Your session includes a Customized Astrocartography Report.  Reports are 40 or more pages.

This Astrocartography map, courtesy of, is for a specific moment in time that shows where planet influences (seen as lines) travel around the world as they rise and set on Earth from the location of a moment in timeAstrocartography is a technique of projecting planetary positions in the form of lines onto a map of the Earth. From this information, astrologers interpret the type of experience an individual may encounter in particular locations.  The map is often used to chart the global planetary influences of the natal chart and how they change in a new location, but an astrocartography map can chart the moment and location of any event.


Astrocartography, a/k/a astrolocality or astrology of place, is a branch of astrology that relocates the natal chart to a different physical place on Earth and an astrologer interprets the meaning and strength of each planet in the new location.  Your planetary strengths change in different locations, which is why you will have different experiences and opportunities in different locations.

Locational astrology has ancient origins, but research astrologer Jim Lewis, 1941 – 1995, was a pioneer in developing the astromapping method of modern astrocartography. He used computers to calculate and plot planetary trajectories around the world.  His research included analyzing how the planets express in certain positions (lines) on the map.  All positions reference a natal or relocated chart or moment.


The relocated chart uses the same moment in time that the natal chart was generated, so we make adjustments for the new time zone.  For example, if you were born in the Bronx, New York, at 8:40 PM, a relocated chart for Taos, New Mexico, would be cast for 6:40 PM, because Mountain Time is two hours behind Eastern Time. 6:40 PM Mountain and 8:40 PM Eastern are the same moment in time.  And we use the latitude and longitude coordinates for the new location.

Each moment in time is expressed by a unique arrangement of planets in signs.  Each unique space on Earth experiences each moment in a unique way.  While charts of the same moment cast for several locations will all feature the planets in the same degrees of the same signs, each location will have a unique arrangement of the planets in the houses.  This is because as the natal wheel turns with the relocated longitude and latitude, the planets will fall into different houses.


  • The Sun, Mars, or Jupiter can help to create career opportunities.
  • The Sun line is where you shine and are visible and attractive to others. Your creativity, confidence, and self-expression is supported. You can also attract intimate partnerships under this line.  You are motivated to star in your own life.
  • A strong Moon placement can create feelings of belonging and opportunities to connect with your people. You will likely have intense emotions in this location; your intuition is strong. Where the Moon is strong is also a good place for writing generally, and specifically writing your autobiography or stories with autobiographical themes.
  • Mercury influences travel, communication (speaking and writing, e.g.), and education – taking classes, self-directed study, or teaching. You are more mentally agile here, more articulate, and intellectually stimulated. 
  • Venus influences our relationships, including especially love and romance. Venus attracts social connections. Venus can cause us to indulge in pleasurable experiences.  Life is more beautiful.
  • A Mars line can elevate your ambition and drive and be excellent for athletic training, and it can also attract aggressive persons.  Mars is excellent for staying laser-focused on your goals.
  • Jupiter is generally expansive and optimistic and offers luck, abundance, social connections, and feelings of well-being, and like Venus, can cause indulgence.  It can bring out your leadership qualities, create leadership opportunities, and can make you attractive to others and create social and career openings.
  • Saturn focuses on responsibilities, but you will also be able to stay focused on getting things done, and you will also be especially motivated to take your interests and studies to deeper levels. Saturn can also feel, or be, restrictive.
  • Uranus can bring the unexpected (perhaps too often), but it also changes things up (goodbye, boring routine) and offers excitement; you can even be seen as eccentric or revolutionary, for better or worse!  If you need “normalcy” and an experience of life that is more dependable and predictable, this is not the place for you. 
  • Neptune brings inspiration and a desire for spirituality as opposed to desiring material experiences and gain. This line can make you more sensitive and compassionate to the world around you, and heighten your intuition. Neptune is not an energy of embodiment, so it’s important to stay grounded.
  • A Pluto line will reveal where your real power lies and show you where and how you experience disempowerment.  Pluto’s influence is inescapable, and the changes it brings are irrevocable, transformative (healing), and lasting.  Pluto is a serious energy, and where its influence is strong, you will undergo profound experiences of people or events that can be quite challenging, but also cathartic. 
  • Chiron will show you where you seek healing and can help you find it.  The healing process involves releasing the need to have ultimate answers, final explanations, and insights for why we had certain experiences. Most importantly, healing requires that we forgive ourselves for choices we made that did not have the best outcomes. Eventually we need to embrace our present and move on with our lives.  A Chiron line is also a place where you can heal others (through your unique skills and insights), as well as teach and mentor.

