Our Design describes how our energy is meant to flow.
It shows us the best tools to apply our energy. It guides us to choose appropriately, shows us where our greatest strengths are, and what we will be drawn to. The direction in which our energy flows is intended to show us where and how to carry out our life plan and soul purpose. That is because our energy naturally flows towards what we are supposed to be doing, being, and learning.
Our Design energies are expressed through our creativity, how we relate to others, how we find our place in the world, the type of vocations that interest us, and how we find meaning and fulfillment. In other words, our Design is the map of the path that has the potential to lead us to the highest expression of our purpose. Above all, your Design is intended to serve your continuing evolution.
But we can also say that who we are is the map our Human Design is meant to follow, or emulate.
Because the Chart is not the Soul. Your Human Design is not your Soul.
All of us are born with our own agenda, or soul contract. In addition, we are all impacted by multiple influences besides our Human Design. Your psychology, astrology, numerology, sociology, genetics, and upbringing are just a few of the additional influences you bring to your Human Design. Even twins raised in the same family will not have the same perceptions or experiences. Understand also that each part of the Human Design chart has a significant range for how it can express, from lower (reactive, lacking self-awareness) to higher (awareness of why the self has particular responses, and also how acting on those affects the well-being of self and others), as well as an assortment of ways from which each part’s attributes can express. Every person chooses, with awareness or not, how they will express their Design.
We each have a unique soul trajectory.
Our soul’s trajectory describes where we’ve been and who we’ve been, including how we have treated others, how others have treated us, and how we may have impacted collective history, for good or ill.
Our soul history (trajectory) affects the purpose and direction of our current lives. In other words, the dharma or life purpose that we incarnated to express and explore, and the karma we came to restore, is influenced by our previous lives. Karma is inevitable, as all actions must be brought to balance. Dharma is necessarily woven into the fabric of our lives. This is because the direction of the Universe evolves towards higher consciousness. Higher consciousness is about unity; it is not about exclusion. Exclusion always results in imbalance, inequity, suffering, and the continuing creation of karma. The agreements or soul contracts we’ve made assist us to connect to our dharma and bring us to the karmas that seek resolution. Note: None of us came in with a manual that gives us those details or outlines our authentic path, but listening to what calls to us is how we find our way.
Your life is part of an unimaginably complex tapestry.
Your life is woven into the intentions of an evolutionary field that spans the personal to the collective and beyond. Think of these intentions as written on a giant “canvas” nurtured inside the incomprehensibly boundless consciousness of the Universe. That consciousness can never be captured by a single interpretative modality or combination of modalities. The breadth of that field does not appear to be measurable, and its beginnings are enveloped in mystery.
The bottom line with how any Design will express has everything to do WITH THE SOUL that took it on for that lifetime. Again, souls are at different stages in their evolution. We have different histories; some are longer, and some are shorter. Some of us are younger souls, and some of us are older.
Our history influences the unique goals (dharma) and different obligations (karma) of our life. As you become more aware of who you are and what you came here to do, your discernment about the correct choices for you also increases.
No one can tell you why you have the life you have.
No one can say why some lives endure greater suffering than others — karma, accidents, the luck of the draw, intentional choice — who knows. There are also larger cultural forces influencing our lives, including the paradigms and assumptions about how we are supposed to live our lives. These can exert considerable pressure and knock us off our path. Still, some have it easier than others. While we can be sure that we had a hand in some of what we experienced, we will probably never know how much was our doing and how much was outside interference.
Even so, whatever is on our plate is what we must manage.
Maybe you have a sense of why you have the life you have and why you’ve had the experiences you’ve had. And you still struggle to make sense of it. The important thing is to use all your experiences to keep affirming your gifts and your path. Whether or not you choose everything that happens to you, you can know, through your experiences, what belongs to you, what is yours to do, and where you need to be.
- Why did your Soul create you? What did it want to do and experience through your life?
- Can you infer something about your dharma for this life from your talents, interests, and choices?
- What can you infer about your karma (unfinished business; drive to tie up loose ends) for this life from your challenges?
- Based on your strengths and inclinations, what do you think might be your Soul’s permanently identifiable traits — which of your traits do you think have been consistent for you from lifetime to lifetime? Hint: areas of excellence.
- What might those traits suggest about the overarching nature (and purpose) of your unique Soul?
- In what ways do you think you embody and express the unique nature of your Soul?
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