The moment of your conception marked an important once-in-a lifetime event. At that moment, the universe joined your soul with a powerful story: the story of your life. The story of YOU is so unique that it has never been on the planet before and it will never be on the planet again.  

Your Human Design Type is the fundamental essence of your energy structure.  Your Type determines how you manifest, and what kind of things you need to do to stay aligned with your abundance, your purpose, and your wealth theme.

Your Human Design Type carries a specific “vibration” that calls into your life the exact kinds of experiences you need to have to engage with your life in a way that is joyful and sustainable.  But you also have to act in a manner that is true to your Type in order to attract the experiences that are consonant with your energetic “vibration.”

When we don’t act or live true to our Type, it can actually push support away and make it challenging to step into our life purpose.  We often think that when things don’t work out we’re broken or blocked.  What is really happening is that we aren’t accessing our energy correctly; just following your Strategy according to your Human Design Type is essentially all that is necessary to “fix” what seems to not be working.

Your Type tells you how your energy works, what you need to do to access your energy correctly, key strategies for sustaining energy in your life.  When you live true to your Type, you create flow, experience opportunities, synchronicities, and take right action.

There are five Types in the Human Design System. Each Type has a different role, quality of energy, theme and unique challenges. Understanding your Type is the most important information you need to know about your Human Design.  If you live true to your energy Type, all of the other pieces of your chart will come together.

Each Type has a unique life purpose and decision-making strategy which is crucial for making correct choices that are in alignment with your way of creating abundance.

The Human Design Manifestor: The Producers.

Manifestors, aka Initiators in Quantum Human DesignTM, are one of the rarest Types in the The Human Design System making up approximately 9% of the population. Manifestors are the only Type who are pure energy beings because they have a direct defined channel from the Throat Center to one or more of the motors — (Will Center, Root Center, and Emotional Solar Plexus). However, a Manifestor never has a Sacral Motor (Sacral Center) defined. This means that Manifestors, in spite of their tremendous initiating energy, are not here to work in a sustainable fashion. A regular Monday-through-Friday, nine-to-five job is exhausting for a Manifestor, and most Manifestors, when faced with that as their work option, will feel exhausted or even angry. Because the open Sacral takes in work force energy and amplifies it, it can work intensively for a short period of time, but not for a long period of time. The open Sacral is not here to work in the traditional way.

Manifestors are pure energy beings, and they are somewhat rare (about 9% of the population). Manifestors are the only Aura Type that is here to initiate. They have a strong aura, one that is closed and pushes their energy outward. Their incredible gift is their ability to act independently and impact the world. Manifestors like Frida Kahlo, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Jack Nicholson and Robert DeNiro have such a strong, unique presence that the world can’t help but take notice of whatever they choose to put forward. Manifestors have traditionally been the people who ran the world. They conquered, and established laws that kept them in power. Many famous Manifestors are or were dictators, such as Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussein, and Adolf Hitler. As powerful and strong as they are, what Manifestors most desire is peace, and they feel most at peace in solitude, manifesting what they want for themselves.

As a Manifestor, you have an internal, non-verbal, creative flow that you need to follow. This is your imperative: you have to be able to follow that internal, non-verbal, creative flow. You are not following the logical dictates of the mind; you don’t manifest from the mind. As a Manifestor, you have a direct connection to Divine Spark, or Divine Inspiration. That connection bypasses language and goes straight into “doing” energy. You find your timing for doing anything or taking action by waiting for the inner alignment of the “go” signal with your inspiration. You will feel the timing. When you get that “go” signal, you leap into action – after minding your Authority.

Manifestors run into their Not-Self theme (anger) when they don’t follow their Strategy, which is to inform. Manifestors have such a strong aura that people are often put off by their powerful presence, interpret them as trying to control a situation, and will in turn try to control them. Manifestors cannot and will not be controlled. When others try to do so, Manifestors may respond with anger. Manifestors need to inform those around them before they act, and they also need to inform others when they have decided to not do something anymore. This can be difficult for Manifestors because they don’t think much about themselves or their impact on others. Manifestors just are. They think, therefore they are, and what they think of comes to them. Manifestors don’t need other people in the way that the other types do, they can initiate and bring to fruition what they desire without the direction of others, so they have to learn to include others in their life’s trajectory by informing them.