Additionally, when we look for how a planet will behave in its new location, we consider how that planet behaves or expresses in your natal chart.  A planet that is challenged by difficult aspects in the natal chart will bring those challenges to the relocated chart, but these can be mitigated by harmonious aspects in the relocated chart.  The angles of a chart are the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Nadir.


The Angles are the cardinal points in your natal astrology chart.  These are real mathematical points in space created from the following intersections:

The Ascendant is where the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun) intersects with the Eastern horizon.  The Descendant is where the ecliptic intersects the Western horizon; the Medium Coeli, a/k/a Midheaven, is where the ecliptic intersects the Meridian (line of longitude that runs north to south) above ground, and the Imum Coeli a/k/a IC a/k/a Nadir is where the ecliptic intersects the Meridian below ground. These four points are points of intersection in space — intersections between your personal chart and the celestial sphere. This is where you and Earth collide. This is where you enter and meet the Earth.

Because the cardinal points in a natal chart are real points, I never reconfigure any chart to begin at 0 degrees of the rising sign. Michel Gauquelin’s research proved that the cardinal points at birth are crucial to identifying the rising and culminating zones (power placements) of Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  Subsequently, research astrologer Patrick Jerome,2 who spent several decades reviewing and validating Gauquelin’s data, also found power zones for Neptune.  (These five — Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune — are known as the “Gauquelin planets.”)When the true Ascendant and Midheaven are altered to create whole sign houses, we lose the actual zones for the birth placements of all the planets.  When you consider that Mr. Gauquelin found through his research for 36 zones inside the traditional 12 houses, it is clear that reconfiguring the original (true) angles by giving the Ascendant and Midheaven 0 degrees causes natal planets to lose their G-Zone placements. The result that is that we are unable to perceive how certain planets actually behave in the natal chart as well as the relocated chart.

When interpreting a relocated chart, I also use the meanings of the Gauquelin planets should they fall into Gauquelin’s rising and/or culminating zones (G-Zones). This approach deviates from, but adds to, the standard astrocartographic understanding of only looking at (besides the parans) the relocated chart planets in relation to the angles. I also look at the Gauquelin placements of Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, because I believe including these in the interpretation of a relocated chart will give a more comprehensive understanding of how the relocated chart influences the experience of the new location.

Astrocartography focuses on the power of the relocated angles as they twine with every mathematical aspect a planet in the relocated chart makes, if any, to the angles. I add the meaning of the Gauquelin planets in the relocated chart to the astrocartography of a location if these planets are located in their power zones in the relocated chart. Unlike the normal approach, their relationship to the angles is not relevant, but if an aspect to the angle from a Gauquelin placement is present, it will come under the rules of astrocartographic interpretation.

Jim Lewis was a brilliant astrologer whose seminal work in astrocartography opened up a whole new avenue of astrology that is insightful and incisive,  focusing largely on the relationship of the planets to the angles. As such, it does not include the data-based and duplicatable findings of Michel Gauquelin’s research. However, I intend no disrespect whatsoever towards Mr. Lewis’ amazing work, and I, along with countless astrologers, are in deep appreciation of his extensive efforts to reveal the remarkable effects of astrocartography.


Paran lines in astrocartography are also important. 

Parans are places where two planets are angular together; for instance, Moon is on the IC (nadir) while Sun is rising, or on the ASC (ascendant).

Where two planetary lines cross, the point of their crossing forms a Paran.

Paran lines are latitudinal lines that stretch across the globe and they are most powerful with a 1 degree orb (or around 70 miles). 2 degree orbs have impact as well, but 1 degree orbs are more influential.

Paran lines show the specific energies in certain regions.

See below map for how Paran lines appear. The horizontal, or latitudinal, lines crossing this map are Parans.

