yourself. The biggest energy drain for a Projector is when they are working at tasks that they don’t enjoy and that are not meant for them to do. When you are doing work that is fulfilling, you are energized. When you are doing work that engages your unique skills and creativity and mindset, your energy will flow. Ideally, the Projector has all the energy he/she needs to do work that is fulfilling. If you are not doing work that acknowledges your nature, and if it is particularly draining, you should be looking for a way to leave that situation. If you cannot leave as soon as you would like, this is where the practice of preserving your energy becomes especially important. This means you do not take on any additional asks of your energy, and that you make sure you get as much rest as possible while you are working in situations that demand much of your energy.

5. Find work that is true to who you are and that you love doing. Eventually, the Projector must find what works for them. This is a process of trial and error. The trial and error allows you to get to know yourself. Understand that as time goes by and you get older and develop more skills and greater self-knowledge, the environments that you can work in effectively will change. It is about context for your current time and place, and for your state of mind and health. Regardless of your stage in life, when you are engaged in life in a way that respects who you are, that respects your personhood and unique gifts, the energy you need will be available to you. Stick with jobs and projects that have your name on them and that you cannot resist taking on. Whatever you’re drawn to doing, and whatever compels you and calls to you is what you need to explore.

6. Process the advice of others through your personal truth filter. Projectors need to talk with the people they trust so that they can get a sense of what’s right for them. But you’re not really seeking advice as much as you’re needing to hear your own truth as you speak your words out loud. Talking with other people is genuinely helpful for the Projector, and know that you may have many conversations before you begin to parse out clearly what will work for you. If you don’t get a handle on what you should do in a situation, and you decide to follow someone else’s advice (someone else’s truth), you will probably find yourself in an uncomfortable place. If something doesn’t feel right, if your intuition isn’t giving you the green light, or if you can’t find your intuition or the feeling of rightness, don’t do it. The situation isn’t correct for you or the timing isn’t right. Keep talking, even if those conversations are just with yourself. A Projector does well to have a few close friends that they can just talk and talk and talk with. Eventually, you will know your next step. And remember, if it doesn’t feel good to you, forget about it.

7. Respect yourself. Know your limitations, and stick to them. Don’t allow others to override what you know will work for you. Stand up for yourself, and say no to requests that are going to make demands of you that will injure you if you try to meet them. Projectors are not here to be martyrs for others. Martyring your energy will take you out, and completely undermine your ability to be able to communicate your unique brand of wisdom and insight, and live your life with joy.

Negative Thoughts and Your Energy

We live in a world that is congested with the energies of many beings, with the energies of their thoughts, and the energies of their actions. A great deal of that energy is harmful. The best way to deal with negative energy is to make sure you discharge excess energy every day, and that you have activities that restore your state of mind and sense of well-being. These activities are unique to you, but they can involve dancing, walking, listening to music, reading, watching movies, resting…there are many. You know which ones work for you.

There is no escaping how others think and act, but we can protect ourselves by choosing to create environments that are healthy for us, and have relationships that honor us. We can eat food that sustains us and honors our conscience. We can surround ourselves with beauty. We can treat others the way we want to be treated. We can withhold our judgments of others, and we can accept our life circumstances while we plan to make the changes that we want and need.

Just as we can learn to work with circumstances that don’t meet our needs while we look for ways to improve them, we can let go of expectations on how beautiful we should look or how smart we should be or how accomplished we should be.  You will be much better off when you relax into trusting that you will have what you need to become the full flourishing embodiment of your potentials. When we seek to connect to those things that honor us and bring us into greater health and help us develop into our best selves, we are doing everything we can to stay away from the negativity.

Because we are alive there are times when we are going to feel like failures and have things happen that we didn’t want to happen and that we didn’t foresee. It is the way it is on the physical plane, which can be hazardous.  It is the way it is because others are exercising their free will.  The journey of the soul in third density is complex and challenging.