Manifestors are natural loners. It’s not that they don’t desire relationships, they just need other people as they are tuned to their inner creative impulse. They are wired to act independently and to be self-sufficient.  It doesn’t occur to them that others may not be the same way.

Because Manifestors are born with power (independent drive and a great deal of energy to go with it), they typically experience many power struggles as children and early on begin to fear that informing those around them of their decisions will result in someone trying to stop or control them. Manifestors have to learn that informing is respecting those around them, and they will receive the respect they desire by respecting their own power and informing those around them.

Because Manifestors have such a strong presence, Manifestor children are met with defensive reactions from the adults around them. In particular, Manifestor women can have difficulty owning their power, and learn early on to relinquish their power and pretend that they are not powerful. Manifestor children can become angry and rebellious when their parents attempt to put controls on them. Parents of Manifestors can often feel like their children do not need them or respect them, and if they try to demand respect they will be met with anger. Manifestor children need to be taught politeness, manners, and to ask for permission, and once they understand that these things are ways to get what they want, they can learn to include and relate to the people around them. Parents of Manifestors need to respect and understand their child’s unique power, allow them freedom, and they have to learn not to take personally how truly independent Manifestor children are.

All Manifestors have an open Sacral Center, which means they take in and amplify the life force/work force energy of people with defined Sacral Centers. Manifestors tend to be more aware than other non-Sacral types of their need for alone time. Taking time to be alone is crucial for the well-being of Manifestors. Manifestors need to go to bed before they feel exhausted and give their bodies time to unwind and their auras a chance to release the energies of others. Manifestors also do better sleeping alone (especially if they are sleeping next to a Generator!) because they so easily absorb Sacral energy.

Manifestors are perhaps most inclined of all of the types towards self-employment or freelance work, because it is very difficult for them to take direction or be told what to do and when to do it. For Manifestors to work alongside others, they must feel respected and that their voice is valued and heard. Having a Motor Center connected to their Throat Center means that they are literally wired for expression and manifestation.

Manifestors are here to share their unique voice with the world, and when they do, they can make a real impact.

Read more here: The Human Design Manifestor

The Human Design Generator: Providing the Work Force Energy. The Builders.

Generators (35.9%), aka Alchemists in Quantum Human DesignTM, are the ones who provide the work force energy. They are the true builders. They are designed to be laying the bricks. They are not here to initiate. They are here to work, buy  they need to find their Right Work or they will not be happy. They can keep working because they have a defined Sacral, but it is important that they work at something that is deeply satisfying. They respond to what is going on around them.

Generators are the worker bees and builders. All Generators have a defined Sacral Center, and the Sacral Center generates life force. It is the center for our reproductive and productive energy. Generators have little separation between what they do and who they are; their work is the center of their life, and the thing that grounds them. They express their unique gifts through their work, and they are here to build and to share their boundless energy with others. Generators have an embracing aura and an energy of availability. They are open for business. Sacral energy is incredibly powerful and magnetic, and when it is used for what lights up or turns on a Generator, it multiplies and radiates, fueling everyone around it. Generators need to do what lights them up, and when they do, there is no end to the amount of energy they produce.

Because Generators have such an embracing Aura and the energy to work hard, Generators are usually people pleasers. Generators frequently get into situations where others want to use their Sacral energy to further their own agendas. As people pleasers, Generators will commit themselves to jobs, relationships or dynamics that take advantage of their powerful energy. What Generators have to learn is that their Sacral energy must be used creatively, for things that light them up, and when it is not, it is not beneficial to them or anyone else. When a Generator can practice “enlightened selfishness” and pay attention to what they want and need, their energy will take on the magnetic quality that will then light up everyone around them. When a Generator is using their energy for things that do not light them up, they will find themselves frustrated and drained, will often make everyone around them feel drained, and typically will reach physical burnout.