The reality of current astrological practice is this: there are many approaches to interpreting a chart because there are different traditions which use their own lenses to analyze a natal chart.  The different branches of astrology attest to the variety of approaches: Hellenistic, Vibrational, Evolutionary, Mundane, Electional, Horary, and Medical, to name a few.  

Although astrologers have a variety of techniques and interpretative methods available to them, the astrological community generally does not use Michel Gauquelin’s findings.  As an example, to this day astrologers continue to interpret the 12th house and planets therein as a difficult location in the chart.  But: the 12th house is created from the Ascendant, or the true horizon. The horizon is the place of sunrise, literally or symbolically. Planets rise above the Ascendant, they do not descend! 12th house placements are held up to the light, and Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in this position are not debilitated. Contrary to tradition, and as revealed through painstakingly gathered data, in the 12th house they are especially powerful. 

Be aware that there are many different formulas for calculating houses.  Those formulas can change the house placement of a planet. This is why I do not emphasize the meaning of a planet in a house and focus instead on its placement in one of several Gauquelin sectors (G-Zones) that Michel Gauquelin identified.  Some of the house systems are: Placidus, Koch, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, Sripati, and Equal Houses. I use the Placidus House System because its houses most closely approximate the G-Zone placements of Michel Gauquelin’s research.  These placements proved to be meaningful for how a planet expresses. 


  • The Ascendant is how others see you and experience your personality and physical presence, and is your direct interface with the world.  We influence others.
  • The Descendant shows who you attract and how, and who you find attractive and how others find you attractive. Intimate partnerships are emphasized here.  We are influenced by others. 
  • The Nadir shows where you feel at home and can establish roots. It is sometimes used to interpret how we experienced our first foundation of home.
  • The Midheaven shows your public image, reputation, achievements, and the profession others associate with you.  Like the Ascendant, this is a place of visibility to others, but it is more about your profession or career and status than it is about your physical appearance.

Your relocated chart angles will change, and the changes will become more significant the farther the new location is from your birth location. New angles can change how others see you and can bring you new opportunities for partnership, career, home, and other categories.  When the natal wheel shifts with relocation, although the planets retain their signs and degrees, they will make different aspects to the angles, and this is one of the primary factors of relocation that create new planetary influences that can bring you a different experience in the new location.

Astrolocality shows us that we will have different experiences in different locations. However, understand that your natal chart influences do not disappear because you have a relocated chart.  Your natal chart will always be an active and powerful influence, but you can receive new opportunities in locations that specifically offer that to you, based on your natal chart.  

How this Service Works

We will look at locations of personal interest to you and how friendship, career, love, creativity, spirituality, and more are affected by those locations. Reviewing the unique influences for you ​(​up to 8 locations​) for anywhere in the world is offered with this Service. I can also make suggestions for locations. Requests for additional locations over 8 is $15 each.

Use this link to pay for additional locations.

Session is two hours. Purchase price: $297. We will meet on Zoom. You will receive: 1. A recording of the session; 2. Your customized Relocation Report which includes each of your relocated astrology charts, location scores, Gauquelin placement assessments, your world astrocartography map, and  3. Your Human Design chart.

Contact Me with your birth information (month, day, year, time, and location — city, state, country), what places you want to explore, what you are looking for, and your questions  about this service.

Copyright © | Gloria Constantin | All Rights Reserved |

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1 Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) was a French psychologist and astrologer, who together with his wife Francoise, also a psychologist, conducted rigorous research over a period of thirty years that demonstrated that certain astrological phenomena held true to a high degree of statistical validity.

2 Patrick Jerome has studied causation in astrology for decades. He set out to review the scientific basis for conventional astrology and used over 200,000 charts to obtain solid data. Michel Gauquelin’s research, which Mr. Jerome purchased from his widow, was the platform from which he launched his own investigation.

3 Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, when placed in certain sectors of the natal astrology chart, exert a powerful influence in that chart. Those influences are characteristic of how these planets are traditionally understood to express, but their placement in these particular sectors can dominate the chart.  What this means is that the planetary trait is clearly identifiable through personality. An accurate birth time is necessary to calculate a Gauquelin placement.