The very best you can do is to live your life with integrity. This means that that the  choices you make support your well-being at all levels.  When you take care of your energy by resting and saying no to commitments that are not right for you, you will receive the invitations that are meant for you. The truth about invitations is that, the more you are being yourself, the more others will recognize you and from that, the invitations that are right for you will find you.

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Navigating your calling is often fraught with challenges. And that’s not just because we’re not always clear on how to make the correct choices, but also because we live in a world filled with other people’s intentions and actions. These can definitely affect us, and their impact is not always intended to be a lesson meant specifically for us, if it is even a lesson.

Nevertheless, we can learn from everything that happens. If we are willing to stay open and curious, and we ask for help, we can become skillful at navigating broken bridges. I am not convinced that every unexpected event that comes knocking was intended, or was needed for us to evolve, but while we can’t always tell the difference between karmic payback, accidents, or lessons we purposely designed, we still have to manage what shows up while continuing to care for the infrastructure of our lives. We still have to manage the unexpected while following our calling, and we still have to maintain accountability to ourselves, our jobs, family, friends, and to current commitments and ongoing transactions.  Trust that forces larger than yourself are working hard on your behalf.

It is often easier to fulfill your soul intentions for your INNER life — what you are passionately drawn to, what stimulates your creativity, what pulls you with the force of a giant magnet — because these serve your evolution, and because this is who you are and you can’t help yourself. When you feel compelled to move towards something, it is often because that situation aligns vibrationally with your soul’s overarching purpose. Our inner life — what we choose to read, study, make hobbies from, develop real skills in — is often more successful in achieving its original goals. That’s because these things are self-directed and don’t need other people for their fulfillment in the same way a professional career does. Because we are able to fulfill part of our purpose and meet some of our yearnings through an active inner life, we can still have a lot of joy. Fulfilling the needs of our inner life can make up for a lot that doesn’t happen for us in the outer world.

Fulfilling our “outer” lives through our professional and vocational intentions is often highly dependent on the honoring of previously established agreements. Important agreements are put in place prior to our incarnation, but some are made subsequently to further expand the original agenda, or as back-ups to failed primary agreements. If you enter into an agreement — it could be a business partnership, a decision to date exclusively and be monogamous, take a job where your employer has agreed to pay you a certain salary, sign a lease, be in a certain location by a date certain to meet — and these agreements are then broken by the other party, the goals you were aiming for are delayed. Then you have to rely on your resourcefulness to find other pieces that will fill in the gaps. Some goals can even become unattainable when they were dependent on a specific agreement. The loss of important agreements can make it more difficult to manifest your plans as they were originally conceived. With increased losses, we can find ourselves living ‘ad hoc’ lives, making things up as we go, and using what’s available to make our lives as agreeable and meaningful as possible, and to make up for having ‘missed the boat.’

Even if you have a sense that your plans have strayed far from their original intentions, don’t despair and don’t give up. Your soul is a very potent force, and will find ways to make new pathways for manifesting its agenda to the greatest extent possible. However, the elements that come together to assist your intentions may look very different from what was planned. The timing of things can also be quite different, often occurring at later dates, and sometimes years later. Still, because you were created intentionally, with purpose, and that purpose is sacred to both the fulfillment of your intentions and the connections you planned, the force that drives their fulfillment is not easily daunted. Despite delays and the unexpected, your soul will strive to create the experiences you were meant to have.

Although the manifestation of these experiences may be smaller in scale, and although not all of your original plans will come into being when core agreements are broken, you can trust that there are forces larger than yourself working hard on your behalf. Your job, when you are on permanent detour, is to surrender to the tides of change that have altered the course of your life. Though you had not planned on certain destinations, it is important to enjoy the journey and the scenery; your life will be easier this way. Rather than rejecting the course change, allow your imagination to be stimulated by the unexpected. If you yield to the new set(s) of coordinates without resistance, and continue to follow what calls you, there’s no telling what you  can still accomplish.

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