Once a Generator finds what lights them up, they will tap into their pure energy. When Generators are doing what they love, they can work for hours and hours, losing track of the time. Generators have incredible focus and determination when they zoom in on what it is that lights them up. As they continue to do that thing, they steadily climb up and over time, they can build an empire. Generators like Beyonce, Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Madonna, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Steve Jobs built empires by finding what lit them up and continuing to do that. Generators are here for mastery, and they are capable of tremendous commitment when they connect with their right work and relationships.

Generators will meet their not-self theme (frustration) when they try to live as Manifestors. Generators are not here to initiate, but to respond. When Generators are lit up by something, they get an initial surge of mastery that propels them forward. As they continue doing something, they will naturally reach a plateau with it. This is when Generators start to feel frustrated and impatient and will try to make something happen.  If what they want doesn’t happen fast enough, they will often quit.  But if the Generator stays focused and waits instead of trying to force things, they will find themselves at the next level of mastery.

As Sacral beings, Generators are built to respond and live in the moment, but they often get caught up in mental fears about the unknown or about pleasing others (especially if they have open centers). The Sacral Center is a response mechanism in itself, and it responds through sounds: a vibration that rises to the throat from the gut. Sacral sounds are “uh-huh” or “unh-uh,” and Generators do best when they can respond to yes or no questions with those sounds. By asking themselves yes or no questions they can learn to tune into their Sacral response. Generators with Emotional Authority have another dimension: they must listen to their Sacral response, and wait for their Emotional wave to pass before committing to something.

The Sacral Center correlates to the reproductive organs, and as Sacral beings, Generators have a natural sexual rhythm to them. Generators tend to see sex as most people see exercise: something that they need to regularly get. Generators have a consistent sexuality that is best expressed in committed relationships where they can maintain their sexual rhythm and have a healthy outlet for their sexual energy. The quantity of their sexual energy is dependent upon the quality of their response. When a Generator is turned on, their Sacral energy multiplies, and when they aren’t, they may feel that they don’t have access to sexual energy. For Generators to be turned on, they need to feel desired and connected.

Generator children are designed to be active. They are high energy beings! Generators need to use up all of their Sacral Energy each day in order to sleep well. Generator children use their energy by doing what excites them, and parents need to allow them to explore those things. Generator children who do not get enough stimulation through exerting their energy don’t truly rest. Quality rest comes for Generators when they have burned through all of their energy each day. Generators are the people who will fall asleep in the middle of doing something that they love, or fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. This is correct for Generators.

Generators are here to share their talent and mastery with the world. Their ability to focus and to become the best at what they love is inspiring to everyone around them.

Read more here: The Human Design Generator

The Human Design Manifesting Generator: Providing the Work Force Energy. The Builders.

The Manifesting Generator (30.2%), aka Time Bender in Quantum Human DesignTM, has a direct connection from a motor to the Throat, just like a Manifestor. But they also have a defined Sacral, just like a pure Generator. Because of this configuration, Manifesting Generators often believe they are Manifestors. Anyone with a defined Sacral has sustainable life force energy and they are designed to respond.

A Manifesting Generator has a defined Sacral.  The Sacral is considered the most powerful motor in the body.  It is the Center for work force and life force energy.  The Sacral Center is a source of sustainable energy. All of the motors have wave-like, inconsistent qualities, but the Sacral can keep going and going.  It is energy that is here for work and life force.  It’s about providing the resources, the education, raising children, taking care of the family and the tribe, and the community.  It’s about work in every way, and doing all of those things sustainably.

Because they have a motor to the Throat, Manifesting Generators can initiate conversations, although they still need to act like Generators in other areas of their lives. (They need to wait to respond.)

Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators. Manifesting Generators (MGs) have a direct connection from a motor center to the Throat, just like a Manifestor, but they also have a defined Sacral, just like a pure Generator. Their challenge is to balance this energy. Like Generators, MGs must do what lights them up, but unlike Generators, this is rarely just one thing. MGs are not the people who choose a career, stay with one company until they retire and get the gold watch. MGs are multi-passionate multi-taskers. They have endless energy for what interests them and they are extremely fast learners. They are here to take in information, try things on and articulate (using their unique voice) what they have discovered.

Manifesting Generators move faster than everyone else because they have the ability to see shortcuts, which makes them efficient. MGs move through things at warp speed, but can often miss steps and have to go back later to make corrections. They are the people that have several projects going at once, and MGs actually need to be doing more than one thing at a time. This is because MGs are actually more focused and productive when they are busy. MGs are naturally inclined towards journalism or blogging because it allows them to immerse themselves in a topic, move through it quickly and report on it using their distinct voice.

It tends to be the pure Generators that are the most judgmental or negative toward MGs. MGs are often told they should “stick to one thing” or “finish what they started.” MGs are also often told that they are “all over the place.” Because MGs get this messaging frequently, they can become convinced that being good at lots of things instead of the best at one thing makes them not good enough. They may compartmentalize, hiding their varying interests from others for fear of being judged. MGs have to give themselves permission to change directions, and recognize that their inherent capability at multiple things is their gift. If you look at the resume of an MG, it will often include jobs that have nothing to do with one another. Famous MG Angelina Jolie is an actress, pilot, mother, humanitarian, and UN ambassador. An example of an MG living their design is David Bowie. He trusted his Sacral Authority on when to move from one character or persona to another, and experienced many phases of true reinvention that were magnificent to watch.

Like Generators, MG’s strategy is to respond, but they have other components to their strategy: visualize and inform. MGs run into their not-self theme (frustration) when they believe that they are pure Manifestors and try to initiate without waiting to respond. MGs are Sacral beings, and because of this they must wait for a Sacral response before acting. Because MGs have their Sacral Center connected to the Throat, their gut responses may come through in words, and they may find that part of their visualization process includes talking it out (literally saying out loud what they will say in response to something). MGs may also feel physically pulled toward or away from something when they need to respond. While this seems like a lot to process, this messaging often occurs simultaneously, or in rapid succession. Once the Sacral response has come through and an MG has visualized an outcome, they need to inform those around them. MGs with Emotional Authority must also wait for their emotional wave to pass before sharing their response.

MGs can sometimes come across as fickle because they have a consuming interest to discover and understand what they encounter. MGs are capable of “love at first sight.” When they are lit up by someone they can have an intensity at first that can fade. Once that energy moves, it can be difficult for MGs to maintain so much enthusiasm for people or things. MGs need to use the strategy of informing their partner (or those around them) when they find something new that lights them up and allow their partners to go along with them on their journey. In this way, their partners can be part of an MG’s many phases of re-birth. When an MG is lit up about something, they light up everyone around them.

Because MGs have a lot of energy to move through every day, MGs need to eat more, and tend to eat faster than others. Parents of MG children need to be careful about what messaging they give MG children about food. If they get the message that they eat too much, MGs can internalize and shame themselves over their appetite. MGs have a built-in sense of how much fuel they need and should be encouraged to listen to and honor their natural appetite. MGs (and parents of MGs) need to give themselves permission to eat as often or as much as they need to maintain their energy. MGs also need regular exercise, and will often switch to whatever fitness program is trendy because they are always searching for the most efficient exercise plan. If an MG is stagnant and feels stuck in a job or situation that doesn’t allow them to use up their creative energy, that energy can in turn get stuck in their bodies. MGs who try to contain, dim or stifle their bright energy may find their bodies literally slowing down (Thyroid issues are common for stagnant MGs).

