All Beings Have a Right to Life

All beings have the right to have their basic needs met. Human beings need shelter, food, water, clothing, education, medicine, supportive connections, and opportunities to develop their gifts so that each is personally fulfilled and also able to contribute according to their gifts.

Plants and Animals Have as Much Right as Humans to be Here

Their ecological contributions have been scientifically documented. Beyond that, the beauty, diversity, joy, art, and spirituality that animals and nature inspire are not measurable in material terms. Animal consciousness contributes to evolution in myriad ways.  Shamans would argue that without animal consciousness, humans would go crazy and eventually cease to exist. With the death of every animal, we lose a vital aspect of universal consciousness. We lose multiple strands of evolution. This is further underscored when species go extinct. And with the death of ecosystems, we will no longer be able to feed ourselves.

Human Beings Need to Support Goals that Will Benefit Everyone

Until all beings have their needs met, there will be conflict and violence. This is where visionary leadership is called for. This is where grassroots communities come together – to understand the core principles of sustainability, the sacredness of life and the right to life, and the mandate to support this. There is a pervasive and insidious fear that there is not enough for everyone; that everyone can’t have their needs met. That kind of thinking inevitably creates the myth that only some deserve access to resources – and who decides that? Armed militias? Terrorists? Wealth and privilege? Legislative cronyism? What if it’s not true that global or local resources are insufficient to meet everyone’s needs? Or, if it is, what if each brought to the table their unique talents and agreed to create solutions so that there is enough to go around? What if by co-creating, we can innovate the systems and methods to make that happen? What if we truly believed that everyone has a right to the tree of life and that any other perception was unthinkable and unacceptable? What if? To be sure, none of these questions are new. We’ve been asking them for a long, long time. When do we plan to answer them?

See the Beauty and Sacredness of Your Life – by Dave Gregg, Michael channel

“When you can love your life without the burden of negative attachments or expectations, you have found equilibrium and there is nothing left to do but flow with the current. In other words, loving life means you have finally accepted it in all of its multifarious guises and costumes. The show is over, so to speak, and you are no longer the playwright arguing with the director about the changes he made to your script.

This does not mean that you will become so enraptured with life that you will love wasting away with a disease. Instead, a state of acceptance develops where you no longer cling to attachments of misfortune and hardship, and finds a way to love the variegated scenery that life brings, regardless of the view.

It should come as no surprise that hardships in life are a fundamental part of the physical plane, and while considerable effort may be made to alleviate occasional harshness, you cannot escape some cuts and bruises.

Learning to love life in spite of its pitfalls is not about hiding from struggle, but about facing adversity without fear. It’s your choice to scream about everything that’s wrong with your life as much as it’s a choice to dwell on those areas that bring you happiness. There are those who have achieved everything they ever wanted, yet continually allow any feelings of joy to slip through their grasp. Conversely, there are those who lead lives of terrible poverty yet find joy in the simplest of pleasures, such as feeding feral cats, or reveling in the warmth of the sun on their back as they picked through garbage. Joy is truly relative.

Loving life does not mean excluding what you perceive as bad, but fearlessly including what you encounter as part of the all-encompassing arc of your existence. In other words, loving life is about finding joy in the struggle. Have you not noticed how vibrant life can feel after a period of pain has passed? It’s like a Spring shower that washes away the debris of Winter. There are similar cycles of cleansing in every life; learn to accept them and embrace the feelings of renewal that follows. When you are renewed, you are empowered.”

When we see the beauty and sacredness of all life, including our own, we can no longer promote the well-being of one over the other.

 Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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