Projectors can have the biggest difficulty of all the types with navigating life. Yes, even more so than Reflectors, whose Sacral is also undefined. The Reflector aura holds energy differently, so they are not as overwhelmed as Projectors when they take in external energy. And don’t consider placing Manifestors in the same category just because they don’t have a defined Sacral! Manifestors have a motorized throat, and that’s kind of like having a Sacral. Seriously.

The Projector aura reaches out to read the energy field, and while that makes them deeply insightful, it also creates vulnerability.  It is said that a Projector’s overarching purpose is to hold the subtle body of the planet together and clear out the debris of collective energy.  Over time, in addition to living their own lives, Projectors can become deeply exhausted with this extra energy work.

The Projector Design emerged after the discovery of Uranus in 1781. A shift in the bodygraph which created two additional centers (we went from 7 to 9 centers), and which gave birth to the Projector template.  It also installed the awareness in all the types that they had sovereignty and free will. 

A Projector feels their sovereignty deeply. Because of the nature of their aura, they are especially aware of the uniqueness of all beings and the right of all beings to the tree of life, that is, to live in a manner that supports their happiness, fulfillment, and well-being. A Projector’s well-being is undermined by being too available, having too many social and professional commitments, and working too many hours. Culturally, the perceptions, paradigms, and demands of keeping body and soul together are based on the Generator’s capacity to draw from a sustainable source of energy, the defined Sacral. Unfortunately, the perception that a physical body’s energy is universally essentially the same does not apply to Projectors, and this has often resulted in unfairly judging a Projector as lazy, lost, or unable to commit.

For now, this is the prevailing perception, but the good news is that, in February of 2027, there will be a significant shift in the design of the bodygraph. That shift is called the Solar Plexus Mutation (SPM). However, only those born after that time will have the new bodygraph.

The consciousness that the Solar Plexus Mutation brings will take a while to establish its significantly humanitarian and life-sensitive perspective and philosophy. The emphasis on extreme productivity and long hours will eventually be seen for their destructive impact on bodies, minds, and creativity.  Many other things will come from the SPM, including respecting the right of animals to live in peace, i.e., not be hunted for sport or trophies, and rather than being thought of as “food,” be seen as sentient beings on their own evolutionary path.  How we understand relationships will undergo significant changes, including what marriage is about and for, understanding gender, appreciating employees as individuals who bring a great deal to a business, investing in them rather than seeing them as slave labor, and so much more.  We have much to look forward to, but in the meantime, we still have to deal with what is while we continue to press for this far more progressive vision and practice.  While we may see the beginning nuances of the Solar Plexus Mutation’s effect on politics and culture, it won’t establish deep roots for some time. We can accelerate these roots by actively participating in modeling the paradigms that honor all life and speaking out for them.

The most critical thing for you as a Projector is to take stock of your current commitments and activities and see if your energy can sustain all of them. If not, what can you walk away from?  A Projector can’t sustain Generator schedules, especially if they have been going on for too long. I know many Projectors who keep forging ahead bravely, hoping that mind over matter and staying focused will produce better results for them and will get them back some energy. But it never works out that way.  Many of them collapse and have to be carried out on a stretcher (metaphorically, but sometimes literally).

Not every Projector experiences fatigue. There is the occasional anomalous Projector whose energy is more like that of a Manifestor’s or Generator’s, but you don’t come across these unusual Projectors very often. However, because Projectors do not have a defined Sacral OR a motor to the throat, which imbues the chart (and the person) with extra energy, it is still wise for these atypical Projectors to pace themselves.

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