MG children are very energetic. They need to be encouraged to follow what interests them, and not discouraged when they lose interest in something. Parents shouldn’t be overly concerned that MG children might have short attention spans, MGs and Generator children can be laser focused when they are doing something that lights them up. Parents need to allow MG and Generator children to immerse themselves in what lights them up, even if what they are interested in seems unconventional. MG kids can sometimes jumble their words and may need extra help with language because their minds move so fast that they can skip over words.

As they grow, MGs can become excellent storytellers who use a lot of words. Also like Generator children, MG kids need to burn through all of their Sacral energy each day in order to get good sleep. They should not be forced to take naps or expected to go to bed if they are not sufficiently tired. With MG and Generator children the quality, not quantity, of rest is what counts. Unlike Generators, MGs need a period before going to sleep, typically reading or continuing to work from bed, so that they can transition from zooming through things to sleeping.

Manifesting Generators show us all how to move through life with enthusiasm and passion.

Read more here: The Human Design Manifesting Generator

The Human Design Projector: Guides and Directors

Projectors (22%), aka Orchestrators in Quantum Human DesignTM, are the new leaders of humanity. They are here to serve in a leadership capacity.  Because of their ability to read energy, they have unique insights and wisdom regarding how to best manage the flow of energy so that everyone benefits. 

Projector energy is not sustainable.  As a result, they are often thought of as lazy. A regular Monday through Friday, eight-to-five job is exhausting for a Projector and most Projectors, when faced with only those work options will eventually feel deeply bitter. At the same time, because they take in Sacral energy and amplify it, they can be super-generators for a time. 

Projectors (along with Reflectors) are non-energy beings, meaning that they have no motor connection with the Throat Center, and have an open Sacral Center which does not generate its own workforce/life force energy. They are here to absorb and interpret the energy of others. Projectors have the ability to see people: how they work and what they need. They can walk into a situation and see what needs to be changed, and how it could run more efficiently. They also see systems: they can look at systems or programs and understand how they work. Projectors are the guides, managers and directors, they are not (despite what they might believe) the worker bees.

The Projector Strategy is to wait for the invitation. Projectors need to first be recognized for their gifts, and then invited to share them. When they offer their opinion or give advice that is unsolicited, they can come off as overbearing and even arrogant, and may be met with defensiveness or ignored completely. When they are invited, they shine their light on others.

Projectors really thrive when they find a way to guide others through a system that includes an invitation in it. I know a Projector whose gift is seeing the potential in others, and she works with people on the Autism Spectrum. She found a system that allows her to channel what she sees and communicate it (the system is the type of therapy she provides) and the invitation is built into that system (people hire her to provide that therapy). Another Projector is highly intuitive and can see people’s spiritual blocks. She found a system that allows her to communicate on a subconscious level (depth hypnosis), and the invitation is built into that system (people make an appointment to see her). Another example is Projector Barack Obama, who found a system (politics) with the invitation built into it (he was elected). Projectors are here to see the big picture or identify how things work and work best, and to guide others.

Most Projectors run into their Not-Self Theme (bitterness) when they offer an assessment or try to initiate without being invited first. When they do this they are met with resistance, and feel unappreciated (which causes them to feel bitter). Projectors can worry that they won’t receive an invitation, but they will realize that when they sit back, invitations come. All they need to do is focus on their own gifts, and when they recognize themselves others will quickly follow suit and offer up invitations. Projectors need to know that they don’t have to accept an invitation. Projectors have to understand what being recognized for their true gifts feels like and what is just a request for another body.

Projectors can enter relationships, friendships or stay in jobs that are draining for them because they think that they are being recognized. Because Projectors have many open Centers they can easily take on what others expect of them, especially if they had parents who did not recognize their gifts. If this occurred in childhood, Projectors can look to their relationships or jobs to define them, and mistake flattery used for manipulation as recognition. Projectors will know what being truly recognized feels like because it lights them up. Projectors have excellent bullshit detectors when it comes to other people’s lives. Projectors learn to focus on listening to their inner authority in order to establish critically important boundaries for their own lives.

