On sale for $67. This Report is 90+ pages and includes original content you won’t find anywhere else!  In addition to my interpretation of your chart (Gestalt + Keynotes), this Report also includes the Quantum Human Design language developed by Karen Curry Parker. Included free with a Combination 2-Session Reading ($444), or can be purchased separately below. 


Why I Created This Report
What is Human Design?
How Knowing Your Human Design Helps You
Key Things Your Human Design Reveals About You
Things Your Human Design Chart Won’t Tell You
Things Your Human Design Chart Can Tell You
The Main Reason People Don’t Live the Life They Want
The Parts of the Human Design Chart
Glyphs of the Zodiac
How the Planets Function in Human Design
The Five Types
Your Human Design Chart
You Were Born in the Quarter of ____
Who is the Human Design (your Type)?
How Your Authority Works With Your Strategy
Your Common Challenges
Your Business By Design Strategy
Your Profile Lines
About Your Profile Lines
Your Incarnation Cross
Your Variables
Your Preferred Environment
Splits And How We Experience Them
You Have (type of) Split
Your Unique Design – Channels, Centers, and Gates
The Gestalt of Your Human Design
The Human Design G-Center and the Magnetic Monopole
Finding Your Purpose
Affirmations for your Type
Putting It All Together
Addendum: You Are Not Your Chart
Dig Deeper

If you have a specific question about your chart that you’d like to have answered, include that in your communication with me.

After you’ve made your purchase, send an email to with your name, birth date, time, location, and two recent photos.  Allow up to two weeks for delivery.  On sale for $67.


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