All Projectors have an open Sacral Center, which means they take in and amplify the life force/work force energy of people with defined Sacral Centers. Most Projectors go through life believing that they are Manifesting Generators, zooming around on the amplified Sacral energy that they absorb and calling out the inefficiencies of the people around them. When they are around defined Sacrals it is like a rush or burst of energy, but once those people are gone so is that energy, and they realize that it is difficult for them to maintain and sustain the energy to do what those with defined Sacral Centers do. Without taking frequent breaks to re-charge and clear out others energy it can be like drinking too much coffee.  They can feel fried, and this can lead to exhaustion. It often takes a health crisis or some type of physical burn out for them to finally recognize their need to rest. Projectors do need more rest than most, and they need to give themselves permission to do so. Rest doesn’t have to be sleep; it can simply be taking a little time to be alone and decompress. We live in a world where we are all told to “just do it,” that we should work hard, and that rest equals laziness. Many Projectors have to de-condition themselves by learning to step back and allow others to do the work.

Projectors can have trouble with sleep because they burn out easily. Projectors need a pre-sleep phase, where they can let their bodies rest and clear out the energy they have absorbed before they sleep. During sleep the open Sacral is working to clear out all of its absorbed energy, and if the open Sacral is sleeping next to a person with a defined Sacral, that defined Sacral Center is recharging all of its powerful energy during sleep. It is very difficult for the open Sacral not to absorb this energy while it’s also trying to discharge, and this can be disruptive and impact the quality of rest that an open Sacral gets. Because of this, Projectors do best when they sleep alone.

Projector children are highly sensitive. Projector children flourish when they feel they have value within the family unit and that their gifts are appreciated at home. Projector children also do great as siblings because it gives them someone to guide. Projector children can often be called “bossy” or “know it all” because they are able to see how the family and its members would work best, and will freely offer up what they see. Because of this they can become the children who parent or caretake their siblings or their own parents. Projector children need to be encouraged for their individual gifts, observations, and ideas and be guided to wait to be recognized and invited to share.

Projectors have much to offer us all, and their ability to recognize the potential and strengths and weaknesses in others is their greatest contribution to society. Projectors are the guiding light that will move us all forward.

Read more here: The Human Design Projector

The Human Design Reflector: Mirrors and Magnifiers

The Human Design Reflector, aka Calibrator in Quantum Human DesignTM, is approximately 1.4% of the population.  Therefore, they are very rare. All their centers are open — they have no definition; only gates. This makes them wise observers, and gives them the ability to reflect their environment.  They take in the energy around them and amplify it. Their life purpose is to reflect the health of the community in which they live; they are the barometers of the health of the community they’re in. They magnify and reflect all that is around them and mirror it back for others. They are a reflection of whoever they’re with and wherever they are.  They are empathic.  They need to be in the right place with the right community. If they don’t feel good or like what’s going on around them, then they are in the wrong place with the wrong people.  If they are where it’s correct for them, they will be able to do what they came here to do.

Reflectors are extremely rare. Like Projectors, they are non-energy beings. They don’t produce their own energy, and instead mirror back the energy around them. Reflectors have all 9 Centers open, so they are extremely sensitive. All of the other types are Solar beings, while Reflectors are the only Lunar beings, and just as the Sun radiates light and the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, Reflectors are here to reflect the health and well being of their community. Reflectors are human barometers.  Their overarching gift is to move society forward by showing us how we are doing. Being in the right place with the right people, is everything for Reflectors.

Even though Reflectors have all 9 centers open, they are not necessarily more open to conditioning than the other types. Reflectors have a resistant, sampling aura which is not as vulnerable as the Projector aura because they are here to sample rather than take in deeply the auras of those around them. Reflectors get an energetic taste of what others are putting out but they are not here to become one or merge with others.

There is a detached quality to their aura which makes them wonderful guides once they learn to articulate what they see. Reflectors are also naturally inclined towards writing and acting because they have access to empathy and many different points of view as a result of their openness. Reflectors can have an almost impish quality to them, as if they are in on a joke that the rest of us haven’t gotten yet. Reflectors are designed to be conditioned by their environment, and because they are so open, they can shift their experience by reflecting something entirely different without much trauma.

Because they have no defined centers Reflectors have no inner authority, so they need to talk things over with their loved ones before making a decision. By talking over a decision they can see the truth of their decision reflected in the people that they trust. Their strategy is to wait a 28 day Lunar cycle. The 28 day cycle begins when an offer or invitation has been made. The Moon makes a complete cycle through each of the 64 Gates every 28 days. As the Moon moves through the chart of a Reflector, it brings with it consistent changes in definition. What that means is that a Reflector has a predictable 28-day cycle and predictable changes within their cycle, according to the position of the Moon. While waiting 28 days to make a decision doesn’t really fit with societal demands, it’s how Reflectors work best. They need that time to process, talk with their inner circle, and reflect.

Reflectors run into their not-self theme (disappointment) when they feel pressure to make decisions too quickly, and when they see that their community is not functioning well or living up to its potential. Reflectors are not here to be worker bees, but Reflectors are often the busiest people, taking in and amplifying energy and buzzing around with it. Reflectors who try to mirror hard-working people around them by doing as they do will quickly discover that they can’t maintain that energy. Reflectors often run into physical conditions or physical burnout that reminds them that they need to rest.

Reflectors tend to do best on a smaller stage, at the center of a group or tribe that they feel protected by. Reflectors in positions that extend beyond a small tribe can reflect back where society has light and where it has darkness. Famous Reflector Sandra Bullock quickly became “America’s Sweetheart” through roles in films that provided lightness and a break from reality. Another example of a famous Reflector is Amma, the hugging saint, who with the simple gesture of offering a hug shifts the energy of people and reflects back their tenderness and warmth. Reflector and spiritual influencer Teal Swan, who offers a sort of no B.S. report of how society is not using their energy correctly, often brings up strong reactions that vary from anger and outrage, to adoration and idolization, depending on who she is interacting with.

Another example of this is writer James Frey who found himself in the midst of controversy when he wrote the memoir A Million Little Pieces. As a Reflector, Frey mirrored the people around him who were drug addicts. He took on their stories as his own because he was so able to immerse himself in that culture. He relayed the stories of others as his own with such depth and fluidity that when it was discovered that some of them were not actually his own, people were shocked. Frey’s response was somewhat blank, because to him he had experienced those things through his tribe, and he was simply reflecting what he absorbed. Most notably upset by this was Oprah Winfrey, a Generator with Emotional Authority, who when sitting face to face with Frey, confronted him with outrage. Oprah famously revisited this (after her emotional wave had passed), and made a televised apology for her reaction. James Frey is now the subject of many heated discussions about what rules apply to autobiography and fiction in writing classes all over the world, thus moving society forward by pushing the boundaries.

Like Projectors, Reflectors need lots of rest and time to themselves to discharge the energy from those around them each day. Because they have so many open centers, they can have more energy depending on who or where they are, but it is not consistent. More than anything, Reflectors need to feel good, and being with people that feel good and being in places that feel good will keep them healthy.

Reflector children are so open that they need a lot of guidance, and as babies and toddlers can seem clingy and need to stay close to their parents. Reflector children are extremely influenced by those around them and extremely sensitive to their environment.  Their parents need to pay close attention to where and who their children spend time with. Making sure Reflector children are supported and comfortable in their school will make all the difference for them.

Reflectors are our greatest teachers, because they show us the potential for our openness. Open Centers are our windows, and Reflectors, by design, show us that when we learn to detach from the energy that passes through our open centers, we can be truly empathetic.

Read more here: The Human Design Reflector


The Human Design Manifestor
The Human Design Generator
The Human Design Manifesting Generator
The Human Design Projector
The Human Design Reflector


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